View Full Version : "Ramming" DDs...

05-01-07, 06:02 PM
You know the moment when the DD is coming your way very very fast to drop depth charges on you. If you are placed toward him or your back is placed toward him then all you have to do is lower your periscope, set the depth to periscope depth +7m (if your periscope depth is 60m then set your depth to 53m) and set full speed toward him. He will ram your tower and mostlikely blow up after that. You will not receive any damaga because...your tower is kinda indestructible (only your AA might be damaged).
The trick doesnt work when you try to ram a ship (your speed could be way to slow) or a bigger ship tries to ram you (they prolly have harder hull...and they dont go as fast as DDs)

05-01-07, 06:05 PM
If only the World War Two submarine skippers had know that:damn:

05-01-07, 06:06 PM
Sadly at the moment, DDs will destroy themselves when they ram your sub.
This will need to be fixed by the devs....


05-01-07, 06:06 PM
Good one :know:

05-01-07, 08:43 PM
Odd... I thought this was fixed in 1.2? I seem to recall reading that they beefed up the bow armor on all escorts to keep that from happening. In fact - people were complaining that DD's would take a Down the Throat 0 angle shot and the torp would detonate under the bow - and the DD kept coming. I avoid 0 angle shots whenever possible - but if someone can replicate this with 1.2 the "fix" might not be working. Thanks!
Good Hunting!
Captain Haplo

05-01-07, 09:10 PM
Yep, it still happens in v1.2

05-01-07, 10:19 PM
Odd... I thought this was fixed in 1.2? I seem to recall reading that they beefed up the bow armor on all escorts to keep that from happening. In fact - people were complaining that DD's would take a Down the Throat 0 angle shot and the torp would detonate under the bow - and the DD kept coming. I avoid 0 angle shots whenever possible - but if someone can replicate this with 1.2 the "fix" might not be working. Thanks!
Good Hunting!
Captain Haplo

It's not that they die because they received a hit into the bow. From my obserwations they die because:
when they hit me in tower with their bow they are going up and me - down.
then they are falling down and Im comming up hitting them with my tower right in the middle
Thats why they die.

And yes, 0 angle torpedo in a bow do nothing or almoust nothing to ships.

05-01-07, 10:22 PM
Well just a base observation.

Given the moment of inertia, mass, and other vairables.

The DD's "should" tear you a new butt hole.

Oh well its still a good game.

Dont do that.

05-01-07, 10:54 PM
Does it count towards your tally??