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View Full Version : Deckgun Unmanable?

04-20-07, 07:41 AM
Hello all. I am having a problem getting my crew to man the deckgun. When I hit man the deckgun it does everything that it normally would except actually put someone on the station. I can manually use the deckgun, but it wont do anything otherwise. On the crew management page i have a spot for fore and aft gun deck, but no where to put people. If anyone has any suggestions on this frustrating problem, I am all ears. THanks. EDIT: And by the way, this is in all weather conditions. :)

04-20-07, 08:36 AM
If you updated to the forward deck gun, you won't be able to man it with AI and can only shoot it yourself. At least that's been the case for me and others I've read about.
When this first happened to me even going back to a save and loading the rear deck gun again wouldn't let me have AI man it. But after I got a updated sub, and ran into this problem again, I was able to go back to a save and only upgrade to a larger rear deckgun and I was able to have AI man it then.

04-20-07, 11:32 AM
At the time you upgrade from rear to forward gun you can return to the crew graphic and allocate 2 crew to man the forward gun . This works for me but you need to allocate the crew at the same time as you place the new gun. It seems impossible to do this at a later time.