View Full Version : Anyway to determine who is pinging you?

06-08-07, 05:26 AM
So, I want to narrow my profile to the escort which is pinging me ... but which escort? It doesn't seem that using the hydrophone enables you to identify the source of the pings. Of course, if only one is close, then it is probably the close one. But if there is close, then which is it?


06-08-07, 05:30 AM
Usually the one that heads for you and drops DC's............:lol:

06-08-07, 05:36 AM
I believe SHCE used to flash the red line of the pinger.

I would imagine that you should be able to determine the pinger via the hydrophone. In Sub Command, you can mark active contacts by the fact the signal strength varies based on the bearing that you listen on. Oh, well ...

06-08-07, 06:06 AM
I remember reading about a contraption on a Pacific Fleet boat that used lights to pin point where depth charges were exploding in relation to your the boat. It was supposed to pin point them. The contraption always lit up like a Christmas tree. :doh:

06-08-07, 09:23 AM
Since you can track 3 escorts at once (i think it was you who posted that useful little trick) it won't be too difficult to do as long as the SO is tracking the pinging escort. I can't distinguish between contacs closing and moving away, but the SO can inform you about this, wether by "track nearest warship" or "report on nearest warship" commands.

So, since the DD that's pinging is the one that usually comes on a DC run at you, you just need to spot the one that keeps a steady bearing and is closing in, then turn so as to place him at a bearing of 180. The SO will lose contact, but you can still hear him if you manually operate the hydrophone and by doing so his bearing/distance line will also be updated on the nav map (if you haven't disabled sonar lines).

The other DDs will be circling and listening in, while one will be pinging to get a decent fix and make a DC attack. If you want, play a patrol/mission with external cameras enabled and it will help you get a feel for this.

For example, on my first GWX patrol i attacked a task force containing 2 light cruisers and an illustrious class carrier. I sunk the carrier, then it was ahead full and course changes to put some distance between me and the launch point before the escorts were all over me. It kind of worked since only 3 out of 6 escorts were looking for me. Now i like the eye candy so i play with external views on and after i managed to get somewhat away from the escorts using hydrophones i sat and watched them.

As all 3 of them are circling your estimated position, two suddenly stop and start listening in (those b@$tards triangulate, amazing :up:). The third one turns straight for you and starts pinging, then the DCs come. After he makes his run, he stops to listen and one of the others starts pinging and making his attack, taking turns at this until you are dead or they lose you.

Luckily, i was deep enough that they misjudged my depth. I remember reading somewhere that sonar (at least early war, not sure about later) may give them a bearing and distance, but that distance is a straight line measure. They can't differentiate between the horizontal (separation) and vertical (depth) components of your position. I had them drop right on top of me more than once (pressed F12 and saw a destroyer dropping DCs) and i received no damage at all since they fused for the wrong depth.