View Full Version : Renown Basics

06-29-07, 12:11 PM
This is useful information from the SH3 community manual in case you missed it.

Renown Basics
Renown is the measure of the success of your patrols in Career mode.
You earn renown by:
Reaching your patrol zone
Patrolling for 24 hours
Sinking enemy ships
Shooting down enemy planes
Returning to your base at patrol end, instead of using the ESCAPE key to "return to port" in mid-patrol. When you're within 30 kilometers of your base and hit the ESCAPE key, you will then be offered the option to "Dock at: base". You do not have to travel the last mile and dock in the U-boat pen.
You lose renown by:
Sinking friendly ships. Sinking a friendly ship will penalize your renown by a factor of ten times such a ship's renown value. Keep it up and SH3 will toss you out of the Kriegsmarine.
Sinking neutral ships (http://www.subsim.com/shiii/index.php/Sinking_neutral_ships). Neutral ships will cost you the same renown amount that you would earn for sinking the equivalent enemy ship. Armed neutral ships will also begin firing on you. As with sinking friendly ships, sinking neutrals can lead to the end of your career in the Kriegsmarine.

You do not lose renown for skipping your patrol grid square. It is just a place to earn points if you visit it. It is not required of you to go there or stay there.
You will not see the renown you've earned in your current patrol until you've returned to base.
Renown can be used to upgrade to a new type of U-boat, purchase upgraded conning towers, radios, or guns, or to enlist more experienced sailors and officers.
The renown value for each ship can be found by looking at the .cfg file for the ship in the SilentHunterIII/data/Sea/shipname/ directory.
[edit (http://www.subsim.com/shiii/index.php?title=Renown&action=edit&section=2)]
Renown and Realism
The renown you receive for sinking enemy ships is also affected by your Realism %. You will earn more renown for playing at a higher Realism %.
The formula for calculating renown (http://www.subsim.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=36293) (http://www.subsim.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=36293), per ship, is:
base ship renown value (see below) * ( (0.75 * realism %) + 0.25 ).
Therefore, At 100% realism, you will receive full renown credit for every ship that you sink and at 0% realism, you will receive 25% of the renown credit for every ship.
[edit (http://www.subsim.com/shiii/index.php?title=Renown&action=edit&section=3)]
Renown per academy\objective
Scoring highest score on navigation training in academy = 500
Scoring highest score on deck gun training in academy = 1000
Scoring highest score on flak training in academy = 600
Scoring highest score on torpedo training in academy = 300
Scoring highest score on convoy attack training in academy = 1645
Reaching patrolgrid: = 500
Patroling patrolgrid for 24 hours = 200
Docking at home port = 100
[edit (http://www.subsim.com/shiii/index.php?title=Renown&action=edit&section=4)]
Renown per ship
King George Battleship = 1500
Nelson Battleship = 1400
Revenge Battleship = 1100
Illustrious Carrier = 900
Hipper Carrier = 760
Bogue Carrier = 560
Casablanca Carrier = 420
AuxiliaryCruiser = 420
Fiji Class Cruiser = 430
Dido Class Cruiser = 225
Fletcher Destroyer = 150
Somers Destroyer = 140
Tribal Destroyer = 140
C & D Destroyer = 130
J Class Destroyer = 130
Soldati Destroyer = 130
Buckley Class Destroyer = 130
J.C. Butler Class Destroyer = 130
River Class Destroyer Escort = 130
Black Swan Frigate = 125
Evarts Destroyer = 120
Clemson Destroyer = 120
Hunt I Destroyer = 120
Hunt II Destroyer = 120
Hunt III Destroyer = 120
V&W Class Destroyer = 120
Flower Corvette = 120
Armed Trawler = 30
Elco Torpedoboat = 20
Passenger Liner = 870
Troop Transport = 390
T3 Tanker = 340
T2 Tanker = 320
C3 Cargo = 240
Victory Cargo = 230
Liberty Cargo = 220
Landing Ship Tank = 220
C2 Cargo = 190
Small Tanker = 125
Small Merchant = 70
Coastal Merchant = 60
TugBoat = 30
Trawler = 20
Small Coastal Vessel = 20
Fishingboat = 20
[edit (http://www.subsim.com/shiii/index.php?title=Renown&action=edit&section=5)]
Renown per aeroplane
Hurricane = 20
B24 = 100
Wellington = 70
Sunderland = 70
PBY = 70
Avenger = 50
Swordfish = 20

06-29-07, 12:19 PM
More from the SH3 community manual and very useful information for starting a new career.

Moored capital ships (spoiler)
Below are the dates and locations of moored capital ships, extracted from the game data files and listed in chronological order. Note that the dates only seem approximate.
1939/09/15 - 1939/10/10, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1939/10/04 - 1939/10/14, Battleship Revenge, Scapa Flow
1939/11/01 - 1940/01/05, Battleship Nelson, Loch Ewe
1939/11/05 - 1939/12/05, Battleship Revenge, Loch Ewe
1940/03/01 - 1940/05/01, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/03/07 - 1940/04/25, Aircraft Carrier Illustrious, Scapa Flow
1940/04/01 - 1940/06/01, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/05/17 - 1945/01/01, Fiji Light Cruiser, Loch Ewe
1940/05/24 - 1940/06/30, Dido Light Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/12/11 - 1940/12/31, Battleship King George V, Scapa Flow
1941/02/01 - 1941/02/17, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1941/02/10 - 1941/03/20, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1941/03/15 - 1945/04/30, Fiji Light Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1942/02/03 - 1942/02/28, Battleship King George V, Scapa Flow
1942/02/15 - 1943/09/03, Aircraft Carrier Illustrious, Loch Ewe

06-29-07, 12:36 PM
great post!

10-01-22, 02:15 PM
More from the SH3 community manual and very useful information for starting a new career.

Moored capital ships (spoiler)
Below are the dates and locations of moored capital ships, extracted from the game data files and listed in chronological order. Note that the dates only seem approximate.
1939/09/15 - 1939/10/10, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1939/10/04 - 1939/10/14, Battleship Revenge, Scapa Flow
1939/11/01 - 1940/01/05, Battleship Nelson, Loch Ewe
1939/11/05 - 1939/12/05, Battleship Revenge, Loch Ewe
1940/03/01 - 1940/05/01, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/03/07 - 1940/04/25, Aircraft Carrier Illustrious, Scapa Flow
1940/04/01 - 1940/06/01, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/05/17 - 1945/01/01, Fiji Light Cruiser, Loch Ewe
1940/05/24 - 1940/06/30, Dido Light Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1940/12/11 - 1940/12/31, Battleship King George V, Scapa Flow
1941/02/01 - 1941/02/17, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1941/02/10 - 1941/03/20, Auxiliary Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1941/03/15 - 1945/04/30, Fiji Light Cruiser, Scapa Flow
1942/02/03 - 1942/02/28, Battleship King George V, Scapa Flow
1942/02/15 - 1943/09/03, Aircraft Carrier Illustrious, Loch Ewe

It’s HIGH RISK but HIGH REWARD if you go to Gibraltar. The update would look like this:
1941/02/07 - 1941/08/10, Battleship Nelson, Gibraltar
1941/02/07 - 1941/08/10, Southhampton Cruisers (x2), London Cruiser, Dorsetshire Cruiser, Gibraltar

They keep these ships at anchor and they DO respawn…:Kaleun_Cheers:

10-01-22, 03:14 PM
Clcrum!:Kaleun_Salute: on the surface after a 4-year 'silent run'!:Kaleun_Salute:

10-03-22, 08:52 AM
I think you forgot one:

HMS Renown = 1000000 points
