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View Full Version : Something to consider.....

03-24-07, 09:56 AM
For all you new skippers out there it was about 8 years ago and we were looking at the prospect of SH II being dropped from development. At that time the ole Sub simulation well was dry.... nada. The future was very bleak to say the least.

And then SHII was released, and it was a disaster. Many felt as I did, that the window of subsims has now passed us by with all the trends in the gaming market (A sub sim was not at the top of the food chain). The well seemed too deep then, just moving on or play with a broken toy.

Then the announcement of SHII and its arrival...... and now two years late we have another sub sim. That is 2 sims in 2 years... WOW if you had told us then that this was down the road, with a dynamic campaign to boot, we would have been ecstatic.

My ramble is to say this, have we gotten so spoiled now that we complain and reject the game after less than a week of play, or some who have not even loaded it on their HD have rejected it? WE ALL should be very grateful that we have had 2 sims in 2 years..... this my friends is a full vineyard, a ripe harvest. Be patient guys, SH3 turned out to be a great game and I know SH IV will be and it is already ahead in some respects to SH III. And if you look around the sim, the devs did listen and are listening to us……..

Remember , count you blessings and good hunting…… :up:

03-24-07, 10:16 AM
Thats all well and good if you can afford a high-end card, which the SH4 engine seems to be geared to. Even on the lowest settings, its more like Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Powerpoint on my nVidia GeForce 6200 256MB card.

03-24-07, 10:19 AM
Thats all well and good if you can afford a high-end card, which the SH4 engine seems to be geared to. Even on the lowest settings, its more like Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Powerpoint on my nVidia GeForce 6200 256MB card.

This is the nature of the beast with all new games...... they gear towards the latest technology...... if they did the reverse we would all complain how bad it looked and out dated it is etc.............

The overall point here is that you actually have a sim to upgrade to...... :D

03-24-07, 11:41 AM
That happened last time with SH3, now one burnt out GeForce FX 5500 and an obsolete 6200 later, there's SH4 :rotfl:

03-24-07, 11:48 AM
That happened last time with SH3, now one burnt out GeForce FX 5500 and an obsolete 6200 later, there's SH4 :rotfl:

I feel your pain.....and so does my wallet :rotfl:

03-24-07, 01:35 PM
Hullo there iblitz. Long time and all that. :up:

I haven't even played it yet although I just installed it. Funny you should mention Sh2; I was just thinking about it this afternoon. You know, sh2 was in every concievable way inferior to Sh3 (and 4 he says confidently,) but there wasn't a tenth of the angry barking that goes on now. You are right: we are spoiled.

I'm about to uprade from my 6800 ultra to something shinier (but not dx10 - not enough bang for buck just now to make it worth my while,) and I'm going to get a spanking new monitor at the same time. Here is a question for whoever knows about these things - do I really need one that goes all the way up to 16 by 12? I'm just not decided that it is worth it.

03-24-07, 01:41 PM
What bugs me is a lot of complaints are either bugs from running a pirated copy or things that are wrong, like I read someone complaining that you couldnt set torpedo speed or depth. Theres bugs in SH4 like there were and are bugs in SH3. I honestly dont understand the hostility this sim has got.

03-24-07, 02:53 PM
Here is a question for whoever knows about these things - do I really need one that goes all the way up to 16 by 12? I'm just not decided that it is worth it.

Do you mean a resolution of 1600x1200? Heck, I don't know what you 'need', but I have a Samsung 214t which is a 22 inch model and has a 1600x1200 native resolution and I'd say it's worth every penny. :yep: