View Full Version : Campaign Mission Bug

03-30-07, 12:19 PM
I've just returned from my second patrol (will post report later) and i'm given the same mission again once I returned. So I decide to try just docking once I launch the mission only to come back and find that I have to go do the same mission AGAIN. COMSUBPAC really wants me to patrol the Marshall islands, which is practicaly friendly territory anyway.

Any Ideas of how I can fix this?

03-30-07, 04:31 PM

Found Under CareerTrack for my Campaign Save file in My Documents:

PlayerCurrentObjectiveCode=Marshall Islands

I started another campaign with a random boat out of Pearl Harbor and got a patrol objective for the east china sea:

PlayerCurrentObjectiveCode=East China Sea

I just simply copied and pasted the new patrol information from that newly made save file to my USS Triton Campaign. Worked. I dont know what the different ID's mean below the Objective code. Maybe grid squares?


03-30-07, 04:44 PM
Um...I seem to remember that in stock SH3, there was an issue where BdU would lock you to a single patrol grid for a bunch of patrols. It sucked, but was eventually fixed by a modder or two. Now, could it be possible that Ubi failed to address this very basic issue during the years of development since SH3?

03-30-07, 05:25 PM
this may help you, myself and a few others were having the same problem...