View Full Version : C&C: Tiberium Wars Demo out!

02-26-07, 08:33 PM
One tutorial mission, two single-player missions featuring live action video sequences, one skirmish map with three different difficulty settings, and one trailer featuring Tricia Helfer, Grace Park, Michael Ironside.

Finally! :rock:



02-27-07, 08:33 AM
I was downloading it, but then I started reading not so good things about it, and aborted. Aliens?! Noooo!

02-27-07, 08:51 AM
Aliens? Itīs GDI Vs. NOD! HUMAAAANS!!!! :rotfl:

Tho, in the full version, there might be some of those tiberium mutants like in Tiberium Sun. :hmm:

But it doesnt matter, I want this game just for the videos! Pretty good actors in them too. I think they picked a perfect actor to play the GDI general. :yep:

GDI Prologue movie from the demo:

I get the other movie from the demo online ASAP. Pure C&C quality. :)

02-27-07, 10:46 AM
The 2nd movie:


02-27-07, 02:15 PM
Any good peeps?

ive been a huge fan of the GDI/Nod CnC for years now :up: Hope this one lives up to the name

Gona take a few hours to download for me :-?

02-27-07, 02:47 PM
Let's hope it's better than Generals. Bah, never was a big fan of Command&Conquer games anyway.

02-27-07, 02:51 PM
From what Iīve learned from the demo, itīll be better. The ones who have played the series from the beginning will love this game. The original Mammoth tank is included. :rock:

02-27-07, 03:34 PM

But, shouldn't it be called Tiberium Twilight? Or is that the next one they're doing? :cool:

Wait.....wait....WAIT A MINUTE!!!

That GDI intel officer girl....SHE IS AN ALIEN SPY!!!


The Cylons are behind the Tiberium!! That explains Nods Cyborg commando unit in TS!!

02-27-07, 03:40 PM
I think tiberium twilight was a expansion to the original C&C OR then it was working title for the Tiberium Wars.

02-27-07, 04:27 PM
Hmmm, it's gonna kinda clash a bit with Tiberium Dawn and Tiberium Sun....love the intro though....classic Westwood stuff :smug:

It's good that they still have Joe Kucan for Kane too :D

Kane lives in Death!
Kane lives in Death!

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

02-27-07, 05:13 PM
Why does it give me a "not a valid win32 application" error?

02-27-07, 05:14 PM
Not a bad demo. The graphics and effects are great. I like the new Ion cannon :up:

Scale is still wrong though with men and tanks etc

Also i noticed the word "several" is greatly misused now.... its not just me right? several still means "7 of" right :-?
There are 3 powerups that say several of somthing will be dropped in and only 4 show up.....

Also has anyone noticed the juggernaught mech scratches itsself like a Dog :o

02-27-07, 05:20 PM
Also has anyone noticed the juggernaught mech scratches itsself like a Dog :o

Hehe, havent seen that. But there seems to be many funny idle animations for the units. Just saw a rifleman play with his rifle, tried to impress the others, but ended up dropping the rifle to the ground.

Also, I noticed thereīs option for the tanks to fall back rear first, so it means that the tanks have stronger armor in the front? Nice work EA. :up:

02-27-07, 08:46 PM
Also has anyone noticed the juggernaught mech scratches itsself like a Dog :oFetch!

I just watched the movies, and they were Command&Conquer-ish, all right. Don't think I'll get the game, though, the series never were my thing.

02-28-07, 02:10 AM
I just went strait in and played a skirmish. Havnt watched any of the movies....
I love the game play and the factions in CnC but the story got far too Sci-Fi for me ever since tib sun :-?

Has anyone else used the ion cannon yet :p

02-28-07, 03:34 AM
Also for anyone wanting to play as Nod

"To choose Nod in skirmish do this: Highlight Nod but dont click it. Now since Nod starts with 'N' you hit 'N' and click the mouse at the same time. might take a try or two to work.

Nod is now selected to play as. Also works with selecting to fight against GDI. (select GDI, hit 'G' and mouse)

Also works with personalities. R and click for (Rusher), T and click for Turtle etc...."

Someone found out about this and posted it on another forum... il have to try it out later :up:

02-28-07, 08:25 AM
You dont need to press N & mouse button at the same time. Just highligh the NOD, hold N and click. :up:

02-28-07, 08:31 AM
Thought the new CnC are in 3D animation
they will never beat the old ones :rock:Drawn Animation thats what I liked so much about the older CnC especialy Tiberian Sun:up:

03-01-07, 05:21 AM
Yeah the 2d ones were great. They looked like they were doing little dances in TS when they ran :rotfl:

Superweapon wise i prefer the GDIs ion cannon to the nuke :o

03-01-07, 06:26 AM
Yeah the 2d ones were great. They looked like they were doing little dances in TS when they ran :rotfl:

Superweapon wise i prefer the GDIs ion cannon to the nuke :o

as a Superweapon I prefered the NOD's

Cluster Rocket & Chemical Rocket fired at the same time is devistating for the enemy base :rock: and fire them while transporting troops underground including the flame tanks ...Base destroyed :up:

03-01-07, 07:31 AM
Yeah the 2d ones were great. They looked like they were doing little dances in TS when they ran :rotfl:

Superweapon wise i prefer the GDIs ion cannon to the nuke :o
as a Superweapon I prefered the NOD's

Cluster Rocket & Chemical Rocket fired at the same time is devistating for the enemy base :rock: and fire them while transporting troops underground including the flame tanks ...Base destroyed :up:

Well, in C&C3, the Ion Cannon is a doomsday weapon. It kills/destroys everything on the spot where it hits. The construction yard can take a nuke hit, but not a IC. I think Iīll play just GDI when the game is released, dont want to be in the receiving end of the IC. ;)

03-01-07, 07:34 AM
Yeah the 2d ones were great. They looked like they were doing little dances in TS when they ran :rotfl:

Superweapon wise i prefer the GDIs ion cannon to the nuke :o
as a Superweapon I prefered the NOD's

Cluster Rocket & Chemical Rocket fired at the same time is devistating for the enemy base :rock: and fire them while transporting troops underground including the flame tanks ...Base destroyed :up:

Well, in C&C3, the Ion Cannon is a doomsday weapon. It kills/destroys everything on the spot where it hits. The construction yard can take a nuke hit, but not a IC. I think Iīll play just GDI when the game is released, dont want to be in the receiving end of the IC. ;)

hopefully the AI is smarter
in Tiberian Sun the dumb AI placed the IC only on the plower plants.
nothing challeging really when I always aimed for the biggy targets

03-01-07, 08:23 AM
Just tested both IC & Nuke, and it seems they are the same weapon except for the IC doing slightly damage when itīs about to hit.

03-01-07, 09:35 AM
Yeah but in TS the ion cannon was made for taking out a single unit or building... in this its made for taking out a large area :huh:

Nods avatar also seems good. Its cool how it can rip out weapons from other units :up:

03-01-07, 09:41 AM
Nods avatar also seems good. Its cool how it can rip out weapons from other units :up:

Haha, yeh! I love that thing!

"I WANT THAT THING!" *walks over to a flame tank, crushes it and takes the flamethrower*

03-01-07, 11:34 AM
Nods avatar also seems good. Its cool how it can rip out weapons from other units :up:
Haha, yeh! I love that thing!

"I WANT THAT THING!" *walks over to a flame tank, crushes it and takes the flamethrower*


03-01-07, 11:42 AM
Over 1GB!! It better be worth it!

03-01-07, 11:54 AM
Over 1GB!! It better be worth it!

The final product will be 8gigs+ so itīs not so big. ;)

03-01-07, 12:23 PM
Over 1GB!! It better be worth it!
The final product will be 8gigs+ so itīs not so big. ;)

Thats bout the same size as Supreme commander....
Its worth the download though.. All the units for GDI and Nod cant be bad :up:

Looks like the GDI commando still uses his trademark line :rotfl:

03-01-07, 01:31 PM
I'll get it if someone promises me that Tanya isnt in it.


Gets old.


03-01-07, 01:50 PM


"That was left handed!"

03-01-07, 01:58 PM
I'll get it if someone promises me that Tanya isnt in it.

Tanya was in Red Alert, so no Tanya in 'normal' C&C. ;)

03-01-07, 02:11 PM
I always hated those stealth missions in Red Alert and C&C, bloody Tanya and über-bloody soldiers sneaking around corridors against dogs and patrols. Hated it!

03-01-07, 02:14 PM
Yeh, hated them too. Almost as much as the "here you have five soldiers, go and destroy the heavily fortified enemy base" type of missions in the first C&C. :nope:

03-01-07, 02:23 PM
Glad it wasn't just me that hated the non-base building missions.
I can handle only having a set number of troops in games such as Sudden Strike and Close Combat, but in C&C it was a pig.

Back in RA1 I had to get Tanya and some Russian soldier guy back to the Allied base avoiding all the nasty Soviet patrols...which I managed to do quite nicely...I got them all the way to the outskirts of the base...when a Soviet bomber flew over and dropped a parachute retarded bomb...just the one...which confused me...then...just before the bomb went off, I twigged why...and there was nothing I could do to stop it or save them.


03-01-07, 03:12 PM
Yeah those missions were a damn pain :nope:

GDI has a overpowering sense of American influence to it. Every voice for the US army.... i mean GDI has a strong american accent

Those Nod raider buggys are great fun, and they look just like the new bat mobile ;)
and the black hand are awsome.... almost like a bunch of darth vadars with flame throwers :rotfl::rotfl:

03-01-07, 04:59 PM
I love missions where you don't build bases, even, in some cases, in the C&C games. Ground Control was the most awesome game ever, the sequel, as well as Resource War and Force Commander, were lacking precisely because you could bring down reinforcements.

03-01-07, 05:16 PM
I love games like that too, like Blitzkrieg and especially Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 and Faces of War, but the no-base missions in C&C were just crap.

I remember I got a friend to go through one of them for me. Its not that I couldnt do it, but it would take some time, and it was not fun.:nope:

03-02-07, 04:24 AM
Yep, those missions where a hard one too crack.

its like the game tells you ''Here 1 Uber Powered shooting guy, and 1 Ninja biatch.
and some low class Cowardly soldiers and ok...I wont make it too hard 1 vehicule''.

so you have 2 overpowered hero's, cheap soldiers and a scrapmetal as a vehicule.

then if you take a good look at the map it self....1 Heavy powered Base witcht would normally require lots of units to bring the house down. and you have too destroy a ****ty Power plant to bring down the power for some huge Nod laser (Tiberian Sun)

what happens ofcourse...1st attempt all ur units die because you confront the NOD laser. *CRAP!*
2nd Attempt: you take an other road, you meet some nice nods friends that kill you all.
3th Attempt: Wtf did I do wrong the first to time...and you'll notice...(BLEEP) Why didnt I see that before! and then...you see the base where the power plant is...YEAH! ....But hold on. get passed the Laser Fence, 4 small Laser emplacements. 10 Troops, 2 Nod Buggys, 1 Cyborg. but remember the Intel on the mission said clearly Dont get detected or they will send more troops...and in 5 minutes the whole NODs army are enganging from everywhere....and kills you just before you can reach the power plant. (pretty obvious when you attack on NODS front door the main entrance of the base)
4th Attemp: you think u know it now..so you rush..and accidently take the wrong road and meet the huge NOD laser AGAIN! NOOOOOo
you screw the game...5 months later you reinstall it again...and damn. you try it again..and guess what...you cant miss it now..you spot a small entrance which you havent seen the other time you played this map. mmm..you succesfully destroy the power plant without losses, rescue the hostiges and get the frack out of the mission.
and then there are a couple of Base missions again Yay!

03-06-07, 08:42 PM
GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/commandconquer3/news.html?sid=6166824&tag=topslot;title;1) has a small preview of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, up.

03-07-07, 03:16 AM

03-27-07, 12:09 PM
9.0/10@Gamespot :rock:

03-28-07, 04:37 PM
Interview with Joe "Kane" Kucan @GameSpot.com. Seems like Kane is actually a comedian after all. :rotfl:

03-29-07, 01:35 AM
Hilarious interview!

03-29-07, 06:14 AM
Any interesting stories...well, there was this one time when the bald cap on my head slipped off and my long, flowing blonde hair fell out, and it looked like a mullet. And then someone on the set yelled, "Hey look! Kane's got a mullet!" And we all laughed and laughed. And then I had that person fired.


04-06-07, 12:34 AM
Wow. Getting this game late next week, meanwhile ive just tried out the demo where you play GDI and its omg this is so cool, flashbacks to Tiberian sun. Still the same, with cutscenes as the storyline, and they grabbed an actor from Lost i see.

TW is going to be a fun addictive stragety game.

Whoever has the full game tell us about it. All good i bet. :)

{Post merged to "C&C: Tiberium Wars Demo out!" Thread. NeonSamurai}