View Full Version : Radar woes, please help

03-08-07, 01:50 PM
Prior to the latest SH3 patch my radio operator would use the radar when given orders to do so. When the boat was submerged he would switch the radar off and when resurfacing he would turn it back on. Now, with the latest patch my operator will turn the thing off whenever the tower gets swamped in rough weather.

I know that this is probably seen as normal but it would also be normal for my operator to do his best to use the radar at least intermittently enough so I can detect the swarms of idiotic B-24's and Sunderlands (If the allies had as many planes as spawn in this game they could have lined them up side by side and carpet bombed a swath of destruction from one side of Germany to the other, blowing away the crust of the Earth and allowing Magma to rush out and bury everything from Paris to Istanbul)

Anyway, I am using the first radar detector you can get. It's 1943 & Naxos is available (I think) but I have been out to sea since mid July and it is now October 3rd (I put in with a resupply Uboat in the middle of the atlantic as my type VII hadn't enough gas to get back to Brest) The detector I have is useless and it would seem my deck officer is in need of a seeing eye dog as I often don't hear about enemy aircraft until I am seconds away from being bombed. I decided to use my radar on a regular basis until I could put into port and get fitted with a Naxos, which saved my butt on my previous campaign. I could care less if my radar is detected since air attacks come on average of 100km of traveling surfaced, sometimes more often, esp. if they already spotted me once. I had four sunderlands coming in from different angles on my last patrol as I surfaced (I usually check with the scope but forgot this time...). I SWEAR, I must have a spy on my boat.

Someone please tell me if there is a way (mod, editing a file somewhere, etc.) to make my radio operator turn the radar back on when standing orders are to use it. I am dead without it, or stuck until I get calm water or heavy fog (In which case I travel with snorkel and use hydrophones).

Another thing is find irksome is that the deck officer should report changes in visibility (the density of the fog) but doesn't - so I end up getting run over by a destroyer that materializes at 400 meters from time to time when there is heavy fog that I don't know about. It would also be nice if the navigator would check the Obs. scope every 20 minutes or so when traveling with snorkel so that when fog breaks I can go back to traveling surfaced with my watch deck/radar in anticipation of air attacks. Doubt there is a mod that would simulate such independent actions of a mindful crew but I pray there is some way to make my radar work when I really need it.

Then again, maybe it simply expected of you to be in a no win situation in this game and you should just stand on deck and salute the bombers as they come in to send you to St. Peter. We are the bad guys in this game, after all.

03-08-07, 01:54 PM
As I remember the Radar always turned off in bad weather when underwater
And had to be switched back on when surfacing

Mind you stock was a long time ago
Def remember it that way in GW though

03-08-07, 01:57 PM
Before patching My radar would be on so long as I was surfaced (it would only go off when submerged or the tower got swamped by waves) when I gave orders for it to be used. When I ordered it off it would stay off at all times.

03-08-07, 02:00 PM
Yes thats what I meant
You switch it on and it stays on until you submerge or are swamped unless you turn it off

Oh :damn:

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03-08-07, 02:03 PM
My operator would turn it back on - by himself, without me having to tell him to over and over again. If I fast travelled with the command icons for the radar on screen over the map you would see it flash like crazy as I passed through waves.

Now it stays off unless I tell him by clicking the "continuous sweep" icon.


Then another wave turns it off for me.

03-08-07, 02:17 PM
I think you are confusing radar with the radar detector, too different things. The first radar btw the one with the receiver attached to the front of the conning tower will tunr off in bad weather. If you get the roating one that comes retracts in and out of your conning tower that stays on in bad weather. I'm using GWX mind. The radar detctor is always on on the surface.

03-08-07, 02:47 PM
No, not confusing it with radar detector. It is the radar I am talking about and before patch 1.4b I didn't have to yell at my radio guy to turn it back on every time he turns it off when a wave rolls over the deck. He would turn it back on himself.

When using time compression in rough seas I effectively have no radar at all. Without it I don't have enough time to crash dive, even with a type VII. On average I am only 8-10 meters deep when bombs start hitting the water and my stern is often still visible. When I had Naxos in my last campaign I was anywhere from 18-25 meters - with a type XIV.

Considering how often you are attacked late in the war by bombers this will almost certainly get you and your crew killed, eventually.

What I am saying is that right now I don't have Naxos so I am forced to rely on active sweeping radar and not my detector (because it stinks, and my deck crew often visibly spots the plane 2-4 seconds before my radio operator says anything about detecting signals). I have the type of radar that covers a full 360 degree circle and picks up planes while they are still 6 or 7 km away (show up as grey sqaures identified as "Moving Very Fast") and I can usually get to at least 50 meters before bombs hit the water.

Since weather is bad enough to effect radar (about 75% of the time) I simply do not have radar- unless I want to sit there at 1x and click on the icon to turn it back on every time a wave turns it off.

03-08-07, 09:01 PM
Yes, that sounds very annoying. I don't have a radar yet in my current campaign but that will piss me off no end when I do.

You said you never used to have this problem. What have you installed/changed in your game since then and what did you have before (i.e when it would turn back on my itself)? You mentioned SH3 patch? Does that mean 1.4b or are you talking about GWX 1.02?
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03-09-07, 03:22 AM
It's stock SH3 with 1.4b

I noticed it was doing this before I installed SH3 commander and some real world mod, forget the name of it. It's the one that adds some ports to the Black Sea among other places.

I also adjusted crush depth of my VIIC to 195 meters and got some better sound files for the guns and diving, etc. also some gramaphone stuff.

03-09-07, 07:08 AM
Well you know I honestly think radar is not that useful, not in the North Atlantic for a type VII. I think for the type IXs off in the South Atlantic, Indian Ocean etc. it make smore sense, plus in reality the weather was better there.

03-09-07, 08:28 PM
Actually, I find it very useful for the set of circumstances I described previously. It's the difference from a salvo of Bombs dropped by a b-24 hitting all around me when I am at an average depth of 14 meters (without radar) or 45 meters (with radar). Best guesses.