View Full Version : Making the Captain fully interactive

03-08-07, 09:20 AM
I think that one thing I'd hope to see in a future version of this Sim would be crew members visually interacting with the Captain in a realistic way.

As an example, when a radio message is received, why not have a crew member come and hand the message to you, at which point the picture would cut to show your point of view of the message. This is the Grammar of WWII war movies, and it would produce a much more realistic in game experience and could also be applied in various other situations.

This would not be difficult to achieve, and in my view it would make you the player a real interactive member of the crew, rather than a character who people just look at from time to time and take orders from.

This would also be justification for reintroducing the Captain's Cabin. Heck, brown nosers could bring you coffee!