View Full Version : Using periscope in rough seas

04-13-07, 11:35 AM
I have noticed that while using the periscope in rough seas, the scope image doesnt roll in accordance with the boat. Try and you'll see. You have to pan down to see the bow or stern, though.
This is no biggie, but for a purist, I imagine it would be kinda unrealistic.
but for me, aint no thing but a chicken wing.

edit: whups, I should say that you have to be surfaced.

04-13-07, 01:19 PM
Yeah I've noticed that as well in that the sub is much more stable at PD in rough seas compared to what you would experience under similiar conditions in SHIII.

04-13-07, 02:30 PM
In the game options do you have "no stable view" checked? Checking it should make your view rock with the boat. I haven't tested it yet myself both ways yet.

04-13-07, 02:35 PM
I've found the same experience. With the "Stabilize View" option unchecked, binoculars and the TBT roll with the seas on the surface, but the periscope view is rock solid at 60 ft depth. I've gone out in a Porpoise, Tambor, and Gato, and had the same experience in all three.

04-13-07, 03:44 PM
Yes with stabilize view unchecked, scope views are stable while submerged.
Doesn't bother me. Crew likes the smoothness in a storm too.