View Full Version : What're you most proud of?

02-01-07, 03:42 PM
Do you have any crowning achievements in your life, that'll stick with you forever, and when you look back later, you'll think "That was awesome"?

Here's mine. She's the most wonderful girl on this planet. Bar none. (No offense) But I'm going to deviate from the norm somewhat, and say that I wont be looking back at her, because we'll be together when we're 70! :rock:


And yeah, she digs submarines :arrgh!::arrgh!::arrgh!:

02-01-07, 04:35 PM
She looks like that girl from the Harry Potter movies, but less childish and more dangerous.

Not that I would know, of course. I've never seen any of those movies. Really. :shifty:

02-01-07, 04:57 PM
She looks like that girl from the Harry Potter movies, but less childish and more dangerous.

Not that I would know, of course. I've never seen any of those movies. Really. :shifty:

How very dare you. :rotfl:

02-01-07, 05:03 PM
Has she been a extra in some zombie B-Movie or is she just plain cold?

02-01-07, 05:09 PM
Crappy webcam.


You're supposed to be listing your proud moments too. :p

02-01-07, 05:11 PM
Crappy webcam.


You're supposed to be listing your proud moments too. :p

It's past your bed time young man. :p Come on, off to bed you go and don't forget your coco drink. :yep:

02-01-07, 06:33 PM
Do you have any crowning achievements in your life, that'll stick with you forever, and when you look back later, you'll think "That was awesome"?

Here's mine. She's the most wonderful girl on this planet. Bar none. (No offense) But I'm going to deviate from the norm somewhat, and say that I wont be looking back at her, because we'll be together when we're 70! :rock:


And yeah, she digs submarines :arrgh!::arrgh!::arrgh!:
IGK Foundation (http://gingerkids.org/)


(im a bad, bad man)

02-01-07, 08:35 PM
She looks like quite the fighter type. Like this kick-boxer girl I love oh-so-much in my class.

What am I the most proud of? I'm the only one here with the maturity and common sense to not make fun of your girlfriend. I win.http://www.thepoop.com/1000woofs/images/nyah.jpg
Seriously, though, I have no idea. I suppose surviving all the **** life has thrown at me would have to be pretty high on the list.

http://gingerkids.org/faq.htmlThat was beyond childish:shifty:.

Here's mine. She's the most wonderful girl on this planet. Bar that girl in SK's class.Corrected.

02-01-07, 08:47 PM

It's not my fault women don't like me :cry:

Wait, it probably is. :huh:

02-01-07, 09:01 PM
That was beyond childish:shifty:.

:lol: Pun intended?

sorry, I just had to.:dead:

02-01-07, 09:37 PM
On Oct. 17,1989, I was personally responsible for maintaining long-distance telephone service out of San Francisco, California in the aftermath of the Loma Prieta earthquake. During that time, people were unable to call across town in S.F. but were able to call New York and Los Angeles. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. Even God couldn't save the Giants. As a result of my work, I received the personal thanks and congratulations of the President of A.T. & T. So I asked him for a character reference so, when I got laid off, I could find another job.

02-01-07, 10:08 PM
I survied 5 years of living a harsh nomadic life of a combat engineer. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was an experience which was my definning moment in life and has etched a permant mark in the very fabric of my person.

I never forget who i am, and what i once was. And even though i was honorably discharged 10 years ago, I still carry my unit coin in my pocket with me every day.

02-01-07, 10:47 PM
Probably when my first novel got published.

But I am also proud of going to Gibraltar in SH3, and live to tell the tale! (Barely)

02-01-07, 11:04 PM

Don't let them get you down, your girlfriend is the cat's pyjamas. I would date her at the drop of a hat. Although I do have a cousin in the UK named Hannah... :hmm:

Me? I don't know. I do have a paper which was selected to be published in a quasi-popular professional navy journal this spring. I am only an undergrad student with no military background so I thought this was pretty cool. It came with a nice honorarium too.

02-02-07, 01:55 AM
Getting my pilots license is the most rewarding thing ive ever done. :yep:

02-02-07, 04:29 AM
Mine is probably related to sports...

Despite being unable to play AFL due to injuries, I altered my path towards umpiring it. Within 30 games I'd made it to local first grade, and now 5 years on with just under 150 games Im getting myself into contention for the national league:rock:

02-02-07, 05:23 AM
Getting married to the best lady in the world. :oops:

02-02-07, 05:43 AM
If only i was allowed to post mine, oooooooooo yay:|\\ :arrgh!:

Edit: I mean my ladyfriend, my better half, my special girl. Im well aware i'd already posted a proudest achievement

02-02-07, 06:07 AM
I have nothing to be proud of living in this political controlled state. :damn:

02-02-07, 07:12 AM
The one thing I'm most proud of? The one thing that after 23 years I'm the most happiest about?

I'm engaged to her :rock:


She is the most understanding, cute, funny, wonderful gal in my world, and I wouldn't be without her :D

She's also a dab hand at BF1942, particularly Desert Combat. ;)

02-02-07, 09:13 AM
I´ve been with two girls the same night...one the daughter and the other the mom...

No pay involved (but maybe a lot of alcohol)

02-02-07, 09:23 AM
I can say this for the record, joining Subsims :smug: :smug: :smug:

02-02-07, 09:25 AM
Congrats Oberon. :up: It's a great feeling when you find that someone special. :yep:

02-02-07, 05:27 PM
In 1981 I was in the US Navy. While on Liberty, in a port I cannot mention, some shipmates and I along with a few Sailors from a Canadian ship and some from a British ship got into a bit of a scrape with half of a Russian Cruiser's fine seamen and 2 of their Officers.

Well I could give you the whole bit ... but I wont unless y'all really want...

Just suffice it to say that I personally kept a WAR from starting...:up:

02-03-07, 10:54 AM
Give the whole bit. :D

02-03-07, 02:55 PM
My wife of close to 11 years and my 3 boys:up::up::up::up:

02-03-07, 03:23 PM
In 1981 I was in the US Navy. While on Liberty, in a port I cannot mention, some shipmates and I along with a few Sailors from a Canadian ship and some from a British ship got into a bit of a scrape with half of a Russian Cruiser's fine seaman and 2 of their Officers.Yuck. Who chopped him in two:o?!

Onkel Neal
02-03-07, 04:13 PM
Do you have any crowning achievements in your life, that'll stick with you forever, and when you look back later, you'll think "That was awesome"?

Here's mine. She's the most wonderful girl on this planet. Bar none. (No offense) But I'm going to deviate from the norm somewhat, and say that I wont be looking back at her, because we'll be together when we're 70! :rock:


And yeah, she digs submarines :arrgh!::arrgh!::arrgh!:

She's very beautiful, Kap. My most sincere happiness for you two.


Mush Martin
02-03-07, 04:23 PM
well a picture says a thousand words.


My proudest moment

runners up

Beating my dad at chess the first time.
graduation from basic training
and I know it sounds like a promotion
but when I put out RiverFF mod
as getting it in the game was
something I wanted to achieve from
the first day I played sh3 and it
was more remarkable as most of
my modding skills are learned after the fact

but above all others gentlemen is the day I married my wife.

mr chris
02-03-07, 04:24 PM
Mine will be here in just over 2 weeks if on time:yep: With the birth of my baby girl.
Though marrying the Wife is top of the list at the moment it not everyday you get to marry a 6ft tall blonde hair blue eye stunner who is 6 years younger than your self. YEAH IVE STILL GOT IT:cool:
In the future i will be very happy and proud when we finaly emigrate to Austraila

Mush Martin
02-03-07, 04:26 PM
Mine will be here in just over 2 weeks if on time:yep: With the birth of my baby girl.
Though marrying the Wife is top of the list at the moment it not everyday you get to marry a 6ft tall blonde hair blue eye stunner who is 6 years younger than your self. YEAH IVE STILL GOT IT:cool:

Congratulations dood we never managed to have any.
looking at adoption now.

mr chris
02-03-07, 04:29 PM
Why thankyou very much matey:up:
I just hope she looks like her mother;)
I wish you all the best with adoption mate im sure you will make great parents:up:

02-03-07, 07:50 PM
well a picture says a thousand words.


My proudest moment

runners up

Beating my dad at chess the first time.
graduation from basic training
and I know it sounds like a promotion
but when I put out RiverFF mod
as getting it in the game was
something I wanted to achieve from
the first day I played sh3 and it
was more remarkable as most of
my modding skills are learned after the fact

but above all others gentlemen is the day I married my wife.

Hey MM you softie. Seriously man nice pic:up:

Mush Martin
02-03-07, 08:21 PM
You did see that I beat my Dad at chess right careful who you
mess with Ive got a balloon on a stick here and I know how to use it.

02-04-07, 08:10 AM
In 1981 I was in the US Navy. While on Liberty, in a port I cannot mention, some shipmates and I along with a few Sailors from a Canadian ship and some from a British ship got into a bit of a scrape with half of a Russian Cruiser's fine seaman and 2 of their Officers.Yuck. Who chopped him in two:o?!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: oops...:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

ok I fixed it :rotfl: :rotfl: