View Full Version : Storm of War: BoB: alter history?

06-25-07, 12:47 PM
I read somewhere that you may be able to alter history with this game? IE Luftwaffe wins the Battle of Britain? Is this true? It will give a more exciting pace of the game, I think, both flying as the RAF and Luftwaffe.
Also, at EB games, the release date is still slated at 3 July... YUT!
I hope my pooter can handle this game. :smug:

Edit: Is there a homepage for this sim?

06-25-07, 01:13 PM
If the Luftwaffe wins the Battle of Britain in that sim, it won't be altering history, that will be performing a miracle :rotfl: They had almost no chance at all of ever winning it (after all, they didn't even want to fight it in the first place), still, it would be fun to try I suppose. But if you can win it relatively easily, then it would tend to point out that it is not that historically accurate, so let's hope not.

BTW, Play.com has it slated for a late August release, but I suspect they will release it on the 15th of September, as it would be entirely appropriate, that being Battle of Britain Day, even though I'd prefer it sooner, so let's hope your July date is the correct one!

You can find a few screenshots for it via UBI's site and there are one or two interviews with the dev kicking about, one of which worryingly has Oleg stating that he thinks the AI doesn't need improving much beyond that of IL2. I certainly hope he changes his mind on that score.

:D Chock

06-25-07, 02:15 PM
I played as Luftwaffe. I won.

It wasn't actually that horridly hard, either. I came up with good coordinated strike patterns and brought the RAF down in the space of two months (the first of which I was mostly preoccupied with convoys and airfields near the coast) :hmm:

06-25-07, 03:11 PM
You can do the same in CF3, I won the Battle of Britain for Germany as we invaded England and again in Fortress Europe 1943. I have to say I never done it in Europe 1945 Campaign I always lost, that is until today. No not a win but an Armistice.

See my CF1,2 and 3 thread.

06-25-07, 03:14 PM
Yeah, the 1943 campaign in CFS3 always turns out to be different. In the campaign I play now (as a british pilot) D-day started in march 1943 and in Holland too! Not quite what the history books tells us right?:know:

06-25-07, 03:18 PM
Spot on Biggles, your performance and where you fly and what targets all play it's part. I remembered playing the Allies and we landed in two areas in Europe and the Germans landed in England. :lol: