View Full Version : Stay back 6.2 meters! I have a Ham Sandwich!

04-25-07, 04:07 PM
I'm not afraid to use it!


I wonder how many HAM Sandwiches have been consumed at that table before these Muslims got there?

I wonder what the Muslim fashion of cleansing one's soul of being near a Ham sandwich is?
Maybe strapping on explosives and killing more infideles than can eat a Ham at Thanksgiving? I really don't care just was stirring the pot... so to speak.

I wonder how many Muslims have been closer than 6.2 meters to ham and don't know it?:hmm:

04-25-07, 04:19 PM
WTF? ABout all I have to say about this. I think I will be writing a letter on this one! I do not want this kind of crap in my country. We already have a front row seat to the UK, and I don't want to become part of the act!


PS. Never mind - it is not an actual news story.

04-25-07, 04:28 PM
I plan on making "Islamic Terrorist Shield Generators"

Then selling them on Ebay!!!!!!!!!!:up: :up: :up:


Another strange thing..... Why did the Muslim kid look in the bag?

04-25-07, 04:35 PM
Another strange thing..... Why did the Muslim kid look in the bag?


04-25-07, 04:38 PM

try this then

it states muslims aint normal

maybe this


04-25-07, 04:43 PM
Are you sure, have you read them?

gah, I'm just not bothered

04-25-07, 04:47 PM
Are you sure, have you read them?

gah, I'm just not bothered

Yeah! I read 'em...

I just read another where childern will be taught not to leave loaded ham sandwiches around where muslims will find them and possible hurt someone.

04-25-07, 05:06 PM

Here's another...........

I... I dunno... a freakin ham-sandwich... soon these Muslims will want grocery stores to be redesigned to suite them and their pork phobia.

04-25-07, 07:46 PM
Do I sense a bit of racial generalization here?

waste gate
04-25-07, 07:56 PM
Do I sense a bit of racial generalization here?

Only on your part my friend. If you see racism in it then I'd have to say you are the racist.

04-25-07, 07:59 PM
@ wastegate
soon these Muslims will want grocery stores to be redesigned to suite them and their pork phobia. That sounds pretty bitter and racially directed.

And did I say racism? I thought I just said generalization.

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 02:20 AM
soon these Muslims will want grocery stores to be redesigned to suite them and their pork phobia.
In the meantime............... (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17665989/).

04-26-07, 02:26 AM
Regarding the link posted by AL, would Jewish people be so picky? I have to say, it is pretty stupid on the other hand to tease kids like that, would it be right to smear a ham sandwich over the face of a Muslim, (or Jewish) kid, like I recall some kids did a long time ago with a kid who didn't eat meat.

04-26-07, 02:31 AM
Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of... transferring to other nearby stores.
What would that accomplish?

However, I didn't read anything in that article that states anything unreasonable on the part of the muslims involved. I didn't see a "we demand they remove pork" remark. So far as I can tell that seems perfectly rasonable so long as they are willing to take responsibility for their stipulations, ie. accepting other positions or wearing gloves.

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 02:32 AM
Another strange thing..... Why did the Muslim kid look in the bag?

Look here (http://www.sunjournal.com/story/209395-3/LewistonAuburn/Author_of_fake_article_puzzled/).

What's published in the Asscoiated Content article is indeed parody. But author Nicholas Plagman bases his parody on this true story (http://www.sunjournal.com/story/208385-3/LewistonAuburn/Hate_incident_in_city/).

If you'll read carefully, the first link article about Plagman states:
"Earlier this month, he found a story about a middle school student in Lewiston accused of harassing a Somali classmate by placing a ham on the table in the school cafeteria.

The incident has been labeled by some as a hate crime. To Plagman, that was just absurd enough to write about with his own blend of exaggeration. So he embellished quotes and attributed them to a school superintendent, a man who runs the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence, and a Somali student.

Plagman defended his decision to quote real people as saying things they never uttered. It is part of the parody process, he said.

"Has anyone noticed that the first half of every quote is real?" Plagman said."
Frankly, this is just one incident of many over the last decade or so.

Anyway, this incident may have been worse than expected had the sandwich been an HLT. To quote this article (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003675519_iraqsplit21.html):
"American commanders cite al-Qaida's severe brand of Islam, which is so extreme that in Baqouba, al-Qaida has warned street vendors not to place tomatoes beside cucumbers because the vegetables are different genders, Col. David Sutherland said."
Now I know why fridges come with 2 veggy bins on the bottom. :roll:

04-26-07, 02:38 AM
I wouldn't call it a hate crime, but certainly its an atrociously mean thing for a kid to do. Anyone that's doing that to a person has issues they need to hash out. :down:

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 02:43 AM
Regarding the link posted by AL, would Jewish people be so picky?
I admit I wouldn't care to work with pork products but there's no Jewish prohibition against it.

And if there was? I'd just have to learn to live with it. That's how I was brought up.
I have to say, it is pretty stupid on the other hand to tease kids like that, would it be right to smear a ham sandwich over the face of a Muslim, (or Jewish) kid, like I recall some kids did a long time ago with a kid who didn't eat meat.
Your recollection is important. I can think of things 1000 times worse that we read about high school age kids doing to each other. But the response here is absurdly disproportionate. And to actually think that this can be legally construed as a hate crime?
However, I didn't read anything in that article that states anything unreasonable on the part of the muslims involved.
I didn't say otherwise. Read it solely in the context of my reply quoting U-533 about grocery stores.

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 02:49 AM
I wouldn't call it a hate crime, but certainly its an atrociously mean thing for a kid to do. Anyone that's doing that to a person has issues they need to hash out. :down:
Is it so "atrocious" that this should even have reached the press? Ask yourself why it did.

To quote Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer (http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/016136.php) (you knew I would eventually):

"You know, I hated middle school too. Children treated each other horribly every day. I remember one time some idiot spit into sandwich of some guy who had walked away from the table. It it is an age at which children can be especially cruel and brutal. But the sandwich-spitter was the same race as his victim, and it was a (marginally) saner time, so that story didn't end up in the newspaper.

This culture of softness and victimization is no good for anyone. Obviously we are on the way to treating Muslims as a privileged class, around whom everyone else must tiptoe, so that they are protected from all possible offense, even offenses committed by boorish prankster schoolchildren.

I also wonder if these Somali students would prefer a ham steak on their table, or life in Mogadishu. As I recall there were incidents in Nazi Germany in which Jews were beaten and forced to eat bacon. Those were hate crimes. Ham steak on a table in a lunchroom? Come on."

04-26-07, 02:55 AM
Look - i dont like the article originally posted, in the sense that it pokes fun at a religions.. distaste for a particular product. Whilst i find it a strange aspect to islam, i dont understand the reasons behind it and so wont poke fun at it - certainly not to the extent of referring to cucumbers and tomatoes..:down:

However. If a strict muslim, well any muslim really, is going to live in a society where it is commonplace, it is something they must adjust to. Travel advice here for instance, when travelling to somewhere like malaysia for instance (a popular destination) advises us strongly to dress modestly, particularly women. Most people respect that, and do so. It is the same thing, It is for want of a better term "customary" for western people's diet to consist of pork-related products, those who are not of the background need to accept and adjust to that.

04-26-07, 03:01 AM

Here's another...........

I... I dunno... a freakin ham-sandwich... soon these Muslims will want grocery stores to be redesigned to suite them and their pork phobia.

However. If a strict muslim, well any muslim really, is going to live in a society where it is commonplace, it is something they must adjust to. Travel advice here for instance, when travelling to somewhere like malaysia for instance (a popular destination) advises us strongly to dress modestly, particularly women. Most people respect that, and do so. It is the same thing, It is for want of a better term "customary" for western people's diet to consist of pork-related products, those who are not of the background need to accept and adjust to that.
The story doesnt pertain to muslims adapting to western society. It pertains to kids bullying muslim kids for their religion. Sure its something kids are going to do, and it did get blown out of proportion. But the kids who did it do deserve to get reprimanded in my sincere opinion. This would of not even come close to making it to this forum if it was any other religious affiliation.

Picture being jewish and sitting with your jewish friends at lunch in a public school.....get the picuture? Same thing.

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 03:02 AM
Picture being jewish and sitting with your jewish friends at lunch in a public school.....get the picuture? Same thing.
Yep. A reprimand. Not national coverage. Nor a day in court.

04-26-07, 03:09 AM
However, I didn't read anything in that article that states anything unreasonable on the part of the muslims involved. I didn't say otherwise. Read it solely in the context of my reply quoting U-533 about grocery stores. Certainly you are correct. My response is also in relation to the implication of muslims demanding unreasonable changes. In your link it proves that they are as reasonable as anyone else in many cases.

04-26-07, 03:11 AM
Hmm, with the litigious environment some of us live in, I'm not surprised this became a "hate crime". More a case of stupidity, over-reaction, and a slow news day

The Avon Lady
04-26-07, 03:29 AM
However, I didn't read anything in that article that states anything unreasonable on the part of the muslims involved. I didn't say otherwise. Read it solely in the context of my reply quoting U-533 about grocery stores. Certainly you are correct. My response is also in relation to the implication of muslims demanding unreasonable changes. In your link it proves that they are as reasonable as anyone else in many cases.
To which I repeat: in the meantime.

But here's some recent food for thought on such changes:




http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23393028-details/Polygamous%20husbands%20can%20claim%20cash%20for%2 0their%20harems/article.do









All from just the past few weeks alone and an incomplete listing at that.

Many years ago I would have thought that all of these are parodies. Not any more.

04-26-07, 03:50 AM
I don't see what the 2nd link has to do with Islam, other than the passing reference to it. Islam is far from the centre of that article actually. In fact most of those articles aren't particularly bad. Most of them are silly, like removing hot cross buns from a hospital, or where the day care in Quebec wouldn't give a meat accommodation to a muslim child while it gave the same requested accomodation to a different child with a meat allergy.

I particularly like the painted compass on the ceiling of the jail cells. I don't see how thats anything more than allowing them to practise their religion.

A few though I couldn't read as they required a membership and logging on.

Other thank the cabbies that refuse the blind with their guide dogs, most of those articles aren't particularly controversial to me. Even with the cabbies, the Taxi Association says that they won't be accomodating that particular sentiment.

Did you read those thoroughly AL?;)

04-26-07, 04:32 AM
Next thing they'll want is for every one who has eaten pork products to where a sign stating the time and date of the consumption...


:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: