View Full Version : Another dumb question... please help!

03-27-07, 03:42 AM
OK, dumb question time. I'm no veteran of the SH series, but I encountered something in SH4 that I never saw in SH3 - if I'm on the surface and get even slight bulkhead or hull damage from an air strike or destroyer attack, if I ever go to periscope depth or deeper any time later in the patrol, my tub starts falling like a rock, totally beyond my control. The funny thing is, this happens if I run into trouble after getting any and all repairs made after a skirmish or air strike - I was returning from a recon trip to Yokohama and got attacked by air. Slight damage, but I shot the plane down and moved on, assuming I was totally fine. Then I come up on a couple freighters and order periscope depth, thinking "I'm fine, those DC boys did their job." WRONG! I start plummeting to my doom, so I order back full and start dumping air like I've had too much Taco Bell. What the heck is going on? Is this realistic? I can't believe that I would be forced to stay surfaced for the rest of my patrol and risk running out of ammo for my gunners. It seems totally illogical for hull damage incurred while surfaced would completely preclude your ability to submerge again until you're back in port. I know repair measures were crude on subs, but come on. The worst thing as that as soon as this starts happening, no one talks about flooding or damage, it just happens - no one has a clue what is going on, and my number 1 keeps yelling out depth reports. Even if it was one compartment that completely flooded, you could theoretically maintain buoyancy or a certain depth by sealing it off and messing with ballast and air right?

Any advice from some old sea dogs? This has got to be a bug or something I'm doing wrong, because like I said, I got the crap beat out of me enough in SH3 to know how to handle damage, and this never happened.

PS, I miss the SH3 damage screen, what with the damage color levels and hull integrity display and all - seems to me that the devs should really look hard at DC for the next patch.