View Full Version : BUG: deck gun ammo

05-25-07, 08:47 PM
I just returned to port from a very satisfying, and stimulating patrol. I had just been thinking yesterday, it would be nice to bag a capitol ship, especially an aircraft carrier. so far i hadn't seen one, but hope was high, as the war was only a few weeks old.

my second patrol orders were to sail to the east china sea, and engage any hostiles. i found a small convoy before long, and picked off its two largest merchants before slipping away in the darkness. dawn brought new suprises. i made sonar contact with a task force, and decided to wait for them, to see if there was in fact anything worth shooting at. indeed, my patience was soon rewarded. the sought after (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=silhouette&spell=1) silhouette of a flattop came over the horizon. then another....and another. soon there were six. 2 fleet, and 4 escort. let loose the dogs of war. fifteen minutes later, i was down to only a few aft torpedoes, and the jap navy was missing 2 fleet carriers, 2 escort carriers, and a heavy cruiser. the other two escorts had taken serious damage, but managed to limp away with several DD's protecting them.

satisfied with an overall patrol tonnage of over 130,000 tins, i set course back to pearl to refit.

on route, i encountered several lone merchants, of various sizes, and thought it was a good chance to practice some old fashioned gunnery skills.

here is where i ran into a problem, and thus this post.

when i ran out of AP rounds, i was informed we were out of ALL deck gun ammo. WTF. i still had 60+ rounds of HE.

anyone else seen this BUG? i am guessing if i switched rounds before completion, it would have been ok...but i was not too impressed.

(i aslo got some great screenies)

05-26-07, 06:47 AM
no one cares about this issue?

05-26-07, 07:30 AM
I'm still in disbelief that a single sub could sink 4 carriers on 1 patrol.

Anyway, regarding the deck gun. Couldn't you just manually take over the gun and change the ammo type yourself?? That's what I do.

05-26-07, 07:40 AM
After AP ran out you did you click on the HE shell icon to switch over and it still didn't work? I've read about some bugs with the deck gun if you put it on the bow but thats all I know relative to this one.

I supose its plausible you could sink 4 carriers. Manual says they have a torpedo life(number of torps needed to bring them down) of 5 for large carriers and 3 for escorts. So that accounts for approx. 16 of your 24 fish. if you were in any sub but the S-class or P-class. I've never had the privilege of seeing one carrier let alone 4 though, but then again thats me, not you.

05-26-07, 08:34 AM
I'm still in disbelief that a single sub could sink 4 carriers on 1 patrol.

Anyway, regarding the deck gun. Couldn't you just manually take over the gun and change the ammo type yourself?? That's what I do.

Theres your answer :up:

05-26-07, 08:56 AM
Use my mod (KillerSub, see my signature) and you'll never be out of ammo :arrgh!::roll:

05-26-07, 04:21 PM
Couldn't you just manually take over the gun and change the ammo type yourself??

yes, but thats not the point. when i exhauted all the rounds of one type, all types were gone. i used all the AP rounds, and instead of loading an HE, it just told me there were no rounds at all. that the problem. i got ripped off. seemed like a bug.

and i agree, i was really lucky to see 6 carriers in one group. the task force also had 2 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and a bunch of DD's.

the carriers went down with 2 shots each. in the bow, or stern. one blew up rather violently, another just filled with water and sank. 2 of the smaller ones got away.

i took lots of pics, cause i knew it would be hard to believe. i would post them if i knew how. do i need to host them somewhere?

05-26-07, 10:48 PM

Frank Smith
06-15-07, 08:24 PM
SH4 v1.1 - since patch 1.2 does not work for me (too many problems to talk about).. my complaint is after transfer to Brisbane, no matter how many times I go to Marshal Is. I can never complete that patrol, & I can never get a REFIT of Ammo .. either AA or Deck gun. Torps is OK.
1. How do you finish the Marshal Is patrol... currently over 150,000 tons of shipping, NO AA ammo, no deck gun Ammo. I think 5 times to Marshal Is patrol is enough.
2. What do you do to get a REFIT of Ammo.

06-15-07, 08:39 PM
The CVs go down with one, sometimes 2 hits. Every time. One usually does it if you are willing to wait a few minutes for it to roll over.