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View Full Version : Help! I'm stuck on my best patrol!

05-12-07, 07:57 AM

In my first patrol commanding USS Balao, I was ordered to patrol a area in Solomon Sea and to engage merchant shipping in the area. The problem is: When I was done patroling that area, I detected a HUGE task force, and found out that the Yamato was on it... I followed it for almost one week, and after sinking 13 ships (including Yamato, 2 other battleships, 2 light cruisers, 5 destroyers...) I went back to Brisbane (my home port).
When I got there, I found out that I couldn't end my patrol because the "engage enemy merchant shipping" objective wasn't completed, so I went back to the patrol area (after refiting), and sunk 3 medium sized merchant.
Back to Brisbane again, I got the same result, even with that objetive done.

What can I do to end this patrol? Is there a way to do it via any campaing file?
Thanks for your help!

Kant Schwimm
05-12-07, 08:09 AM
Its no biggy if you dont complete your objective, I think you lose 100 renown at the most.
Personally with the tonnage you have there i'd cut and run for home:yep:

05-12-07, 08:39 AM
I dont suspect its the mission objective thats the issue. You can end a mission and never complete a single one. Looks more like your home port may have changed. If so, and you missed the message, you may have to open your savegave file and see where "home" got moved to. Then transit to there - should let you dock and end.

05-12-07, 09:01 AM
I'm kinda in the same boat, so to speak. Do I open up the CareerTrack.UPC file in my most recent SaveGame file and find the new home port there? On my second mission I had left Manila but it appears the Japanese have overrun the entire area on 12-24-41 and I missed the message of where my new base is. By looking at this file it appears it is now Surabaya.

Just wanted to say these forums have been a HUGE help to a SH4 newbie. I played some SH3 before the twins were born but my career got cut short. ;) Thanks to all the helpful members of the community and the Mod-makers for putting forth the effort. Here's to 1.3 (I think it will come **crosses fingers**) and all the fixes it will hopefully bring! :up:

05-12-07, 09:32 AM
Indeed theres this nasty little bug where subpac changes your homebase but neglects to tell you.

As mentioned above you can look at your save games to find out what your home port is.

This thread gives a full description. : http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=113040&highlight=home+port

05-12-07, 09:34 AM
Thanks for posting guys:arrgh!: I'll post the results soon (*crosses fingers*)

05-12-07, 03:01 PM
I found out that my new base was Freemantle, so I sailed there and finally ended my patrol: I won 3 medals, and I was waiting for tons of renown BUT.... they said: "Your submarine class is being retired blablabla" (it was my first patrol on USS Balao on 1943:shifty:) and they decided to kick me of Silent Service too:o:o:o What the hell?!? 50k tons per patrol average and 165k on this one and they just "fire" me?

Is there a way to stop them from dismissing me after I dock? There must be something out of place here!

Please help:cry:

05-12-07, 03:43 PM
Well, there are three retirement "issues":

1. You are beached after five or six war patrols. This is a FEATURE and is an attempt to simulate actual submarine skipper careers.

2. You are beached after one patrol in a brand new sub. This is a BUG. This occurs after taking command of a new sub class before it was historically available.

3. You are beached after three or four war patrols. This occurs when a player takes an older boat class as his starting boat. When that boat class is retired, so are you, regardless if you are still in that class. This is a BUG and can be confused with issue #1.

I think I've gotten that right...

It sounds like you found issue #2. I'm not sure it's possible to modify mid-patrol, assuming you have a previous save-game you can revert to.