View Full Version : Your Top Ten Patch 1.2 Items List

Onkel Neal
03-27-07, 02:02 PM
Your Top Ten Patch 1.2 Items List

List your top ten things you would like to see fixed/changed/added/improved in the v1.2 patch. Take your time and if possible, format each of the ten items as follows:

1. Item . Bug/feature/glitch Reason
2. Item Bug/feature/glitch Reason
3. Item Bug/feature/glitch Reason

If you are too lazy to explain, just list the items. :lol: Take your time, compose your list offline and paste it here, make a good, serious list. Let's see who lists serious gameplay issues and who wants stuff and fluff.

Last, to keep some perspective, list a couple things you like about the game. Have faith, we are subsimmers, we don't give up easily.

Ok, John summarized the items and here's how it stacks up:

Bug Report from Subsim.com
Player submissions . . .# of Requests
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug 21
2 "A" key CTD 20
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates 17
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates 15
5 FSAA 15
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) 13
7 Resolution scaling 12
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) 11
9 Ability to open all torpedo doors 10
10 Airplanes attack too much & at night 8
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times 7
12 Transparent crew (Environmental effects on) 7
13 Escorts too passive 6
14 Sonar does not work at PD 5
15 Remove Avro Lancaster 5
16 No uniformity in Imperial/Metric measurements 5
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries 4
18 Remove Court Marshall for being lost at sea 4
19 Flak Gun always reported as damaged 4
20 Using TDC causes CTD 4
21 Hydrophones should work on surface 4
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land 3
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be 3
24 Random Damage of Sub Systems 3
25 Damaged decks do not get repaired: Sub lost 3
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing 3
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") 3
28 Airplanes do not attack enough 3
29 Remove decoys 3
30 Christmas Tree Lights do not turn green 2
31 Torpedo setting re-set after a brief time 2
32 Flashing Green and Red Lights in Conning Tower 2
33 Planesman disappears randomly 2
34 Visuals limited to 8000m 2
35 Player can man deck guns in rough weather 2
36 AA Gunners do not fire enough 2
37 Not enough dud torp early in war 2
38 Radio messages received under water 2
39 Allow rescue of enemy pilots 2
40 Flight Models of Planes incorrect 2
41 Smoke/Clouds move too fast 2
42 Incorrect medal names and insignias 1
43 Incorrect awarding of wounded medal 1
44 Remove Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks 1
45 Seagulls appear too far from port 1
46 Items damaged after being fixed 1
47 Incorrect radar depth 1
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction 1
49 Shift-F2 causes CTD 1
50 Windowed Mode not working in Multiplay 1
51 Crush depth and test depth should not be the same 1
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth 1
53 Incorrect crush depths (too shallow) 1
54 Aircraft too easy to shoot down 1
55 Depth Charges should not be below 200' 1
56 AI Planes too far from land 1
57 Life Boats move too fast 1

My notes:

Neal's notes
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug Priority 1 Got to have a flawless TDC
2 "A" key CTD
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates Priority 1
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates Priority 1 workaround seems to be disable environmental effects
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) Priority 1 - Have not seen this.
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) Priority 1 - Need a magic watch, or a WO
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times Priority 1- When full of messages, the game drags when the
clipboard is brought up; solution, drop off older messages?
13 Escorts too passive Important all AI issues important, AI is king
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries Important moddable?
20 Using TDC causes CTD Important
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land Priority 1 all AI issues important
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be Priority 1 Possible to have a blank station appear when
no radar unit was available? Disable the "go to rader" icons?
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing Priority 1 minor but weird
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") Also: Ordering ahead 2/3, the vocal report is Ahead Slow
37 Not enough dud torp early in war Important
47 Incorrect radar depth Important
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction Important
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth Important

03-27-07, 02:15 PM
1. Get rid of the monolith of fps death
2. Support 800x600 windowed for those of us without money to spend on GPUs
3. Put a few new sounds in
4. Be able to customise the HUD - Change which orders are where etc.
5. Optimise clipboard loading times
6. Clicking on a crew member brings up their associated orders
7. Editable captains log
8. Allow mouse control of sonar and radar
9. Sort the depletion rate problem (fuel, batteries, oxygen)
10. Keep up the good work! :up:

I like how moddable they've made this game. It seems pretty much every aspect can be customised :D

03-27-07, 02:16 PM
1. Fix the incorrect medal names and insignia. Reason: this is a game about the US Navy, not some fantasy flotilla.

2. Restrict the awarding of the "Wound Badge" :roll: to wounded crewmen. Reason: self-explanatory.

3. Remove the decoy launchers from all the sub classes: Reason: they weren't installed in US subs until after the war.

4. Correct the bug allowing the SD Radar to pick up surface contacts and its ability to be rotated. Reason: it didn't pick up surface contacts and it was non-rotatable in reality.

5. Allow the hydrophone handles to be clicked and moved by the mouse. Reason: it is this way in SH3.

6. Fix the bug where crewmen die for no apparent reason while on bridge watch.

7. Remove the Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks. Chief Petty Officer should be the highest enlisted rank attained.

8. Make the range knob at the radar station animated when clicking on it. Reason: it is this way in SH3.

9. Fix the campaign ending screen where, upon being lost at sea, you are told you are being court-martialed.

10. Code in the ability to allow the soundman to track *any* target selected by user in the hydrophone screen. Reason: the contact one wants to track may not always be the nearest warship or merchant contact.

03-27-07, 02:18 PM
1. Get rid of the goofy seagulls when you are out of port.
2. Fix the Radar and Sonar
3. Provide a more prolific manual with full explanations.
4. Fix the manual torpedo stations.
5. Fix the units of measure to depth. If I'm running in Imperial I want Imperial crush depths.

03-27-07, 02:19 PM
1. Damage control bugs. (Items getting damaged by themselves after fixed damage, and crew deaths in the conningtower, which is related)
2. Stutters without vsync
3. Volumetric Fog of fps-death
4. Square of fps-uberdeath (appears mostly at start of missions)
5. 1 knot convoys, and ships on land
6. AA gunners only firing 50% of the time unless everybody is called on battlestations
7. A-key
9. Resolutions
10. SDK :D

03-27-07, 02:30 PM
1. Transparent crew when environmental effects are enabled. It kills the immersion factor to be sailing with a ghost crew. I don't want to be the captain of the USS Flying Dutchman.
2. FPS hit when viewing the "rectangular monolith of doom" when environmental effects are enabled as detailed in more than one thread. What's the point of having a great video card and all these pretty effects if a glitch like this causes a massive slowdown?
3. Airplane AI needs to be improved so they actually attack, even though they're spotted ALL THE TIME. Same goes for destroyer AI. You can get ridiculously close and they just don't spot you and go after you. This detracts from the challenge of the game and regardless of how inefficient Japanese ASW was in the early years of the war, this just makes no sense.
4. A working chronometer that actually sends ship speed to the TDC when using manual targeting. It's meant to work this way.
5. Fix the "torpedoes always miss behind the ship" bug when using auto targeting.
6. Battery life isn't historically accurate. It's waaaay too short. Same goes for the oxygen levels while submerged. If it's a simulation, it should accurately simulate what it sets out to.
7. You can manually man the deck gun and AA guns, even in rough seas. This should be disabled. If your crew won't man the guns because of the rough weather, you shouldn't either!
8. Even though I've yet to run into it, the mass suicide of the watch crews is a troubling issue. I don't want to take casualties because of a glitch.
9. I believe the hydrophones should work more like they did in SH3. i.e. they work at periscope depth. Isn't this how they really worked?

I love the cutscenes in the game that update you of the war's progress. I love the fact that your orders are dynamic and will often change over the course of the patrol. I love the graphics, especially the way the light shines off of the sides of the ships and you can see each individual metal panel. I love the promise that this sim shows once it gets whipped into shape!

03-27-07, 02:30 PM
1. 'A' key/hold current depth/CTD
2. Clipboard/reports/get super slow as patrol progresses. Needs to lose reports that are two weeks old.
3. volumetric fog/environment/kills FPS badly(even on highend systems)
4. Crush depth/damage model/too shallow, sub went deeper than crush model set currently
5. Attacking aircraft/enemy attacks/too frequent and at night?
6. 'Q" key/open torp doors/can only do one at a time. Why not all? Slows player in firing torps in succession.
7. Get rid of the "We need to surface. We are out of air" message. Everytime I surface I get this.
8. bug/damage model/the flak gun is alway reported as damaged surfaced or submerged

Other than this, the game is great.:yep::up:

03-27-07, 02:40 PM
1. 'A' maintain depth CTD fix
2. TDC: Stadimeter CTD fix
3. TDC speed guesser thingy fix
4. TDC (other glitches) fix
5. Monilith of doom FPS killer fix
6. Sonar handler and proper depth fix
7. Radar functionality/proper upgrade availability fix
8. Change the submerged sound FX. I feel like I'm inside a Dwemer ruin(Morrowind) for crying out loud. (I keep expecting one of my crew to start chasing after me with a large rusty axe)

03-27-07, 02:41 PM
Haven't played enough (still haven't completed a campaign patrol) to list 10 items, but there are two serious bugs I've experienced, plus one minor issue and two feature requests:

1. Volumetric fog/environmental effects problems and FPS-killing "monolith"
2. CTD when giving "maintain depth" order after diving
3. AA gunners don't fire often if not at battle stations
4. Allow adversarial MP games to be started with only 1 player in the game (not a bug, but a quick fix which would allow the creation of some interesting SP ship missions; also useful for testing MP missions created with the editor)
5. New sound for 40mm AA guns. It sounds a bit odd currently to have the same rather weak sound for AA guns of all calibres (plus it's hard to tell which AA guns are firing when you're not controlling them yourself)

(EDIT: I would have mentioned the Allied aircraft as well, but I doubt there'll be an official fix for this; it's probably up to the modders! I think the Pacific Storm legal issues must be the reason for the aircraft weirdness in SH4, as there are actually textures for F4Fs, SBDs, B-24s etc. in the texture folder. All the same, I'd love to see accurate US aircraft in the game, particularly Catalinas)

03-27-07, 02:44 PM
1.Bug - fix speed calcs on stopwatch
2 Fix/Feature - fix oxygen readout (or add one if current one is for ballast)
3 Feature - make dials and map inside sub clickable (setting speed, depth, etc)
4 Feature - add more crew feedback (i.e jubilation when torp hits)
5 Feature - add time compression to 1x prior to battery exhaustion (5% left?)
6 Bug - fix radar problems (air radar giving surface reports)
7 Bug - Enable sonar at periscope depth
8 Feature - bring back weather reports, range at current speed, etc
9 Fix - aircraft being too easy to shoot down
10 Feature - clicking on crew in 3d mode to bring up a name+stats popup from crew page

03-27-07, 02:48 PM
Certainly a gameplay type, and would prefer the devs to concentrate on stuff modders can't do.

1) Make the SD/SJ Radar function as close as possible as they did IRL.
2) Make crew radar contact reports differentiate between air/surface.
3) Fix any TDC bugs.
4) Fix AI that simply won't attack you at times unless you're surfaced.
5) Historic Japanese ASW: No depth charges below 200 feet until late war, no planes attacking in the dead of night unless historically possible at time. Is the massive amounts of aircraft historically accurate during the day?
6) Implement radar depth properly.
7) Streamline manual targeting, please include a mark button.
8) When realistic torpedo failures is selected, actually make it realistic. Circa 2/3 failure rate for early Mk 14s, with failures including deep running as well as the already modeled circular running and premature detonations.
9) Realistic naval traffic (not dozens of contacts every where, make me work for even 50K tons).
10) SDK!


Deep Six
03-27-07, 02:54 PM
All of the above...As there mostly the killer bugs..

But I would like to mention one immersion killer...

Please get rid of the Avro Lancaster, it WAS never there in the pacific. replace it with am American sub hunter....Not sure what the aircraft was, actually I do know the B25 Mitchell..plus the "Cats"....and a few more variants.


Deep six

03-27-07, 02:55 PM
1)Remove decoys. US Subs didn't use them in WW2.
2)Remove the Lancaster Bombers. None were used in the PTO
3)Replace Lancasters with B-24 Liberators. (Which WERE used in the PTO.).
4)Improve escort AI routines. Escorts on the whole need to be a bit more aggressive. Japanese DD Captains may not have been the greatest ASW artists in the world...but they had a reputation for persistance...something I'm not seeing in game.

03-27-07, 03:04 PM
1) FIX HARD-CODED STUFF, the rest will fall in place....

I absolutely love this game!!!! most of my complaints look to be gameplay related:|\\

03-27-07, 03:09 PM
0. Kill the bugs.

1.Hydrophone: Ability to use hydrophones on surface (and in PD depth of course), even for shorter ranges. US Fleet subs used sound watch at night and bad visibility conditions. Ability to lock sonar operator to follow certain targets, not nearest.

2.Submarine damage modelling: Magig word, think how it would happen in REAL life. More permanently destructible thingies. Example: If you bust your scope lenses. Who can fix that out there? Take the lenses from a near blind sonar man's eyeclasses and some duct tape:shifty:?....

3. Surface vessel damage modelling: Some SH3 mods have managed to do great job so same here if you pls.

4. Radar modelling

5. TDC fix

6. Torpedo failures: If they suffered from it, then we should too.

7. Visibility Range: 20 km like was promised, if I remember correctly.

8. AI sensors (visual)

9. Equipment and machinery malfunctions failures etc. Some crew accidents would be nice to have too.

10. Ability to make markings on the nav map: Ring a bell?

03-27-07, 03:10 PM
1.- Enable FSAA option through game settings or through driver control panel.
2.- Correct transparencies for crew on bridge.
3.- Fix torpedo launching bug (fast speed and angle = error in TDC).
4.- I want to listen gramophone and radio but without the main SH4 music theme.

Thats all. I will ask to GWX team for the other improving things I would like to find here in next months for SH4.

PD: Excuse my horrible English, I'm trying to improve it during last 10 years without any result :shifty:

03-27-07, 03:14 PM
1.) Keep the torpedo settings from re-setting after a couple of seconds

2.) Let us open ALL torpedo doors and keep them open

3.) Fix the manual targetting bug when the bearing suddenly gets totally screwed

4.) Fix the SD radar!

5.) Fix the bug where I can't tell my crew to man the deckgun after an upgrade anymore

6.) GREATLY improve the aggresiveness of the escorts

7.) Fix the extremely long loading times for the radio log

8.) Fix the bug where I get court-martialed for getting sunk and killed

9.) Fix the stopwatch for speed measurement

10.) enable sonar while at periscope depth

03-27-07, 03:18 PM
1. Bug: fix "A" key CTD
2. Bug: fix bug of transparent lookout bodies if environmental filter is active
3. Bug: fix speed calcs on stopwatch
4. Bug: fix transparent material for subs (no longer sunshine through metal superstructures of sub bridge)
5. Bug: fix receiving of radio messages under water
6. Feature: support higher res for 3D render also not only overlays(hud)
7. Feature: support FSAA
8. Feature: more interactive crew members and dials such in SHIII
9. Feature: SDK/MDK/harbour tile kit
10. Feature: add a love story around the campaign, almost all WWII Hollywood-Blockbuster have one :D

03-27-07, 03:21 PM
1. Simplified Damage Control with repair time
2. Torpedo loading time with percent completed
3. New background music, unless it is left for mods
4. Bug fix of custom ultimate sounds mod [can hear only one confirmation per session]
Ohter than this, da game rox!!!:rock: :rock: :rock: :up:

03-27-07, 03:35 PM
1. Get rid of the water.... I feel sea sick from time to time
2. Give yamatos crew time off (they deserve a break after the time spent underwater)
3. Add Antiship tomahawk missile launcher to S-class
4. Replace background music with Village people song in the navy
5. Give option to call in Ghostbusters to get rid of ghost crew (With GB theme)
6. redo coding for more frequent Giant squid attacks
7. Add option to launch chosen crew member from Torp tubes
8. Add option to drill holes through sub to reduce dive time.
9. Add option to plug holes when surfacing (If crew still intact)
10. Clearly mark locations of Moby dicks last location on map (currently near impossible to find)


But really....

1. Strange see through blocks gone
2. Remove invunrability from king George V class BB
3. Fix AA
4. Make yamato stronger v other ships

03-27-07, 03:55 PM
Just one request, fix the HARDCODED stuff, forget all the "tweakable" things ie: radar ranges, sonar depth, ship damage model, they can't make everyone happy, and we modders can do it anyway, but we can't fix the measure units problem, or speed calculation, as they are corrected by source code changes, so my request to the dev team is to focus in fixing the programming part, so we can have a steady base to work and customize to our taste.


03-27-07, 03:57 PM
1. Message clipboard taking longer and longer to load as the mission goes on. This is the big killer for me. I don't check my messages at all after I complete my objective, due to the long load times.

2. Buggy damage control functions. Things not being fixed, things breaking at random times.

3. SD radar picking up ship contacts. Although very handy, it is definitely not working as intended.

4. Escort AI and aggressiveness needs to be hugely revamped. I have only been depth charged once and am on my third patrol.

Those are my biggest complaints thus far. Don't have a high end system, so the graphics issues aren't important to me right now.

03-27-07, 04:07 PM
1. Bug: Fix TDC so that it shows the correct values when aiming port (left side), outer rings show incorrect vaules

2. Bug: Fix Radar so that Air Radar does not show surface contacts and add the posssibility to switch Air Radar on and off.

3. Bug: Fix Radio, so that no messages can be received when submerged

4. Bug/Feature: Fix reports, i.e. Radar reports distinguish between air and surface contacts, and no radar contacts are reported when radar is switched off

5. Bug: Fix message board, so that it does not take hours when you press f12 of M key

6. Bug: Fix deck cannon and air to air guns, so that they cannot be manned when sea is rough

7. Bug/glitch: Fix/modify hydrophone so that i can order my hydro-man to report all contacts and manually switch hydrophone volume

8. Feature: Bring back interaction with crew (on the HUD), so that I can ask my officers for distance with current diesel in bunker, report of visible contacts, weather reports and so on, calculating firing solutions and so on.

9. Bug: Fix metric/imperial systems, so that all (and really all) gauges and systems use the same, either imperial or metric

10. Bug or Feature: Fix time zones so that the time uses the current time zone of the region where I am currently in. Add tables where I can see time of sunrise and sunset

Edit: 11. ... and yes, of course, the court martial bug.

03-27-07, 04:12 PM
1) Aircraft attacks. Japanese aircraft appear too far away from Japanese air bases. Last night I was attacked by a fighter 50 nm southeast of Midway. I was then sunk by lots more aircraft about 100 nm east of Midway.

2) Radar. SD radar picks up surface contacts and is generally broken. The SD display doesn't work at all. It should be an A-scope instead of a PPI, but since I've not seen the scope working at all yet I don't know if this is wrong too!

3) Damage control. AA/deck guns don't seem to be repaired. It would be nice if there was some way of telling which items were actually being worked on rather than sitting waiting for the "...repaired" message.

4) TDC. The chronometer doesn't work properly with the speed estimation. There is some sort of bug in the position keeper and in the firing solution when the target is on one side of your boat but not if it's on the other.

5) Court martial bug. Losing your boat and being killed results in you being court martialled on your 'return' to base.

6) Battery/O2/Diesel endurance. These are woefully short. I've read that fleet boat ranges (Salmon/Sargo class) were of the order 11,000 to 12,000 miles. I don't think I've seen anything like that in SH4. Batteries last about 6.5 hours at 1/3 speed on a Porpoise...this is surely too short, though I've not seen any actual data.

7) FPS glitches. I have a high-end system and usually get a minimum of 50 FPS. However, when looking in certain directions (usually into the sun) in an external camera (including bridge/binoculars) it drops to 1 fps, which is unplayable.

8) Torpedo tube doors. Not sure if this is a bug since SH3 was the same. Can we please have the ability to hold open more than one torpedo tube door at a time.

9) Hi-resolution/anti-aliasing. Let us have at least one of these allowed...both if possible!

10) Imperial/metric units. I play in imperial units but I have no idea whether the numbers I'm looking at are really imperial or if they're still metric (e.g. deck gun range).

Easily the best water-graphics I've ever seen in a game.
Superb dynamic campaign system.
Very nice ship/submarine modelling.

03-27-07, 04:31 PM
10. Bug or Feature: Fix time zones so that the time uses the current time zone of the region where I am currently in. Add tables where I can see time of sunrise and sunset

SHI also had a calendar that showed you how full the moon would be on the current night. :yep:


waste gate
03-27-07, 04:32 PM
My short list:

-When I purposely go to the desktop to care for other things the game automatically pauses. It'd be nice if the game would continue in my abscence like in SH3. I know when its safe to walk away, and if not that is my bad.

-Subs sit too high in the water (I see the aft of the boat), and how can I run decks awash?

-The < and > commands don't allow for a fast zoom in w/o the shift key. How about allowing a fast zoom in and using the shift to slow the zoom in?

-Why can't I save my sub school, quick mission, and war patrols without finishing the exercise? Things come up and not all of us can sit at the computer continuously.

03-27-07, 04:33 PM
1. Feature: Allow surviving japanese pilots and seamen to be rescued with renown award. Reason: I do not like the notion of killing men in the water. Fair play is awarded elsewhere anyway.

2. Feature: During the campaign the general mission type "Engage hostile merchant shipping" should not be monitored for completion. Reason: The notion of a continiuous, dynamic career is somewhat disrupted by such a general mission type where the conditions for completion is unclear.

This simulation is great and I do appreciate the accomplishments. Thanks to you and the dev team

03-27-07, 04:45 PM
1. Bug if you take damage and repair it the next time you dive at no matter the depth you sink.
2. Bug if you take damage and sink to the sea floor no matter how shallow your subs systems all turn red and your crew dies (I've had it at 70ft) it would seem that the sub crushes itself repeadly on the sea floor until everything breaks
3. allow the hydrophones to work as long as they are in the water, either on surface or all the way down, as long as they are in the water they should be working.
4. feature allow us to use the TDC in the attack map as well as the marker and ruler so we can plot tracks
5. Bug fix the radar for example sd radar picking up ships
the PPI button takes you the the sd radar and vise versa
balao class subs radar does not work, it turns on and then off
no radar depth
no ability to rotate the radar antenna manually
6. if moving deck gun to forward or aft in the subsystems menu back in port you get crew stations for two deck guns neither of which can be manned
7. Too many aircraft attacks
8. Topredo tube doors not being able to open multiple doors
9. Torpedo settings in the tdc changing for example the contact changes back to contact influense and the torpedo depth changes when you change tubes.
10. the recognition manual, tone down the colors for night use and when closed save the last page that was viewed so that i do not have to go through the whole book again to find the current ship i just identified.

03-27-07, 04:52 PM
1-Sonar handle rotates while submerged SD radar is reporting ships, Aircraft is not reported by SD radar, SD radar was not available until Jan 42 and had a range of 6-18 miles

2-Sonar rotates when unmanned and surfaced.

3-Bathythermograph was not available until 1943 (therefore reporting thermal layers in 1941 is incorrect)

4-SJ radar was first surface search radar installed in US Submarines in August of 1942

5- Decoys were not available until late 1945, before that the only thing you could do was pump bilges (simulating a ruptured fuel tank) and/or load a tube with a bunch of stuff and impulse it out.

6- Shooting torpedo's uses compressed air.

7- (Wish) give a key to give us planes on rise (the opposite use of the "D" Key)

8- The flickering light and cycling gages syndrom.

9- In the control room there is no Ballast station operator, nor is there a position for him at the crew management station. (This station was normally manned by a CPO or First class PO called "Chief of the watch", the person at the chart table was an enlisted man called a "Quartermaster".

10-The message clipboard LAG is in-toloerable...25 minutes to load after 20+days at sea!

11-There seems to be some kind of end mission-refit anomaly..S-Class in May 1942 completed 4 objectives returned to Fremantle, only refit was allowed, and all old mission objectives remained on map. The torps that were loaded-wouldnt load! So Its kinda screwed, cabnt return to port and cant load torps! :(

12-AOB does not track and update with PK

13- Is almost a must to have tools on attack map in order to develop a proper solution, the way it was done in WWII.

General comment: The enlisted rank you have listed are modern day ranks, in WWII the enlisted rank structure was different.

(In time I will have more) I do have one suggestion, please dont take it the wrong way. The manual for SH1 has a ton of information that would definately be helpful in resolving some of the historical research data. I know that accurate sub information can at times be hard to find. If the Dev team wants it I'll send it to them.


03-27-07, 04:56 PM
1,Stop the Chronometer popup/Let me decide when I want it
2,Insert an end mission button only after completing objectives/Some
of us have other things to do.;)

03-27-07, 05:02 PM
1) TDC generated bearings to port are not functional
2) Deck watch mass suicide
3) Convoy AI going to very slow speed after a ship is attacked
4) SD and SJ radar bugs too numerous to mention.
5) High rez pls!
6) Watchmen have a tendancy to stop calling aircraft.

03-27-07, 05:02 PM
1. Maintain depth CTD needs to be fixed.

2. Make objectives more concrete, e.g. if I'm to patrol a zone, tell me for how long, since checking the objective is time consuming if I accidentally open the message log.

3. Increase enemy aggressiveness. I currently have no issues going near a destroyer at 2/3 or even standard. In SHIII, when I saw destroyers, I was at 1 knot, running silently at test depth or beyond, going the other way.

4. Allow some intelligence on my part. What I mean is that I got in close to a TF, sank a Kongo, snuck away to reload, and was unable to call in a contact report since the TF was just over the horizon.

5. Fix the medals. They should be accurately named and awarded as the SHIII ones were. Purple should go to any and all who were injured automatically. I realize that the USN may have to approve their use, but I can't see that taking too long given that this game doesn't mock or belittle the Navy.

6. Fix the "water on land" bug. When I went to the external camera and snooped around Pearl, the houses all seemed to be floating on water, even though I was well inland.

7. Fix the units. I realize that in order to save code, meters were converted to feet, but the callouts were kept the same. 98 ft is not a depth I need called out. PD, 100, 150, 200, etc. are.

8. Fix the torpedo aiming bug. Either I'm terrible at estimating range/speed, or torpedoes seem to consistenly hit farther back than I intend them to. I can work around it by automatically leading the target by 5ish degrees on the torpedo control panel, but it's slightly annoying.

9. Interactive crew and stations would be wonderful, but that would probably take more work than there is time to do it in the near future.

Allow me (the CO) to designate a Chief of Boat (COB) and Executive Officer (XO). Tie the boat's performance directly to their leadership abilities, as in modify every compartment's efficiency level by some modifier that takes into account the XO and COB's leadership ability.

03-27-07, 05:03 PM
1. Feature. Somehow make it patch and fix SH3.

Hans Schultz
03-27-07, 05:07 PM
1. Finish adding all game content
2. Provide additional documentation
3. fix the radar!
4. add a Repair crew specialization
5. better damage control
6. allow steering and truning by engines (I've lost too many rudders)
7. Proper WWII ranks
8. Proper WWII medals and awards
9. remove the "enter" key for shooting torps!!
10. fix the Auto Solution/TDC so it no longer always hits aft!

03-27-07, 05:26 PM
1. Message window is always in the way. I hate it. Move messages back to console + log to disk.

2. No crew limits or feedback in port. 25 officers ?

3. No Torpedo Loading completion estimate.

4. Open multiple torpedo doors.

5. < > Camera start positions are HORRIBLE. Provide offsets for tweaks ?

6. #1 Arcade Feeling Contributor: Wind blows HARD, but can only move fire smoke - waves and normal stack smoke are immune. Seeing smoke horizontal over a glass sea and beside lazy stack smoke is very non-sim, beauty notwithstanding.

7. #2 Arcade Feeling Contributor: One ship hit by torpedos and sunk = convoy stopping so you can reload and get more.

8. #3 Arcade Feeling Contributor: Zero aggression/initiative escorts.

9. Weird surfacing messages: OOO and Aircraft spotted.

10. Damage Control bugs and weird behavior. S-18 unable to flood bow tanks and get nose submerged - after taking and repairing stern damage for instance.

11. Blue enemy ports/bases. Yech.

12. Message clipboard also needs dates and sorting once the overloading gets resolved. I never know whether to look on top or bottom. I would suggest all messages get logged to disk, only current day or last 12 shows on clipboard.

Graphics are georgeous. Gameplay options are nice. A few patches will make this game much better.

03-27-07, 05:27 PM
Fantastic job with the seascape and I was a deck officer in the navy so I've watched a lot of sea movement.

BUT sadly from the outside view the sub kinda doesn't float up and down with the wave motion. It just doesn't look right. Some times the sub sort of levitates almost out of the water. It probably needs to sit deeper but rise with the swell.

Sorry to be critical but you've done such a great job with wave motion it's a shame the sub doesn't "float" in it.

03-27-07, 05:34 PM
1- please! I beg of you! please make transparent water it's own option. I want this only, with out all the other things it comes with that kill my FPS.
2- I can't seen to be able to turn the RADAR on.
3- Too many nav map contacts, I doubt there were that many in reality.
4- all AI needs to be MUCH more difficult to get away from. (WWII Japanese determination was scary!)
5- fix the 'A' key please.
6- in the command room, there seem to be very many empty stations, some of which I believe need to be manned all the time?
7- kill the rectangle of FPS doom.
8- I would like to rescue Japanese survivors too, sure, they tried to kill me, but they might have something valuable that we want to know!
9- fix being able to man the guns in rough seas.
10- fix the constant re-damaging of the watch deck when nothing is happeneing. and the mysterious deaths of the watch crew.

John Channing
03-27-07, 05:36 PM
Shift-F2 in Nav Map screen causes CTD.


03-27-07, 05:55 PM
1.) Eiminate the "Portals to FPS Oblivion." :damn:

2.) Repair the "A" CTD.

3.) Dispatch with the Lanc - Give us some Liberators :cool:

4.) Repair the RADAR station functionality - too buggy.

5.) Restore Crew Click-a-bility.

6.) Fix the rather annoying "Crew Order-Looping" Sound Bug.

7.) Isolate the "Volumetric Fog" feature from the gorgeous"Water Transparency" feature.

That's about all I can think of.
Great Job Devs! :|\\

03-27-07, 07:07 PM
1. Proper support for high resolutions.
2. Support for FSAA.
3. Fix the chronometer for estimating speed.
4. Improve the bouyancy model so the sub reacts with the waves better.
5. Fix the 'A' key CTD.
6. More interactive crew (up to SH3 standards).
7. Make the command room more interactive.
8. Fix the transparent crew bug.

These are my top issues at the moment.

03-27-07, 07:28 PM
Play vanilla SH3 and ask yourself why SH4 is a step backwards in many respects:

- non-interactive crew

- awkward command bar

- useless bridge watch/watch officer

- confusing and mysterious damage screen

- missing sounds (like depth under keel)

- gamey map design without any depth data

- useless hydrophone (you cannot take control, can you?)

- non-clickable in-game gauges


03-27-07, 07:35 PM
I agree with too many Attacking aircraft/enemy attacks/too frequent and at night specially when there is a problem with a particular type of AA Gun

03-27-07, 07:36 PM
1. Make Radar work.
a. I think SD and SJ are reversed. I have SD installed, and it picks up surface ships. SD does NOT pick up aircraft. This may have been a research blunder.
b. Have ability to turn radar on and off, both of them. I can actually see ships running from me.
c. Have the radar scopes actually do something instead of sitting there glowing green.

2. Make sonar work at periscope depth.

3. Fix the frame rates. I have a GeForce 6800 and latest driver and have to run on lowest settings possible. or do something about it, anything. Lower the resolutions, whatever.

4. Have it so that when you trace the cross hairs of you binoculars or periscope across a ship, it actually picks it up.

5. Gramaphone? Radio? Do they do anything?

6. Ocean "blinks" sometimes. It just changes color for a millisecond then back to normal. Also, while I'm using the 3d view and I move across the water, the water starts "shimmering."

7. Be able to write stuff in the Captains log.

8. Have the sound work when you look port or starboard.

9. Be able to hear your crew speak at maps, well just about anywhere.

10. Dev Team: This is an outstanding submarine simulation! Just fix it, please!

11. Make the stopwatch smaller, it doesnt have to fill up 1/4 of the screen.

12. Bug: Crew says "Ot of Air, Need to surface," when there is just a smidgeon of C02 in the indicator, when you surface.

13. Crew orders and acknowledgements should be more concise, so the dont have to say "Rudder, Rudder," when you press the rudderamidships key.

14. Could you have the opportunity to hide the order/acknowledgement bar?

03-27-07, 07:42 PM

2.1920x1200 res

3. The "yes sir" over and over again, like a broken record

4. CTD when I press "A" to level the dive out

5. "Flak gun" taking damage when nothing is happening?

6. Would like to see the % of Hull strength damage, (as in SH3), so that when I dive after repairs I don't go straight to the bottom

7. Impossible to use the "Twin AA Guns" because the side housing get in your view



10 FSAA and 1920x1200 res ;)


03-27-07, 08:05 PM
1. Provide better documentation - It's hard to figure out how some things are supposed to work
2. Fix Position Keeper/TDC bug - This is one of the most important parts of the game.
3. Fix "Maintain Depth" 'A' Key CTD - CTD's are never good.
4. Fix Environment creating transparent crew when there is fog - this really ruins the immersion
5. Fix Radar issues (Aerial radar reporting surface contacts, etc.) - Historically inaccurate, and makes getting Surface radar somewhat obsolete.
6. Fix watch crew/AA crew slowly dying after the tower/AA is damaged - Crew dying for no reason is confusing and frustrating
7. Fix repair issue where upgrades not installed on your boat can get damaged and need to be repaired. - confusing.
8. Fix non Copy Protection related crew voice repeating - VERY annoying
9. Fix save games where visible damage to your sub is there when you reload the game. - not critical, but annoying.
10. Fix the perhaps not so random environmental fps drain as reported (the ghostly polygon issue).

Great job to the dev team for your hard work so far! You are almost at the finish line for a truely awesome subsim!


03-27-07, 08:28 PM
An addendum to my last post:

-More of the crew voices need to be activated. The crew is just too quiet as they are right now!

03-27-07, 09:39 PM
Allow more wideranging video cards to emply the game...

Fix the "A" key.... Fire the coder that mucked this one.....

Allow use of the Deck mounted scope by click selecting.... Add illuminated reticles

Allow the selection of compartments for pumping if flooded. Perhaps allow the selection of a max of two at one time....

Enable Radar and controls.....

H key to go to Sonar station and enable passive sonar reports with range / bearing

Allow deck guns to be moved more rapidly in range than the crawl that exists now if the scope is in use....

Add flare to inventory Red, White, Blue ,Green they were historicly used for signalling especially by US sub commanders when acting in concert...

Clean up the audio with proper command responses, more orders and responses....

Show some interior damage.

Fix the damage control function to actually work and show time to completion...

My biggest beef..... super slow dive times.... These should decrease with every dive and crew experience....


03-27-07, 09:48 PM
fix torpedfiring including tdc, pk and add open all doors (some kind of light perhaps letting you know if a door is open or closed) in addition to contact switching back to influence.

i was at midway june 4th and noone showed up. fix this. i was told the jap fleet shows up in january? unsure of other naval battles but i have yet to see any naval conflict in upwards of 100 hours of gameplay. i actually havent seen any allied warships except the ones in ph. seen about 4 fishing trawlers

fix radars. btw im my experience airplanes /are/ picked up they just show as unidenitified ships (grey squares) before they are visualized by your crew(red triangles)..i believe working this out will fix that? no night time bombings either

work out/fix damage/damage control and/or explain it better. additionally my 'damage control' turns orange sometimes i posted sn in it i have 13/100 taking 0 seconds to repair yet what needs to be repaired? and it doesnt get better regardless of time elapsed

in port i have a ton of ensigns but all but two are electronics specialized other two are engines. none of my crew has any abilities since 1.1? also since 1.1 my crew is all-pro before i start my first patrol. green bars full or near full. is this regarding ability or efficiency or what?

how bout a sick bay or something of the like to give injured crew time off to heal.

id like to see a differentiation between allied and enemy controlled ports as well

give me more control over chronometer. it pops up at like x512? and goes away if you manually slow down compression but if an event brings you out it stays up.

'only' 8 but some are biig.

game is fantastic otherwise. love the range of options and choices for boats and realism etc. and the view is amazing.

03-27-07, 10:10 PM
1- (BUG)A Key CTD - A for Abort.
2- (FIX/FEATURE) - Visual cleanup, no more translucent crew or poorly done fog/haze
3- (FIX/FEATURE) - Crew reports/alerts present and fix. I miss the reports from crew such as depth charge alerts or cheers when torp hits.
4- (FEATURE) - Explanation/description of what each upgrade to the sub does, like in SH3. Make possible to change sub structure and componets like in SH3.
5- (BUG) - Crew casualties when not supposed to happen. Crew randomly dies/wounds or when deck gun/aa gun crew suffers wounds from depth charges when underwater.
6- (FIX) - Remove historicaly inaccurate items (Decoys, Lancasters, etc)
7- (FIX) - Radar modeling, works above water and doesnt below.
8- (FIX) - TDC Bugs including Chrono and bearing bug
9- (FIX) - Crew lables (officer/helmsman) and dials within sub
10- (FIX) - Realistic amounts and patrol ranges of enemy aircraft. Dear lord there are like a million enemy planes around.

03-27-07, 10:14 PM
1. Fix the TDC bug that makes me crash when I try to use my stadimeter...
2. Fix the bug that keeps us from using chronometer for speed calculation (although r=d/t works well too...)
3. Fix laggy clear monolith dealie (or make it black if you truly insist on imitating the classic Kubric film...)
4. Fix the bug that causes game to crash when trying to maintain depth (pressing A)

Great game otherwise. Just a few really annoying hardpoints.

sea enemy
03-27-07, 10:44 PM
1.) Fix the submerged endurance /oxygen /CO2 rates
2.) Fix the PK bearing bug
3.) Fix the SD radar bug (there's ALOT of radar bugs, btw)
4.) Fix the 'A' CTD
5.) Add the 'marker edit' missing feature
6.) Add the 'missing' tools from SH3 (weather report, track nearest warship, etc)
7.) Fix the sonar at periscope depth bug
8.) Add drawing tools to the attack map
9.) Fix the chronometer
10.) Fix the depth charge kills gun crew bug

And just a lot of little general tuning to the campaign and AI

03-27-07, 10:54 PM
3. Fix the frame rates. I have a GeForce 6800 and latest driver and have to run on lowest settings possible. or do something about it, anything. Lower the resolutions, whatever.

That card is just above the minimum requirement.

03-27-07, 11:01 PM
1. Fix Chronometer not obtaining speed.

2. Fix TDC system & solution bugs (both auto and manual, there are various threads on this topic).

3. Of course fix 'A' crash, this is a no brainer, shouldnt even have to post it.

4. Any other crashes that can be reproduced such as people who can reproduce stadimeter crash under certain settings...

5. Fix Environmental Effects FPS killing bug, or disable the option, or allow to only use water transparency and no volumetric fog. Either way, details are here: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=108938

6. Examine campaign saves issues, people reporting that loading saved campaign games sometimes presents them with different situation details than when they saved(not sure of details but its posted).

7. If possible allow SH4 application to register as 3D application so that we can force AA, or if thats not the workaround then attempt to solve it so that we can use AA.

8. Allow higher resolutions of 3D engine.

9. Unless american subs couldnt open more than 1 tube door at a time in real life, FIX this and allow us to open multiple doors at same time.

10. I will leave this empty and wish devs gl and lots of coffee.

03-27-07, 11:10 PM
Well Neal, Most of the real ones seem to have been covered....however...
(1) Have you seen the crew on deck when you go to P/D or Crash Dive?
(2) Radar and Sonar need to be more user friendly. Can't remember not having them when at P/D.
(3) Damage Control needs sorting. Pumping out is not the last thing you do,,,its the FIRST...whilst the leak is being shored up.
(4) An indication of Patrol End,,,return to base or add another mission.
(5) Targeting with assistance would be a boon. The game is rated for 7yr olds+. I cannot remember doing Trig at 7?
(6) Christmas Tree lights in Control Room are pretty, flashing on/off, not for real surely?
(7) So many Visual/Radar contacts given but you cant see them in the TBT or Periscope in the first, in the second.....well with no Radar fitted,,,,where does he get them from?

There you are a "Lucky Seven". As for the game itself I have found it more challenging than SH3, despite the above. It really is a winner for tactics and steath especially with the choice (or not) of photo recon. , dropping agents, re-supplying...a submariners lot in the reality of that time....just add some E/W trips and I'm really at home.
Thanks for this opportunity Neal I hope it is accepted in the cool way Iv;e written, I have no axe to grind.
Just a final note.....I appreciate that there are many mods flying about already (Iv'e used some ) but I'm storing SH4 up for a while as it seems to me they even bring their own "glitches".
Very best regards from across the "pond".......Dusty.

03-27-07, 11:44 PM
1.bug/the TDC's speed calculator or chronometer (sp?) is broken
3.bug/resolution doesn't work properly
4.?/on the quick patrol if you go to the last mission then try to pick a sub you'll find that one of them will always be over the "back" option and if you click that particular sub you inadvertently exit.
5.bug/see through crewmen (I'm using a legit copy)
6.quirk/planes kind of break some laws of physics when in flight (make a more realistic flying model or tweak the current one)
7.addition/add info for damaged equipment so we can see the progress
8.possible bug/repair crews seem broken.If not then please increase their effectiveness because they are pretty useless right now
9.bug/cannons and AA get damaged for no reason
10.bug/when on a patrol using the chronometer (sp? again) i had a ctd and apparently the A button does the same thing.

03-27-07, 11:54 PM
1. The TDC inner dial that gets stuck.

2. The TDC chronometer speed thingy.

3. The Radar seems bugged with how it sometimes being available sometimes not, even if it is or isnt actualy on the boat

4. Random death of crew members.

5. Random dmg of sub systems.

6. Map tools on the attack map.

7. Being able to call out bearings using the periscope so they get drawn on the attack map, Sonor being able to do the same. That way you could use the TDC to make manual fireing solutions from sonor and stuff, it should be fun.

thats my top 7 :yep:

03-28-07, 03:39 AM
Primary priorities:

1. Speed calc on chronometer
2. "A" Causes ctd.
3. Fix terrible sound, getting a really bad shriecking like a FU`ed Walkie Talkie during squelching after 5-10 mins in the game.
4. Fix TDC 5-10 yards ("Hanging after") Bug, donno quite how to pronounce it.. But it has been mentioned earlier on the forum.)
5. Crew tells me whenever theres a little life boat in the water.. But when a 50000 ton iron monster comes right for me? nope.. Fix.
6. Those numbers which keeps getting repeated.
4. MP games hanging up so much it becomes a PITA.™(Played online with Neal and some other peeps here the other day, Game ctd`s just before I am about to go periscope depth and sink a Ocean Liner, result, I get pissed, Hit the table, 500 buck lcd screen falling down on the keyboard.. So, I believe I am OBLIGED, to say: FIX!)
5. Fix windowed mode (Simply not working no matter how much I restart game after applying changes.) Besides, it`s necessary for mp ™(Because In-Game chat is terrible, 2-4 words at a time?? we use right click message function in hamachi :P.)

Secondary priorities:

1. Radar (Has its own life, working for stupid crew members which never warns me in time, when I use it it doesn`t even turns ON ?.)
2. Fix SH4 multiplayer... :P
3. Fix AA.
4. Fix Resolution.
5. Make torpedo camera alot less demanding, takes away atleast 25 fps when popping up, makes me want to remove it, it shouldn`t even be in the gameplay options, but in the graphics options..
6. Random death of crew members. (Already mentioned
7. Random dmg of sub systems.

heres an well deserved 8: How come I get an entire esquadron of bombers on my pos ASAP when a small jap plane spots me? Japanese plane`s radio`s sucked at that time, many even removed their radio`s. Forexample the Japanese ace Kosai with about 60 kills.. Simply because it just gave them the kinnda sound that I am getting in number 3 in my top priority bug list. They removed it to save weight, and rather used hand/physical signals. If a jap F1M sea scout plane sighted a enemy vessel, it didnt take the chance of using the radio, it went back to base. And reported to it`s commander. And hence it would take a lot of time until a squadron of fully loaded Bettys comes for you.. Which also, I would call a weird decision.. that is.. if American torpedoes were really bad at the beginning of the war.. American uboats wouldn`t be such a big threat either?..

Small stuff:

1. Deck crew of enemy ship getting tossed in the air because of explosions rather then simply getting removed as soon as water reaches them.
2. Enemy AA gun`s actually firing at attacking planes.
3. Tools on attack map.
4. More specific torpedo reloading times ( 4:00 instead of 0/100 ...)
5. Crew dissapearing and spawning at stations, forexample, man deck gun, 2 guys suddenly teleported to it?...
6. Remove spread function if we can`t even fire multiple torpedoes at the same time..
7. Make depth charging a little more.. shaky.. Im sure the boat didnt go to the sides like an American 70s car`s suspension.. Ever seen Das Boot? That`s depth charging!

S! to all

Your friend in the Pacific


03-28-07, 04:57 AM
1) Visual range AGAIN limited to 8000m. You promised!!!! It sucks so much that you can't see a mountain 9km away, just water water water. The game should sport visual ranges at least twice that length.
2) Something seems wrong with Mk14 torpedoes. They do not run 46 knots but much slower on fast setting. This affects accuracy and TDC solutions are erroneous on fast speed settings.
3) Clicking a map tool on Nav map, then clicking another button on the UI bar to the bottom does not automatically remove nav tool function, It merely removes the cursor and your ability to draw.But the tool does not reappear to the right. You MUST right click first to snap out of the now broken drawing mode and then re-click the reappeared tool to be able to draw on the map.
4) SD radar is too good. It pinpoints aircrafts and ships in 360 area up to 30 kms. Wasnt the historical SD radar forward aimed? And wasnt it like 6 miles range max? And it gave only range no direction.
5) Opening multiple torpedo doors.
6) Smoke plumes seem to move at insane speeds from fire. Tone them down to normal speed :)
7) For some reason many ATI cards have problems with going into their 3d mode (Overdrive) when playing SHIV. (X1900XT model for my part). This independant of Catalyst driver versions. Does SHIV run in a kind of windowed mode that tricks the drivers into ignoring the 3d-speed?

I think the rest of you pretty much said what needed saying,

03-28-07, 05:50 AM
In SH3 this was possible by manually adjusting the bearing, but in SH4:o :o :o . I cant imagine how I can play a submarine attack simulator in foul realism without being able to set the GYRO angle of my choise for the Forward or the Stern torpedo tubes:o :o :o
*I dont mean that point and shoot thing of the periscope. This could be possible, but hardly usefull*

2. The sound in its all needs reworking!!!!!!!!!!!

3. The dials must be larger and more accurate. E.g. it is not possible now to set immediatelly my coarse to 283 degrees:o :o :o

4. The interior interface and faces in the submarine must be more friendly player as in SH3.

5. You should be able to lock the periscope on any individual part of the ship as the manual says!!!


03-28-07, 07:04 AM
i was wondering if the dev's are able to make an odometer readout in the speed gauge, thats readable,
and can be used for manual navigation.
sh1 had one, sh2 sh3 sh4 does not.
there are only two ways to navigate, by celestrial navigation and dead reckoning.

overcast skies limits the use of celestrial navigation, but dead reckoning can be used anytime,
in fact thats what the way point tool does really, its DR, but the calculations are done automatically for us,
i would like to do the calculations myself, by drawing true courses on the map, without the waypoint tool.
Dead Reckoning

Dead reckoning is the process of navigation by advancing a known position using course, speed,
time and distance to be traveled. In other words, figuring out where you will be at a certain time
if you hold the speed, time and course you plan to travel. Prior to the development of celestial
navigation, sailors navigated by deduced (or dead) reckoning. Columbus and most other sailors
of his era used this method. In dead reckoning, the navigator finds his position by estimating the
course and distance he has sailed from some known point. Starting from a known point, such as a
port, the navigator measures out his course and distance from that point on a chart, *****ing the
chart with a pin to mark the new position.

03-28-07, 07:31 AM
1) fix hard-coded stuff, everything else will fall in place...

love this game!!!!

03-28-07, 07:35 AM
1 ) Fix AA.
2 ) Fix Resolution

03-28-07, 08:14 AM
Because it's the only bug that's seriously ruining the game for me..

1. Deck damage/Watch crew deaths - Bug - Damaged decks cannot be permanently repaired and will continue to damage any crew placed in those compartments, which means you have to keep manually shuffling them out so they don't die. A major pita if it happens in the middle of a patrol.

I really hope this is fixed in the next patch.

03-28-07, 09:04 AM
Aggressively investigate and fix CTDs. In a game like SHIV, even if you save frequently, you'll often spend a huge amount of time setting an attack up or travelling without remember to save and a crash can be incredibly frustrating!

03-28-07, 09:30 AM
1) Fix resolution ( big shame)

2) Fix FSAA ( big shame)

3) Click on officers in 3d and orders pop-up

4) Volume off hydrophone ; and control with mouse

5) I want a weapon officer and his assistance even if i want to do manual targeting

6) A documentation ( not this actual joke) with tutorial on using TDC for exemple ..

7) No more water on the external camera view .. (ridiculous and annoying)

8) Most possible bugs fixed.

9) If possible, separate setup for "environemental thing"

Forgive me please, if it's not very clear .. This is not my first language ..

Capt. D
03-28-07, 09:45 AM
Most if not all of the above replys have touched on the issues of the game. I would like to list some that come to the top of my list.

1. "A" key - maintain depth bug - no excuse for this one get it fiixed for the obvious reason!

2. Open/close tube key "Q" 'bug'. We need to have the option of opening all tubes prior to final attack and firing. Maybe relate this to the "W" key cycle tubes. This may add a minute or two prior to firing but when we do fire there may be less torpedo hits aft the location we wish as the tube is open prior to actual release of the torpedo. Not to say we would always need all tubes open as attacking only one ship we may only wish to use 1,2 or 3 tubes. But if going against a large convoy with many escorts - we need to be ready from the get go!

3. Accurate SD/SJ radar. Reason again obvious - if I am looking for surface ships I do not want an air contact while using the SJ radar and conversely so with SD. Come on this is another unexcuable bug that must be corrected. Seems to lend to SH3 and SH2 where the Germans did not have the type and style of our radars and possiable research was not completely done when using SH3 as a base????? However fix it!

4. Sonar useage at periscope level!!!!!! Reason again obvious - a) it was actually able to be done and this is a simulation! b) If this was able to be done in SH3 and SH2 as I remember doing and SH4 was based on 3 - need we say more.... and yes allow for sonar to be "keyed" to the closest contact if so desired.

5. Crew Deaths - another must fix. Once they regain their "health" they should not be "reinjured" because they are back at a station/compartment that has damage. The only factor I could see this happen at is if there is a flooding in the battery spaces and gas begins to form or a fire breaks out in a compartment the damage crew is in. Once damage is repaired, however, a crew member should not be "reinjured" because they are in that area.

6.Crush depth should be corrected to allow for one to go below test depth. Many a US Boat did that and more - O'Kane in the Tang case in point. Most subs did do this and survived past test depth.

7. Radio message "bug" time to load. Fix the length either eliminating "old" messages automatically or give us an option to view all or most current which then gives us the choice for a "quick" load or lengthy load.

8. Fix the stadimeter and clock bugs during the attack portion.

9. And absolutly no excuse for the measurment issue. Either all in Imperial or all in Metric. Come on devs this is a US Boat - feet and yards etc. There should be no question to this. If there is to be an option then it should be if you wish metric - for those who are more used to that standard of measurement then imperial. However US is US - too much use of SH3 as a base I would imagine.

10. Just some comments:
I would like to see more inter-reaction with the crew. If I click on the sonar operator he should give me a report of the contacts. If I click on the helmsman he should tell me the present course and speed, etc.

The issue of the amount of plane attacks - my personal opinion is that this is another "tie over" from SH3. German U-Boats were continuously attacked by air during the war and it seems this has "bleed" into SH4???????

This is a good game now that can be very frustrating at times. As the bugs are eliminated we will have a great game!!!!!

Happy Hunting :ping:

03-28-07, 10:01 AM
Just one major issue I have and would like addressed please and that is this white, blue, and black flash every couple of minutes or so when playing at the bridge view, happens faster with tc, a real nuisance on the eyes

I too hope everything else gets sorted as some I get too, but I hope this does not get left out.

UM ;)

03-28-07, 10:24 AM
1. Fix the watch crew / AA crew dying when injured (main bug imho)
Others ad libitum

High Command
03-28-07, 10:30 AM
Make Advansed Sound System, so when you Clcik for example Range to 2000, the Crew Replays, "Range 2000", when you set Angel of BOW to 90, the Crew Replays "Angel of BOE 90, yes sir"...


Sailor Steve
03-28-07, 10:36 AM
When the captain set the range, he called out "Range", and the XO noted the range and replied "Mark". When the captain set the bearing, he called out "Bearing", and the XO noted the bearing and called out "Mark". They didn't call out the AOB.

03-28-07, 11:36 AM
Make Advansed Sound System, so when you Clcik for example Range to 2000, the Crew Replays, "Range 2000", when you set Angel of BOW to 90, the Crew Replays "Angel of BOE 90, yes sir"......

I would love to see voice command implemented in this game like we had in Enigma.

I would much rather say "set course 135" "Make depth 50 feet" thank click buttons.

I did not really care for Enigma, as a game, but I loved the voice command function :up: and was happy to see it work pretty well.

03-28-07, 12:34 PM
1 Lifeboat : row speed crew is about 30 knots :D
2 Aircraft : they crashing with each other when attacking.
3 Out of oxygen message when returning to surface.
4 Scraping sound boat when dropping a agent/spy etc.
5 Environemental effects bug
6 Keep up the good work :up:


03-28-07, 01:54 PM
2.the rest

im putting the game on the shelf till the devs get the game FULLY up and running.

03-28-07, 02:05 PM
1. Balao radar bug. Reason, radar turns off at 18ft. draft.
2. Blank zones in radar, Reason, canot track targets/contacts abeam.
3. Conning tower selections. Reason I dont want to be stuck with a 41/42 tower all war.
4. Default loadout all Mk.14s. ie specific loadouts for certearn years. Reason, way it was in SHIII.

Max Theisen
03-28-07, 02:16 PM
All said above but only two things for me:
Please fix the radar station and let it looks like Silent Hunter 1 :D
Not a bug: please give us Akagi and Kaga class carriers

Apart from that, for me SH4 is a beautiful and fascinating sim. Thanks to the devs and to Mr. Neal Stevens for his support.

Greetings Max

03-28-07, 02:19 PM
1.) Eiminate the "Portals to FPS Oblivion." :damn:

2.) Repair the "A" CTD.

3.) Dispatch with the Lanc - Give us some Liberators :cool:

4.) Repair the RADAR station functionality - too buggy.

5.) Restore Crew Click-a-bility.

6.) Fix the rather annoying "Crew Order-Looping" Sound Bug.

7.) Isolate the "Volumetric Fog" feature from the gorgeous"Water Transparency" feature.

That's about all I can think of.
Great Job Devs! :|\\
I second that!:up:

03-28-07, 02:20 PM
This was posted at the Ubi Forum by an old friend of Subsim....CaptainAmerica. I post it here as he speaks on one of my great (among many!!) pet peeves with SH4.

I call it lack of "soul."

Quote "I'm not sure if these are bugs, a design flaw or both but...Crew & Sub Interior interaction is absolutely horrible.

In SH3 I felt like the captain on my uboat..when I would click on my men they would turn around and aknowledge me; they would present me with a choice of orders and after I selected the order I got a "yes sir!". We also had the option of 'right-clicking' the crew member which changed our view and position to that of the selected crew member.

Furthermore, we were able to have a respectable level of interaction with the various interior stations. For instance, being able to man the helm and control speed, rudder, depth etc. from there. This was such an innovative way to design a game because it allowed the player to have a choice in how they desired to interact with the environment. Some people like to get to the point and just "warp" to a particular station while others enjoyed moving about and controlling the uboat in a realistic manner.

Where did all of these immersion goodies go in SH4? I feel like I am a ghost in sub with zombies. You basically have zero interaction with the crew and interior workings. The helmsman and the sonarman are the only two that slightly interact by turning to you when you click on them with no other effect...no order choices that appear; instead you have to manually select the orders through the main interface which makes clicking on him in the first place useless. Right-clicking on the crewman is another feature that is gone...you can't click on any controls at any station other than the sonar/radio. On the deck, you can't even click on the TBT like we were able to do in SH3 with the UZO.

Why did we take such a step backward from SH3? It appears that SH4 was designed to be controlled soley from the main interface now. The 3D interior is now just eye candy without real purpose or interaction. I hope this could be addressed in the future because this is really an immersion killer which is a shame because this game has a lot of potential to be great." End Quote.

Kudos to CaptainAmerica

03-28-07, 02:27 PM
An addendum to the addendum: :D

There should be a limit to the number of petty officers and seamen one can have on board their boat. Why was this taken away, as it worked great in SH3? (see CaptainAmerica's post).

03-28-07, 04:03 PM
Fix the resolution - ruining my enjoyment

Fix the AA

Fix the other bugs

03-28-07, 04:33 PM
Remember guys. This is meant as a top ten list. SO do not make it into a general complaining list. Just be to the point and mention your top 10 list using just a few lines per item if possible, actually 1 line would be perfect. For long stories the bug thread in the sticky section is a much better place.

And BTW: It is totally useless to any one to just write stuff like "fix all other bugs"

Just use the format Onkel Neal set up:

1. Item . Bug/feature/glitch Reason
2. Item Bug/feature/glitch Reason
3. Item Bug/feature/glitch Reason
Etcetera ......


And do not worry about listing items that are already listed a couple of time. That is the whole point of this thread. This is intended to be YOUR top ten list, so certain people ;) will get a good impression what bugs are the most annoying to the average SubSim SH4 player. if only 1 person lists a certain bug some people might think that most do not care about this bug. So please do not get influenced by the other posts in this thread, just post YOUR PERSONAL top 10 !


03-29-07, 12:28 AM
Okay, one more and I'm done: :D

-The message box should stay in the last position and transparency value it was in, along with it being locked/unlocked in position. Currently it reverts back to the default position every time the game is loaded.

-Recognition manual remembers the last ship you looked at before closing the book.

03-29-07, 12:34 AM
I don't have a "top 10" but I don't care about the FSAA issue as much as I care about vital issues, such as the A key crashing, watch crew deaths.. etc.

Graphical issues don't bother me that much, at least not as much as the other bugs.

03-29-07, 05:42 AM
In my oppinion, the main things that 1.2 shoud address are:

-watching AA crew dying after minor injuries.

-AA guns which are successefuly repaired after receiving minor damage, but when sub dives, they start to receive damage in a such way that the engine stops, water floods and the sub sinks.

03-29-07, 10:47 AM
My please-fix-it list:

**-Sub usually takes collision damage with sea floor while resting stationary. Eventually destroys equipment and the sub. Especially bad when sub is flooding. Modders cannot fix this because it is hard-coded. BIG game killer.**

-Random CTD's

-Crew dying for no reason

-Various voice mistakes. Such as 'We are out of oxygen' when ordering surface.

-No clickable crew

-Radar works, even when not installed

-Aircraft AI is terrible. Innaccurate when bombing.

-Map screen is horribly choppy when scrolling.

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

-Allow downed enemy pilots and lifeboats to be rescued by sub. They could be carrying valuable intelligence information.

-AI active pinging sonar should not be able to detect a sub that is resting quietly on the sea floor.

-Enable the sub equipment breakdowns feature.

-Please release SH3 SDK. ;)

Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

Hans Schultz
03-29-07, 10:48 AM
thought of another

-Add Island Names to the nav map

03-29-07, 10:56 AM
4)Improve escort AI routines. Escorts on the whole need to be a bit more aggressive. Japanese DD Captains may not have been the greatest ASW artists in the world...but they had a reputation for persistance...something I'm not seeing in game.

Be More Aggressive!™


03-29-07, 10:59 AM
Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

:know: :rotfl:

03-29-07, 11:03 AM
Another addition to my short list:

Absolutely don't worry about graphics problems before gameplay. Except when it's ME having the graphics problems! Brand spanking new Dell XPS laptop, age isn't an issue, and I'm getting a tearing effect when I pan. Not a killer problem but it does terribly mar the otherwise breathtaking beauty of SHIV.

03-29-07, 11:03 AM
Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

:know: :rotfl:
I was thinking about 640x480 with 16-bit depth, or even 8-bit...:smug:

03-29-07, 11:04 AM
Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

:know: :rotfl:

Ooops. Got me on that one. Hehe. :rotfl:

03-29-07, 11:47 AM
Please Please Please fix the auto targeting system. My fish keep missing aft. Unfortunatley I don't have the time to devote to learn manual targeting. Thank you!

03-29-07, 11:50 AM
Please Please Please fix the auto targeting system. My fish keep missing aft. Unfortunatley I don't have the time to devote to learn manual targeting. Thank you!
Open tube door by pressing the Q key...:smug:

03-29-07, 01:41 PM
The "message log" bug should be the top priority.
In fact, a version 1.11 patch should be made available specifically for it as soon as possible. The entire patch team should be working on it alone. Others are minor in comparison.

After that, the Mark-14 torp 41kt speed TDC targetting should be addressed.

I would also like the contact switch to stay. Right now it changes back to magnetic detonator after ~60 seconds.

John Channing
03-29-07, 01:46 PM
Sorry... what was that you wanted fixed? I could't quite make it out.


03-29-07, 01:48 PM
Probably he means a log entries for anything you sink and radio messages more than 10...:hmm:

03-29-07, 02:57 PM
I fixed this for myself with the Radio-mod over in the mod section....

I even make it more restrictive...

Normal Contacts 150 NM

Important Contacts 300 NM....

Everything more far from you burn fuel like mad when go flank chasing.... ;)

My contact reports after a patrol are <10 and the Clipboard lod in <1 sec. :)

And thank you to the crator of the mod... WELL DONE! :know:


Onkel Neal
03-29-07, 03:26 PM
And do not worry about listing items that are already listed a couple of time. That is the whole point of this thread. This is intended to be YOUR top ten list, so certain people ;) will get a good impression what bugs are the most annoying to the average SubSim SH4 player. if only 1 person lists a certain bug some people might think that most do not care about this bug. So please do not get influenced by the other posts in this thread, just post YOUR PERSONAL top 10 !

That's right, if you have the same bug items in your list as others, that will help ID which bugs are the most in demand to be fixed.

Thanks, Drebbel.

03-29-07, 03:28 PM
Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

:know: :rotfl:
I was thinking about 640x480 with 16-bit depth, or even 8-bit...:smug:

Pff. 320x240 4TW :)

03-29-07, 03:33 PM
Anyone notice that I didn't mention graphics? Please fix the gameplay problems first!

-Add even lower graphics settings options for people with older video cards.

:know: :rotfl:
I was thinking about 640x480 with 16-bit depth, or even 8-bit...:smug:

Pff. 320x240 4TW :)
LMAO!!!:rotfl: :smug:

Onkel Neal
03-29-07, 11:06 PM
Ok, John summarized the items and here's how it stacks up:

Bug Report from Subsim.com
Player submissions . . .# of Requests
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug 21
2 "A" key CTD 20
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates 17
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates 15
5 FSAA 15
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) 13
7 Resolution scaling 12
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) 11
9 Ability to open all torpedo doors 10
10 Airplanes attack too much & at night 8
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times 7
12 Transparent crew (Environmental effects on) 7
13 Escorts too passive 6
14 Sonar does not work at PD 5
15 Remove Avro Lancaster 5
16 No uniformity in Imperial/Metric measurements 5
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries 4
18 Remove Court Marshall for being lost at sea 4
19 Flak Gun always reported as damaged 4
20 Using TDC causes CTD 4
21 Hydrophones should work on surface 4
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land 3
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be 3
24 Random Damage of Sub Systems 3
25 Damaged decks do not get repaired: Sub lost 3
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing 3
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") 3
28 Airplanes do not attack enough 3
29 Remove decoys 3
30 Christmas Tree Lights do not turn green 2
31 Torpedo setting re-set after a brief time 2
32 Flashing Green and Red Lights in Conning Tower 2
33 Planesman disappears randomly 2
34 Visuals limited to 8000m 2
35 Player can man deck guns in rough weather 2
36 AA Gunners do not fire enough 2
37 Not enough dud torp early in war 2
38 Radio messages received under water 2
39 Allow rescue of enemy pilots 2
40 Flight Models of Planes incorrect 2
41 Smoke/Clouds move too fast 2
42 Incorrect medal names and insignias 1
43 Incorrect awarding of wounded medal 1
44 Remove Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks 1
45 Seagulls appear too far from port 1
46 Items damaged after being fixed 1
47 Incorrect radar depth 1
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction 1
49 Shift-F2 causes CTD 1
50 Windowed Mode not working in Multiplay 1
51 Crush depth and test depth should not be the same 1
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth 1
53 Incorrect crush depths (too shallow) 1
54 Aircraft too easy to shoot down 1
55 Depth Charges should not be below 200' 1
56 AI Planes too far from land 1
57 Life Boats move too fast 1

My notes:

Neal's notes
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug Priority 1 Got to have a flawless TDC
2 "A" key CTD
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates Priority 1
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates Priority 1 workaround seems to be disable environmental effects
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) Priority 1 - Have not seen this.
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) Priority 1 - Need a magic watch, or a WO
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times Priority 1- When full of messages, the game drags when the
clipboard is brought up; solution, drop off older messages?
13 Escorts too passive Important all AI issues important, AI is king
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries Important moddable?
20 Using TDC causes CTD Important
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land Priority 1 all AI issues important
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be Priority 1 Possible to have a blank station appear when
no radar unit was available? Disable the "go to rader" icons?
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing Priority 1 minor but weird
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") Also: Ordering ahead 2/3, the vocal report is Ahead Slow
37 Not enough dud torp early in war Important
47 Incorrect radar depth Important
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction Important
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth Important

03-30-07, 12:10 AM
Besides the aforementioned bug fixes:

Feature: more interactive crew members and dials such in SHIII
Feature: bring back the weather reports

03-30-07, 12:16 AM
Ok, John summarized the items and here's how it stacks up:

Bug Report from Subsim.com
Player submissions . . .# of Requests
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug 21
2 "A" key CTD 20
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates 17
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates 15
5 FSAA 15
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) 13
7 Resolution scaling 12
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) 11
9 Ability to open all torpedo doors 10
10 Airplanes attack too much & at night 8
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times 7
12 Transparent crew (Environmental effects on) 7
13 Escorts too passive 6
14 Sonar does not work at PD 5
15 Remove Avro Lancaster 5
16 No uniformity in Imperial/Metric measurements 5
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries 4
18 Remove Court Marshall for being lost at sea 4
19 Flak Gun always reported as damaged 4
20 Using TDC causes CTD 4
21 Hydrophones should work on surface 4
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land 3
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be 3
24 Random Damage of Sub Systems 3
25 Damaged decks do not get repaired: Sub lost 3
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing 3
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") 3
28 Airplanes do not attack enough 3
29 Remove decoys 3
30 Christmas Tree Lights do not turn green 2
31 Torpedo setting re-set after a brief time 2
32 Flashing Green and Red Lights in Conning Tower 2
33 Planesman disappears randomly 2
34 Visuals limited to 8000m 2
35 Player can man deck guns in rough weather 2
36 AA Gunners do not fire enough 2
37 Not enough dud torp early in war 2
38 Radio messages received under water 2
39 Allow rescue of enemy pilots 2
40 Flight Models of Planes incorrect 2
41 Smoke/Clouds move too fast 2
42 Incorrect medal names and insignias 1
43 Incorrect awarding of wounded medal 1
44 Remove Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks 1
45 Seagulls appear too far from port 1
46 Items damaged after being fixed 1
47 Incorrect radar depth 1
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction 1
49 Shift-F2 causes CTD 1
50 Windowed Mode not working in Multiplay 1
51 Crush depth and test depth should not be the same 1
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth 1
53 Incorrect crush depths (too shallow) 1
54 Aircraft too easy to shoot down 1
55 Depth Charges should not be below 200' 1
56 AI Planes too far from land 1
57 Life Boats move too fast 1

My notes:

Neal's notes
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug Priority 1 Got to have a flawless TDC
2 "A" key CTD
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates Priority 1
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates Priority 1 workaround seems to be disable environmental effects
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) Priority 1 - Have not seen this.
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) Priority 1 - Need a magic watch, or a WO
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times Priority 1- When full of messages, the game drags when the
clipboard is brought up; solution, drop off older messages?
13 Escorts too passive Important all AI issues important, AI is king
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries Important moddable?
20 Using TDC causes CTD Important
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land Priority 1 all AI issues important
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be Priority 1 Possible to have a blank station appear when
no radar unit was available? Disable the "go to rader" icons?
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing Priority 1 minor but weird
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") Also: Ordering ahead 2/3, the vocal report is Ahead Slow
37 Not enough dud torp early in war Important
47 Incorrect radar depth Important
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction Important
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth Important


Don't forget to add the FEATURES List as well!

Especially those which probably didn't make the cut date and weren't added or only implemented half-a$$ed!

03-30-07, 12:17 AM
Ok, John summarized the items and here's how it stacks up:

Bug Report from Subsim.com
Player submissions . . .# of Requests
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug 21
2 "A" key CTD 20
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates 17
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates 15
5 FSAA 15
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) 13
7 Resolution scaling 12
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) 11
9 Ability to open all torpedo doors 10
10 Airplanes attack too much & at night 8
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times 7
12 Transparent crew (Environmental effects on) 7
13 Escorts too passive 6
14 Sonar does not work at PD 5
15 Remove Avro Lancaster 5
16 No uniformity in Imperial/Metric measurements 5
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries 4
18 Remove Court Marshall for being lost at sea 4
19 Flak Gun always reported as damaged 4
20 Using TDC causes CTD 4
21 Hydrophones should work on surface 4
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land 3
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be 3
24 Random Damage of Sub Systems 3
25 Damaged decks do not get repaired: Sub lost 3
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing 3
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") 3
28 Airplanes do not attack enough 3
29 Remove decoys 3
30 Christmas Tree Lights do not turn green 2
31 Torpedo setting re-set after a brief time 2
32 Flashing Green and Red Lights in Conning Tower 2
33 Planesman disappears randomly 2
34 Visuals limited to 8000m 2
35 Player can man deck guns in rough weather 2
36 AA Gunners do not fire enough 2
37 Not enough dud torp early in war 2
38 Radio messages received under water 2
39 Allow rescue of enemy pilots 2
40 Flight Models of Planes incorrect 2
41 Smoke/Clouds move too fast 2
42 Incorrect medal names and insignias 1
43 Incorrect awarding of wounded medal 1
44 Remove Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks 1
45 Seagulls appear too far from port 1
46 Items damaged after being fixed 1
47 Incorrect radar depth 1
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction 1
49 Shift-F2 causes CTD 1
50 Windowed Mode not working in Multiplay 1
51 Crush depth and test depth should not be the same 1
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth 1
53 Incorrect crush depths (too shallow) 1
54 Aircraft too easy to shoot down 1
55 Depth Charges should not be below 200' 1
56 AI Planes too far from land 1
57 Life Boats move too fast 1

My notes:

Neal's notes
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug Priority 1 Got to have a flawless TDC
2 "A" key CTD
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates Priority 1
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates Priority 1 workaround seems to be disable environmental effects
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) Priority 1 - Have not seen this.
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) Priority 1 - Need a magic watch, or a WO
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times Priority 1- When full of messages, the game drags when the
clipboard is brought up; solution, drop off older messages?
13 Escorts too passive Important all AI issues important, AI is king
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries Important moddable?
20 Using TDC causes CTD Important
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land Priority 1 all AI issues important
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be Priority 1 Possible to have a blank station appear when
no radar unit was available? Disable the "go to rader" icons?
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing Priority 1 minor but weird
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") Also: Ordering ahead 2/3, the vocal report is Ahead Slow
37 Not enough dud torp early in war Important
47 Incorrect radar depth Important
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction Important
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth Important

Neal can I ammend number 48 as I'm the one who brought it up. The problem only comes when you flood and sink to the bottom not when you run aground. I have run tests and it happens at any depth. Hopefully that will help the devs reproduce it if they want.

Phineas Fogg
03-30-07, 12:27 AM
Hi all,
My first post.... I've read this forum for years and have always learned from it.
The list of requested fixes grows, I have just one little fix to add.
Hud setup... I'm getting a little tired of moving the info window, dimming it then locking it down everytime I continue playing. It should remember locations.
I know it's a small request..

Thanks for the ear.

03-30-07, 01:20 AM
My main request right now (dizzam I am about to hit the sack and have mentioned this issue in a few posts, I may wind up dreaming about it :doh:) is for the devs to fix the problem with the corrupted career savegames asap. Until that issue is out of the way I won't be touching SH 4 anymore because it is frustrating the hell out of me to having to start over all the time.

Onkel Neal
03-30-07, 07:27 AM

Don't forget to add the FEATURES List as well!

Especially those which probably didn't make the cut date and weren't added or only implemented half-a$$ed!

Bugs and glitches first.

03-30-07, 07:47 AM
*HEAD EXPLODES* This patch will be ready by fall.:rotfl:

03-30-07, 07:53 AM
Only one...

FSAA for the love of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-30-07, 10:52 PM
If you zoom into the TDC panel in the control room ( use Shf F2 ) they have spelled the label for the Target length as "TARGET LENGHT". Immersion factor thing really but nice if it was an easy fix.:-?

03-31-07, 01:53 AM
Hi all,
My first post.... I've read this forum for years and have always learned from it.
The list of requested fixes grows, I have just one little fix to add.
Hud setup... I'm getting a little tired of moving the info window, dimming it then locking it down everytime I continue playing. It should remember locations.
I know it's a small request..

Thanks for the ear.

Even with that improvement it will be a pain. I have yet to find a place where it is not in the way on at least one screen. This is my #1 most hated thing with the interface - hands down. It's like hanging big furry dice right in front of a F-16 HUD.

03-31-07, 02:37 AM
Repair crew, I'd like to see some sort of icon that shows there working (wrench for SH3) some times it seems like it isn't repairing at all. Also is there supposed to be a Repair qualification ala SH3? I'm trying Engineers but those don't fill up the Repair team bar either.
Clipboard gets super slow as patrol progresses.
Attacking aircraft too frequent and at night, It seems as though they come straight over you (underwater) than turn around for no reason.
'Q" key/open torp doors is to slow. When I have tube 1 selected and Press Q, than select tube 2, tube 2 opens and 1 remains closed; also I think that the tubes seem to close after a while because when I fire with them open they don't leave immediately.
3D Enviromental Effects problems/slowdown
Missions that go along with videos shown after each patrol.
Make objectives more undrestandable ex. Amount of Time to patrol an area
Fix Stopwatch
Improve Destroyer AI
Get rid of the "We need to surface. We are out of air" message.

04-05-07, 01:30 PM

04-05-07, 02:04 PM
1) Put manual switches in the 3d sub model to open/close torpedo tube doors.
2) Manual control through the mouse of the radar/hydrophone stations
3) Fix the periodic resetting of torpedo settings
4) Translucent crew using environmental effects
5) Fix all the bugs/unimplemented features with the TDC. This is a game breaker for me.
6) CTD bugs with the stadimeter and A key.
7) Air search radar picking up surface targets

04-05-07, 10:00 PM
Hey Neal,

In reference to #11, I don't think that the issue stems from to many messages in the log (SH3 stores the same amount and in the same file format) Messages recieved are stored in SaveData.rmr, and mine in SH4 are no larger than the ones I have in SH3. I think there is something in the code that is causing it glitch out and pause the load of the messages.

I dont think the issue is from the amount of data, but from how it is being handled. anything above an old 486 computer can blitz through those files in no time.

I am mostly concerned only because I have been putting a ton of work into my Journal Builder, and if those files are truncated over a year of my work is lost :D

However, if it turns out that is the only solution to the problem for whatever reason... Im all aboard.



04-05-07, 10:32 PM
Ok, John summarized the items and here's how it stacks up:

Bug Report from Subsim.com
Player submissions . . .# of Requests
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug 21
2 "A" key CTD 20
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates 17
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates 15
5 FSAA 15
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) 13
7 Resolution scaling 12
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) 11
9 Ability to open all torpedo doors 10
10 Airplanes attack too much & at night 8
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times 7
12 Transparent crew (Environmental effects on) 7
13 Escorts too passive 6
14 Sonar does not work at PD 5
15 Remove Avro Lancaster 5
16 No uniformity in Imperial/Metric measurements 5
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries 4
18 Remove Court Marshall for being lost at sea 4
19 Flak Gun always reported as damaged 4
20 Using TDC causes CTD 4
21 Hydrophones should work on surface 4
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land 3
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be 3
24 Random Damage of Sub Systems 3
25 Damaged decks do not get repaired: Sub lost 3
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing 3
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") 3
28 Airplanes do not attack enough 3
29 Remove decoys 3
30 Christmas Tree Lights do not turn green 2
31 Torpedo setting re-set after a brief time 2
32 Flashing Green and Red Lights in Conning Tower 2
33 Planesman disappears randomly 2
34 Visuals limited to 8000m 2
35 Player can man deck guns in rough weather 2
36 AA Gunners do not fire enough 2
37 Not enough dud torp early in war 2
38 Radio messages received under water 2
39 Allow rescue of enemy pilots 2
40 Flight Models of Planes incorrect 2
41 Smoke/Clouds move too fast 2
42 Incorrect medal names and insignias 1
43 Incorrect awarding of wounded medal 1
44 Remove Senior Chief and Master Chief ranks 1
45 Seagulls appear too far from port 1
46 Items damaged after being fixed 1
47 Incorrect radar depth 1
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction 1
49 Shift-F2 causes CTD 1
50 Windowed Mode not working in Multiplay 1
51 Crush depth and test depth should not be the same 1
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth 1
53 Incorrect crush depths (too shallow) 1
54 Aircraft too easy to shoot down 1
55 Depth Charges should not be below 200' 1
56 AI Planes too far from land 1
57 Life Boats move too fast 1

My notes:

Neal's notes
1 TDC causes torpedoes to miss behind ship/port side bug Priority 1 Got to have a flawless TDC
2 "A" key CTD
3 SD Radar picks up surface contacts & rotates Priority 1
4 Monolith & fog affects framerates Priority 1 workaround seems to be disable environmental effects
6 Crew die for no reason (mostly deck crew) Priority 1 - Have not seen this.
8 Chronometer does not work (for target speed) Priority 1 - Need a magic watch, or a WO
11 Clipboard/Radio log Loading Times Priority 1- When full of messages, the game drags when the
clipboard is brought up; solution, drop off older messages?
13 Escorts too passive Important all AI issues important, AI is king
17 Rapid/inaccurate depletion of Air, fuel and batteries Important moddable?
20 Using TDC causes CTD Important
22 1 Knot convoys, clustered, and ships on land Priority 1 all AI issues important
23 Radar reports when no radar is on Sub/radar station on subs when should not be Priority 1 Possible to have a blank station appear when
no radar unit was available? Disable the "go to rader" icons?
26 Out of Oxygen message when surfacing Priority 1 minor but weird
27 Sound Loops on crew orders ("rudder", "rudder") Also: Ordering ahead 2/3, the vocal report is Ahead Slow
37 Not enough dud torp early in war Important
47 Incorrect radar depth Important
48 Hitting bottom causes sub destruction Important
52 Balao radar turn off at 18m depth Important
Neal can I ammend number 48 as I'm the one who brought it up. The problem only comes when you flood and sink to the bottom not when you run aground. I have run tests and it happens at any depth. Hopefully that will help the devs reproduce it if they want.

fullmetaledges, I'm afraid that your statement above is wrong. The sub will take collision damage while resting stationary on the sea floor whether there is compartment flooding or not. The damage is greater and happens quicker when there is flooding. But either way, the sub will eventually be destroyed from this sea floor collision damage. This is a bug that was carried over from SH3 that should have been fixed. :nope:

04-05-07, 10:34 PM
Another bug I forgot...

-Too many ships sink during storms.. sometimes entire convoys get wiped out.

04-05-07, 11:27 PM
I have one which may have been mentioned already however, Please Ubisoft, Khrishna, God or whoever is in charge of the map, remove that huge yellow star with the golf flag in it from the map and perhaps replace it with something slightly less Disneyish, a simple dot or an X will be fine. Thank You.

Bugs I Hate
TC sometimes doesnt turn off causing loss of boat due to 1024x speedie depthcharging / gun damage from enemies.

04-05-07, 11:40 PM
1. Proper support for high resolutions.
2. Support for FSAA.
3. Fix the chronometer for estimating speed.
4. Improve the bouyancy model so the sub reacts with the waves better.
5. Fix the 'A' key CTD.
6. More interactive crew (up to SH3 standards).
7. Make the command room more interactive.
8. Fix the transparent crew bug.

These are my top issues at the moment.


This is my list as well.

04-06-07, 06:52 AM
Anyone mention the ships and subs and torps floating out of the water in really rough weather?
I feel that none of the boats ever crash through the waves but rather bob along on the surface like a plastic toy. Don't think the GWX team could even fix that problem from SHIII (that isn't a poke at the GWX team btw, i can't even begin to understand the mammoth effort that went behind that mod)

edit : lol shoulda read the last one really

04-07-07, 09:21 AM
Well, I guess that most of the bugs were already mentioned here and they definitly should be fixed in 1.02 (specially the "measuring ships speed with the Chronometer" which doesn't work).
Excluding the bugs I would like to see the list of American aircraft changed which is IMO the one of the worse game issues in SH4. Here are the changes that I would like to see in 1.2:
-> First, the already mentioned Lancaster. I realy don't understand what happend in the minds of the SH4 devs! REALLY, what were they thinking when they put the Lancaster in SH4?? They could choose either the B-24 and/or the Catalina which in the first place are much more realistic to be modeled in the Pacific Scenario and secondly they saw service in the US Forces as opposed to the Lancaster which never as far as I know saw service in the US forces. Finally, both the B-24 and the Catalina where in SH3 why didn't they include them in SH4??
-> Secondly, I would like to see that "Torpedo Bomber" which seems to be some sort of Helldiver replaced by the Avenger. The Avenger saw service thru almost the entire war (as opposed to the Helldiver) and was a true Torpedo Bomber. And again the Avenger was modeled in SH3, why wasn't it modeled in SH4??
->Third, the SH4 devs should replace or at least complement that Buffallo fighter with a F4F Wildcat. It's more realistic for the US forces since the Buffallo only saw active combat service with US forces in the battle of Midway while the F4F saw service in almost every battle in the Pacific (where US forces participated, that is).
-> IMO, I would also like to see a Dauntless Dive Bomber modeled as a complement or even as a replacement for the "pseudo-Helldiver".

So IMO the aircraft order of Battle for the US should be:
Fighter: F4F Wildcat
Torpedo Bomber: Avenger (SH3 had this one, please include it also in SH4)
Dive Bomber: Dauntless
Long range Bomber: B-24 (SH3 had this one, please include it also in SH4)
Scout: Catalina (SH3 had this one, please include it also in SH4)

Well, my 2 cents...

04-07-07, 11:29 AM
Excluding the bugs I would like to see the list of American aircraft changed which is IMO the one of the worse game issues in SH4. Here are the changes that I would like to see in 1.2:
-> First, the already mentioned Lancaster. I realy don't understand what happend in the minds of the SH4 devs! REALLY, what were they thinking when they put the Lancaster in SH4??

They (and they being ubisoft lawyers in this case) were thinking they don't want to be sued or threatened by giant US defense contractors who assert the right to demand money for the graphical representation of aircraft they (or companies bought out by them) produced during the Second World War. (Yes, seriously. You don't really think the devs know the difference between a Sargo and Gato, but not a Lancaster and a Catalina?)

My bugs/unfinished elements list:

1. Errors causing random CTDs.
2. Loading a save game should restore the game to exact state it was saved in. Anything else is unacceptable.
3. TDC bugs, including torpedo speed, chronometer, bearing wheels and resetting torpedo settings.
4. Damage model bugs (in particular random loss of buoyancy after an attack, but only underwater and with no reported damage to pressure hull/bulkheads and no flooding), consistent damage feedback in damage control screen and subs' incredible resistance to heavy naval gunfire.
5. Radar bugs including simply not functioning when compass heading is south of east or west, air search radar picking up surface contacts, SD radar giving bearing information, radar commands not working consistently, switched A-scope/PPI stations on command bar, access to PPI display before historically available.
6. Optimize environmental effects and separate the various effects into different options (all other options reduce FPS 1-2 frames, but environmental effects option cuts frames in half). Standard fog should replace volumetric fog when that option is not selected.
7. Finish the campaign/career system (cloned groups of inappropiate ship types, missing layers, base change orders not received, log book eats memory, receiving the same mission twice in a row, upgrades not working, unrealistic air opposition, not all ammo restored when refitting).
8. Sonar functioning should not be tied to an arbitrary depth (performance should degrade with sea state and proximity to surface, should only stop functioning if sonar head is not in the water).
9. Massive slow down when closing to an area of the map with lots of activity while under high time compression, leading to sub traveling without control beyond waypoints, crashing into land, etc.
10. Deck gun bugs, including stabilized optics regardless of difficulty option selection, crew aiming points not reflecting actual target and range displayed in meters.

11. AI problem (yeah, can't believe I forgot this one): When under attack, merchants should not slow to a crawl, turn broadside to you and stop, or play follow the leader with a doomed ship.

All in all, just stabilize the engine and finish the game with the vision that is clearly present beneath the rough exterior.

04-07-07, 01:05 PM
1: Fix Invisible monolith causing massive FPS drop when using Enviro-effects
2: Fix crewmen being injured when manning damaged stations - even if they weren't there when the damage happened.
3: fix TDC bugs/ speed measurement.
4: Fix deadzones on Radar and the switching off/ changing modes when you enter the station.
5: Add support for Both AA and higher resolutions
6: Please allow the messages for radar contacts to be changed so we can tell at a glance if the operator is picking up SD or SJ contacts
7: please, pretty please, pretty thrice please add a crashdive option to the pop up orders box you get when a ship / aircraft is spotted.
8: If at all possible please externalise the files that relate to time spent in port / transfers and refits so that we can mod them.
9: Err,
10: thats all for now thankyou very much!

04-07-07, 02:38 PM
1. TDC must be fixed and completely operable and reliable.

2. Torpedo speed setting on fast must be fixed and corrected.

3. Crew responses must be fixed so there is no stutter and more responses from them would be nice--esp with more human-like voices if possible.

4. Better internal damage--I rammed a ship the other day and the lights didn't even flicker, just the camera bounced around---like a bad Star Trek special effect from the TOS.

Those are the big ones for me--trying to think of hard-coded stuff which modders can't improve on. thanks.

04-07-07, 07:01 PM
They (and they being ubisoft lawyers in this case) were thinking they don't want to be sued or threatened by giant US defense contractors who assert the right to demand money for the graphical representation of aircraft they (or companies bought out by them) produced during the Second World War. (Yes, seriously. You don't really think the devs know the difference between a Sargo and Gato, but not a Lancaster and a Catalina?)

Actually they can solve the problem by naming the an aircraft of for example Torpedo Bomber instead of Grumman Avenger or Scout Plane instead of Consolidated Catalina which was exactly what they did. So making an aircraft which resembles a Buffalo instead of a Wildcat will not make them more or less prone to lawsuits as long as they don't use any of these company names and even if they use the military designation only (for example: F4F) they shoudn't have any problem since that name is the military designation and therefore public.
And if what you said was true why wasn't UBI sued when they did and released SH3, a game which included the Avenger and the Catalina?

Cap'n Crabs
04-07-07, 08:44 PM
1. Clipboard slowdown. I have 1 gig of ram and often have 15-20 minute delays later in a campaign mission. :damn: That should not be.
2. Monolith/enviro slow down.
3. Too many plane attacks in the middle of nowhere.
4. Batteries run down way too quick.
5. Bad clipping in the tub when manning the AA at the 90 or 270 degree ranges, blocks the view of incoming planes when trying to site them in.
6. Repaired items being damaged again for no reason.
7. Sometimes it seems the sub sinks to it's death with very little damage if you go a little beyond periscope depth.
8. AI ... hard to say what this is, but it seems destroyers will sometimes find you when they clearly shouldn't and other times seem too tired to make any effort to locate you.
9. A ship explodes, you hear the explosion sound effect, and it will start to loop but stops. Also the other looping sounds as already mentioned.
10. The damage model is not consistant. Some ships seem to have no damage model for them, others are fine. I love the effect when it works though :up:
11. Not a bug, but a wish, to have a checkbox or what have you, to turn off crew management all together. I know others enjoy it but I would like the option to turn it off if I want to.
Those are the main ones for me, there are others but I can't remember them at this time.
Despite the bugs, I'm really enjoying this game, and believe it will only get better. The water is just beautiful.
I just recently installed GWX mod, so there's plenty to keep me going between the two.

04-07-07, 10:03 PM
They (and they being ubisoft lawyers in this case) were thinking they don't want to be sued or threatened by giant US defense contractors who assert the right to demand money for the graphical representation of aircraft they (or companies bought out by them) produced during the Second World War. (Yes, seriously. You don't really think the devs know the difference between a Sargo and Gato, but not a Lancaster and a Catalina?)

Actually they can solve the problem by naming the an aircraft of for example Torpedo Bomber instead of Grumman Avenger or Scout Plane instead of Consolidated Catalina which was exactly what they did. So making an aircraft which resembles a Buffalo instead of a Wildcat will not make them more or less prone to lawsuits as long as they don't use any of these company names and even if they use the military designation only (for example: F4F) they shoudn't have any problem since that name is the military designation and therefore public.
And if what you said was true why wasn't UBI sued when they did and released SH3, a game which included the Avenger and the Catalina?

Whether a threat is rationale or would stand up in court is irrelevant. Ubi, and with very good cause, is avoiding anything even remotely related to the, as far as I know still unresolved, PF debacle. The rights the contractors have asserted go beyond their names, far beyond. They might not be legimate claims, but the contractors have more than enough money to let it go to court. Very few game companies have the money to spend on any level of legal dispute. It cheaper for them to just avoid these people altogether. You might also note that a certain ship is missing and another goes without a proper class name. This means much if you followed the PF saga.

But that is beside my point. Whether or not there is a solution to the problem, the allegation that the devs included the Lancaster as a US search plane, or the Buffalo as the principal naval fighter because they were stupid, ignorant, or willfully negligent (and I'm not really speaking of you, but the broader reaction) is misplaced, to say the least. What the devs were thinking doesn't really count for much in this.

Personally, I think complaints about the in-game Allied plane roster should be directed straight to the desk of Northrop-Grumman's CEO and some other select corporate types. ;)

04-15-07, 07:46 AM
Akdavis, I don't think that's irrelevant as you said because game developers have been doing this for quite a long time and this is specially visible within car-genre games. The majority of those devs decide to make the cars on their games as being amost equal to the real counterparts (anyone can see that) but they decide to name those same cars with something diferent from the real name and the truth is that this works and there are no lawsuits against any developer/publisher of a car game. There are also a few ones that use real names but they use licences for that and such devs are a minority.
Take for example the GTA series, I don't know if you play those games but I do an they are among my favourite and everyone I believe can identify the cars in those games with they real counterparts, for example the Banshee is clearly a Dogde/ChryslerViper and a Stalion is a Mustang, etc... Does the devs from GTA have any lawsuit because of the modeled cars, NO of course not! So resuming, as long as the devs don't include the name of the company or any name related to the company (example: a model of the car) no problem should will happen to them.

The problems with military sims started with Pacific Fighters from Maddox games but to be honest they were stupid. They put on the back of the game's box the following:
Fly with real planes such as the Grumman F4F Willcat, so basically they were asking for this.
An by the way the problem that happened with Northrop-Grumman's can happen tommorow with any other company like for example the ones that made the subs in SH4 (which I don't who was) or with any other non-US companies (Mitsubitshi for example).

Joe S
04-15-07, 09:05 AM
Here's my top eight on my limited time with the "game" so far:
1)obviously,Crashes have to be fixed first.
2) TDC has to be working properly
3) If the scope recticle isnt properly graduated, that should be fixed
4) opt out for crew management
5)restore sonar at periscope depth
6)allow manual input or range without using split image device
7display time to complete torpedo reload
8)complete the documentation

Some of these may not be "bugs" but when features have been in prior subsims and have become accepted as representative of the state of the art, it should be a given that they be used as a starting point for future game development.

A missioin creator like the one we had in SHI would be great!
Map notes that automatically denote the time of entry would be great and realistic. A button to return to normal time compression is a no brainer as far as I am concerned. Joe S

Cap'n Crabs
04-15-07, 09:29 AM
A couple more...
I want drawing tools on my Attack map.

If my home base changes, provide a message from comsubpac stating so. It's a hassel to go into a cfg file to see where it's changed to.

Uber tankers. Had one that refused to go down.

04-15-07, 01:26 PM
"Fire One!"

BUG: 'A' key. Showstopper.

"Fire Two!"

BUG: TDC doesn't work. Also, "easy mode" with auto-targeting should be that - "easy."
- torpedoes miss astern
- torpedoes reset themselves to default state
- can't set torpedo speed to "high"
- Mark 14s seem too reliable (FEATURE)
- Mark 23s don't seem reliable enough (FEATURE)
BUG: Damage control
- not enough indication of hull integrity or ability to dive safely (I think an audible "Pressure hull damaged!" is all you get)
- repaired equipment spontaneously damages itself again
- crew reports undamaged equipment as now repaired
FEATURE: Clipboard. Serves no real useful purpose and ruins performance more than any other single issue. "Contact" messages are merely duplicates of what's already in the dialog box. Fox and PacNews should all be audible over the radio.
FEATURE: Ultra is not really Ultra. "Escorts are priorty; clear up for follow up attacks" is not a particularly realistic Ultra directive. "Intercept Shokaku at [a
given LAT/LONG]" would be.
FEATURE: Boats are not technically accurate enough in some respects. Crush depths, Balao radar, S-class speed, etc. Classes are misnamed or indistinct. Or mispelled. For the record: P-O-R-P-O-I-S-E.
BUG: Radar
- SD radar picks up surface contacts.
- SJ radar only works at certain angles.

"Fire Three!"

BUG: Fuel consumption
BUG: Sound loops ("Yes sir! Yes sir! Rudder! Rudder! Yes sir! Yes sir!")
FEATURE: Generally crappy voice overs. These guys all sound like they're wacked out on something or riding a roller coaster, not serious sailors on a wartime boat.
("New! depth! 1! 9! 8!") Can we please send Seaman Spongebob to the brig. Permanently. ("Contact! Mr. Crabs! Bearing! 2! 7! 0!") This stuff is really a serious
mood-breaker. How about a simple "Make my depth 2-5-0, aye" ?

"Fire Four!"

BUG: Transparent deck crew
BUG: Monolith
BUG: 1-knot convoys/TFs milling around
BUG: You accept command of a new boat but some game text continues to refer to the old one.

"Fire Five!"

FEATURE: Patrol assignments, esp. early war patrols, are a bit off. Pearl-based boats should go to the home islands, the Sea of Japan; Australia-based boats deal with the Philippines, DEI, coast of Indochina, etc. Base transfer is generally screwy, too. No message or order to relocate to new base.

"Fire Six!"

FEATURE: Posthumous court-martial is unrealistic.
FEATURE: Silly or inane dialogs (radio messages, post-patrol text and commendations, cut-scenes, etc.) are either unrealistic or melodramatic (or both) = mood-spoilers.
FEATURE: Service ranks are wrong (where are the Motor Macs, for instance?)
FEATURE: Crew complement is too gamey. You can stack your boat with officers, or Master Chiefs, or whatever you and your renown desire.

"Time on those torpedoes?"
"God only knows, sir."
"Very well. Ahead one-third. Take 'er down to 300. Stand by for depth charges."
"But sir, we are out of oxygen and must surface...."

04-15-07, 01:40 PM
Great lists so far - here is another to consider - not necessarily the order they need - although #1 is top of the list for that reason!

#1 - Save Game Issue (not there or CTD) - this has been around since Sh3 in some form or another - We as consumers deserve a 100% working save/load ability. If the cause is the submerged/to near ship issue as many seem to think - then get it working the rest of the time and then note to us that saving when we are submerged and dodging DD's isnt gonna work. I think alot of us would accept that if it worked the rest of the time.

#2 - Save Game Issue - Changing or harming crew on reload - does this need an explanation as to why it should be fixed? If they werent hurt or dead when I saved, why are they now?

#3 - "A" button Ctd - dunno why this does it - but a maintain course and depth button that ejects me from the game is a bad thing,

#4 - Chronometer "bug" - more a feature. Its listed as working in the manual - so it ought to be fixed. I can do manual solutions without it - but alot of folks want it and I agree that since its listed as there - it should get some attention.

#5 - Message Log "bug" - I have been bitten by this one - and while I have the patience to wait for it to load - there is a better way. Simply create a delete "button" on each entry - that way each player can delete what they dont want and keep it manageable. The other choice - after 24/48 hours - the reports of convoys and task groups can be deleted. If the player is pursuing, or if he was ignoring the report - either way he doesnt need it - so deleting it would solve the issue.

#6 - Graphical "glitches" (Monolith of FPSDeath, etc) - While I havent hit these yet - anything that causes my framerate to die like this needs attention.

#7 - AI - specificaly Convoy/Merchant AI - Taking a merchie and having the rest slow to 4 knots or less - sometimes circling - is really a killer. Once you get your first hit - the rest become sheep in a slaughter. In reality - each ship would go to max speed and set a course away from the attack - trying to reform later. While I understand making the AI do that may not be feasible - at least they ought to go to max speed and flee - even if they do it together. Yes - some may outdistance others, but the ai could be made to get the "laggers" to stay at a higher speed till they retake their proper position (thats what sh3 did). Better than "lets all stop and get sunk".

#8 - AI - Escorts. They seem to be plenty aggressive if your outside the screen - but once you get into the "convoy box", they seem to literally ignore you. Even if you go high speed with your tower out of the water, they are hesitant to charge in. SH3 had escorts who would not hesitate to penetrate the convoy box to pursue you - so this shouldnt be too hard to fix - hopefully.

#9 - Ship physics / Collision avoidance / Damage - This is probably too much to ask - but no ship should be able to go from 8 knots to 33 in 30 seconds. The engines may turn the props to get that fast - but the acceleration/deceleration coefficients really need work. Granted - I accept that this is likely a tradeoff made since the collision avoidance AI can only do so much. Even with the concessions made - I still see lifeboats getting crunched by DD's (then the DD sinks???) Would love to see this be a bit more realistic.

#10 - Its not a bug fix, or a promised feature - but it looks like the devs made a start and I would love to see it finished - that is the "roster" of ships and its incorporation to the campaign. I don't know how much they were able to work on this - but being able to fully implement it - no more sinking 5 yamoto's in a career - would really make the sinkings we get be more appreciated - especially knowing that with only one (or a limited number of the type of vessel) out there - if you see it - you arent likely to get another shot at it for the rest of the war....

Now - some on this list are game "killers" - the save game issue being really the largest. With all that said - let me say this to the devs and to the community. SH4 is a heck of a game - and while rushed (not the dev's fault - thats HQ orders making it ship) the game is still an excellent work that I enjoy greatly. The devs, with UBI support - did alot of work on SH3 and I suspect they will do the same for SH4. TO UBI and the DEVS - thank you for your hard work in bringing an excellent game forward. Nothing is perfect, but with your willingness to listen to us, the consumer, we can get this game to truly realize its great potential.

To those in the community that scream that we never get any results and that ubi never listens and harken back to SH3 - or the fact that the 1.2 patch isnt all inclusive and already out - I have one word for you.....


Ubi listened to us on this issue - and now we have a game that - while not perfect - isnt screwing up our DVD drives! SH3 had 4 patches - expect SH4 to get good support. And thank them when you get a patch that actually doesnt screw more stuff up - let em fix things as they can and test em.

I spent good money on SH4 - and I am not saying its perfect - but I spent money with a company that - with SH3 - proved they would listen to me, and you. Thank you Ubi - and thank you Devs. You will continue to have my business - and my appreciation - as long you continue to make, and then support - quality games.

Good Hunting All
Captain Haplo

04-15-07, 03:32 PM
Please please please....A lot of us UK Subbies would like to see a Brit sub added....Just 1-2 classes.....After all we did our part as well.......Salute !

04-15-07, 04:20 PM
CTD and save issues. I could care less about the more minor issues right now. Just make it so that when I have to leave the game mid-mission because my 10-month old is crying I can actually come BACK to the game as I left it. I have never, NEVER, experienced another game (except SHIII) that was released (and even after patches) didn't correct this gross negligence. I mean, comon, how difficult would this have been to spot on the SEQUAL to the game it first appeared in...:damn:

And please, I beg of you, don't try to add or improve anything that currently works. Fix your problems first, then think about what you would like to implement to enhance the game.