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View Full Version : Enemy Engaged 1.9 is out

08-11-07, 10:24 AM
For anyone that like helos. EECH with the mod pack and 1.9 exe is really good. Arneh outdid himself again!

Full changelog
Weapons modelling

Gun projectiles and unguided rockets are now affected by gravity, drag and dispersion. As a result rounds take longer to reach their target and with less accuracy.
Vikhr missiles now follow a spiral flight path
Vikhr launch racks will depress up to 12 degrees to align with target direction. This helps as the Vikhr now has very narrow launch restrictions for weapon launch.
Rockets and missiles will now only create smoke for as long as the rocket engine is burning.
Rockets adjusted to have shorter burn time and faster acceleration.
Muzzle velocity adjusted for many weapons to better match real world values.
New values for GWUT file for changing weapons drag, spiral path and seeker limits. These are included in gwut190.csv, but note that the GWUT editor (version 1.3) is not yet capable of editing these values, and will delete them from any file which contains them. So you will have to edit the file with a text editor until a new version of the GWUT editor comes out
Avionics changes

New weapons aiming avionics for ballistic weapons. See wiki article (http://www.eechcentral.com/wiki/index.php?title=Firing_guns_and_rockets) for details.
New flight MFD page, revised TADS page and added colour to many other MFD pages for Comanche.
New HUD for Comanche
New flight, TSD, radar and engine pages for Alligator. Added colour to several other pages.
DTV/LLLTV will now show a full-colour(for Comanche) or monochrome (for the others) TV view, not a IR-view.
DTV/LLLTV in Comanche and Ka-52 is now capable changing zoom level.
EO zoom level can now be changed even if EO is not active targeting system. Use CTRL + keypad +/- for this (only when manual laser/radar is enabled in eech.ini)
EO camera can now be changed even if EO is not active targeting system. Use Shift + END for this.
Campaign map changes

New relief shaded topographical campaign map
Hi-res campaign map and alternative map palette also available (campaign_map_mode and campaign_map_palette in eech.ini)
Adjustable how often enemy units update. By default the position of known enemy units are updated once every 2 minutes. Configurable by map_update_interval in eech.ini.
Fixed bug where undiscovered enemy units would show up if you just zoomed the map enough.
Campaign map in free flight mode now allows adding and moving waypoints.
External cameras

New free camera mode. Press F9 when already in chase or weapons camera view. Use mouse to pan, arrow keys or mouse wheel to move camera.
New wobbly camera option (wobbly-camera in eech.ini) for chase and weapons camera. Gives the impression of the camera being mounted in a chase plane/helicopter which is not always able to keep perfect view of object.
Chase camera allows a limited amount of movement from object being chased. Use arrow keys for this.
Smoke fixes

You can now disable the persistent smoke (persistent_smoke=0 in eech.ini). With it enabled smoke will only be created for about 10 seconds, instead of minutes.
Rockets and missiles only generate smoke as long as the rocket engine is burning.
Slightly adjusted smoke colour.
Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen with smoke.
Other changes

Fixed a problem for multiplayer/saved games where data would get corrupted
Trim does no longer affect helicopter attitude in hover hold mode.
... and probably some more changes I've forgotten to mention, and numerous bugs I haven't discovered yet http://www.simhq.com/forum/images/graemlins/default/smile.gif

08-11-07, 03:07 PM
Extreme awesomeness! I'll have to patch up EECH and take my Comanche out for a sign again! :up:

08-11-07, 05:20 PM
Are we talking about Enemy Engaged 2?

I heard it wasn't very good... Have patches fixed it? What do you guys think about it?

08-11-07, 06:04 PM

No, this is the original EECH being modded. I did not bother with Enemy Engaged 2, but it looks like most people that have tried both prefer the modded original. EECH with 1.9 exe is really great and Arneh one of the leading modders seem to come up with more and more good stuff. :up:

In the meanwhile EE2 people are hoping for a patch... same old story... :-?

I can really recommend 1.9 exe with the superpatch which give you all the mods, campaigns etc in one go. At least it will make the wait for Black Shark a bit easier. ;)

cheers Poprhy

08-11-07, 06:07 PM
Read more about 1.9 exe and EECH modding here at simhq (http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2279450&page=1#Post2279450)

cheers Porphy

08-11-07, 07:28 PM
Thanks bud!