View Full Version : Gae crashes when i click "submerged cruise mode"

06-13-07, 09:21 PM
In the damage control windows F7 :( I happens everytime, it crashes to desktop. I'm running windows XP media centre on a dual core 2.4Ghz (that is 2x 2.4Ghz processing power) with 2 gigabytes SDRAM. I'm running GWX 1.3 (latest) with SH3 Commander (latest) and the only extra mods i'm using are: "My favorite dials" and "Gree tactical" for the fact you can't see the white letters in the white tactical background (the shading in stack and GXW was removed in "my favorite dials" an otherwise excelent mod and essencial too if you like to play realisticly).
Once i move the crew around a bit and click "submerged cruise mode" again it doesnt crash anymore. I thought the problem was solved until a moment later it happened again. I'm not sure that's after a load but i may not be the case. I've tried creating a new save in case my file was corrupt saving a few more times under different names, to no effect.
Has anyone else have this problem? Another thing btw, i takes a full 3 minutes loading the game for me and a full minute to enter the game! Can i improve this? I know my processors are not that powerful but they are two! Maybe if it was possible to activate the dual core with SH3. Please help!

06-13-07, 11:17 PM
Those crew buttons have been buggy since stock release
Some ppl get CTD others dont
I rarely use them even though have never had a problem

06-14-07, 12:33 AM
It's better if you hit "C" and after a while adjust your depth and the speed of your boat. Try not to use those buttons, because as bigboywooly told you, sometimes they cause CTD and others they don't. ;)

06-14-07, 01:16 AM
Make it a habit of not using them. it takes more time to move the individual sailors around, but you'll get use to it.

06-15-07, 01:55 AM
Thank you for the replies. It never happened again since. Odd... About the loading times, can i do anything about it?

06-15-07, 03:52 AM
All I know is that it takes at least ten minutes to start and load a save game, just have a good book next to the comp. Or the Donald Duck.

06-15-07, 04:17 AM
Still it's well worth it. I love SH3 GWX, i think the guys did an excelent work, the community rocks. Thanks, i'm closing thread now.