View Full Version : External Reserves

06-13-07, 10:12 PM
Hi, ive bene playing SH3 and I noticed i have external reserves on some of the subs, but when i shoot all my torps from the normal holding area, they run out and the ones in the external reserves can not be placed for reloading... does anyone know how to load these puppies up? Thanks

06-13-07, 10:27 PM
I think you have to be surfaced, not under attack, not rigged for silent running and it should do it.

not 100% on that


06-13-07, 10:35 PM
must have empty spaces on board the boat for externals

must have silent running OFF

must be surfaced

1. place crewmen in the room you plan to load externals into.
2. go to the screen with the external reserves
3. click and drag the externals into an empty spot on the boat
4. the crew will begin the work for loading them, it will take about an hour

for max realism...

load only in daylight

load only in calm waters without rain/storms etc

load only when stopped on the surface - not while moving

wait until the bow tubes have finished before moving onto the stern tubes (ie. dont load fore and aft externals at the same time)

06-13-07, 11:58 PM
I think you have to have a watch crew on duty too. If you hold the mouse pointer over the external reserve and it is being transferred to internal reserves it should say how long is left. If you don't see the time left, then its not happening.

Wouldn't it rock if you could see the guys on deck loading the reserves while it was in progress... and also you couldn't submerge while reloading was in progress? (I don't know for sure but I imagine that is what RL was like)

imagine being caught on the surface by some planes in the middle of reloading. Would sure make you more careful about where and when you loaded external reserves:D

06-14-07, 01:13 AM
This is what loading/reloading looked like.....not really a good moment to dive with the hatch open!

06-14-07, 02:26 AM
Where was the crane rigged? That shot looks like it was taken dockside.:hmm: other wise the photographer was standing in a liferaft or on another boat.

06-14-07, 04:15 AM
Perhaps a milchcow was tied up alongside? The torpedo would be a resupply and the photographer could be on the supply boat?

06-14-07, 04:33 AM
or his camera was on a boom? any number of possibilities... but SH3 simulates this event quite poorly.

i agree... i think there should be men on deck loading the actual torpedo... it shouldnt be just some magical event.

06-14-07, 04:43 AM
I also think the pic was taken dockside.....I posted it only to show what the open hatch looks like.

There is a nice description about reloading external reserves from another U-Boat...they floated the eels from one sub to another by putting 10 or 11 life vests around them....the recipient put its decks awash in order let the torps float gently above it.....when in the right place the boat surfaces and another eel can be hoisted onboard!

They repeated this procedure a couple of times....when they wanted to transfer the last torpedo, they found that the life vests had deflated.....the torp was too heavy and sunk to the bottom...

Nicely described with lots of pictures in : U boat war patrol...the hidden photographic diary of U-564

06-14-07, 06:34 AM
Cool story. I wasn't critisising the photo, just commenting it didn't appear to be a shot of an external load whilst at sea. I would assume any photo's that exist of that event would be from the bridge or the casing forward of the hatch to keep the photographer out of the way.

06-14-07, 07:57 AM
Welcome aboard Kaleun Craze487 :arrgh!:

There are some photos here :up:


http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://uboat.net/men/crew/images/torpedo_4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://uboat.net/men/crew/torpedo.htm&h=305&w=450&sz=20&hl=en&start=7&um=1&t bnid=DZyr-25vwnoJcM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3DU-boat%2Btorpedo%2Bloading%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26h l%3Den%26sa%3DN (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://uboat.net/men/crew/images/torpedo_4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://uboat.net/men/crew/torpedo.htm&h=305&w=450&sz=20&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=DZyr-25vwnoJcM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3DU-boat%2Btorpedo%2Bloading%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26h l%3Den%26sa%3DN)

06-14-07, 08:55 PM
That worked guys, Thanks alot

06-15-07, 04:14 AM
That's the easy bit :yep: .....now you gotta find something to sink ;) :up:

06-15-07, 05:12 PM
Well, reloading in a storm in SH3 is very possible. If you look at the pictures above I do not think that that is realistic and very simple. The more when the reload proces stops when you dive you sub.