View Full Version : info needed

05-31-07, 08:32 AM
HI captains
i have 2 questions
1/ whats the difference between gwx and gwx-ta
2/when i had installed sh3 (without gwx) and i was submerged at the surface there was a "circle with an arrow" pointing the sub movement.that was on all subs except ixd2.
now with gwx viib and viic that i have used they dont appear that pointer. i think that dev team made that so the game be more realistik. but what file does that and which way may i mod that file?
thanks;) :ping:

05-31-07, 08:36 AM
1)I'm not going there but someone will.:88)

2)The file you are refering to is the UMark.tga, you can find it by using windows search and replacing it with the one available here - http://files.filefront.com/UMarktga/;6543635;/fileinfo.html This will re-enable the 'floaty arrow'.:up: