View Full Version : This is wrong

01-25-07, 05:58 PM
Children in Britain are having their fingerprints taken at what some parents believe is an alarming rate.

I am not a parent so I wonder what you folks who are think of this? I do not like the way this is sold to the parents and what gives the school the right to go ahead and do this without parents consent.

Big Brother storms the playground (http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/print.php?menuID=2&subID=1364)

01-25-07, 06:08 PM
I'm a student and I dont mind it much. We recently had a CCTV camera installed in our Sixth Form common room, and there was an uproar from alot of people claiming that they're spying on us.

The thing I say to them is, 'Maybe its because we have two plasma screens, a projector, a pool table and a fussball table and no-one wants them to get nicked.'

We had two men walk into school randomly, go into the staff room, and steal a teachers wallet and keys in the middle of the school day. I dont exactly feel safe, knowing that someone could just walk in off of the street.

I'm not saying we should have barbed wire fencing, minefields and machinegun nests, but security in schools is definatley an issue and needs to be improved anyway.

01-25-07, 06:19 PM
kapitan_Phillips, I think there's a difference between 6th form CCTV , and fingerprinting kids in primary school. A huge difference. No way should this be tolerated.
Literacy should be a prime goal of education (the prime goal, if you ask me), but you dont needd to fingerprint and photograph 5-year old for that.

01-25-07, 06:19 PM
Cameras will do that job.

Fingerprinting is a documentation of who you are.

Do you trust a government employee with all of your personal information at their whim?

I certainly don't.

01-26-07, 12:10 AM
Fingerprints can be used to

Identify you and your remains...

Determinse if you were present at a Crime scene....

When linked with other data can identify you as part of a group organization and having been present at a location where prints are left behind.

Can affirm you are you and not an imposter.....

Are avoided by criminals and terorists as they are means of providing criminal intelligence and tying people to crime, operations, terorist groups etc.

Why are you afraid of being fingerprinted??

You shouldn't be unless......

Nuff said:shifty:

01-26-07, 12:29 AM
Why are you afraid of being fingerprinted??

You shouldn't be unless......

Nuff said:shifty:

I'm not afraid of being fingerprinted, I object to being fingerprinted for no reason. Getting a library card for a 5-year old does not require a fingerprint.

01-26-07, 12:46 AM
How about Identity theft (as recently happened with the Veterans Administration), unwanted targeted marketing, or somebody selling your name to illegal immigrants who will pose as you and use your identity to live their life and commit crimes?

You aren't worried about any of that?

Or even worse, what if somebody makes a mistake on your records. Can you imagine navigating that god-awful beauracracy and all those hoops and red-tape just to get it fixed?

Suppose somebody in the government doesn't like you? What if that someone really wanted to screw up your life? What better way to do it than by flagging your name for all sorts of fun things that you never did! Or, g-d forbid, the government uses certain criteria against you to label you a "dangerous" individual and round you up for "re-education"? It's not outside the realms of possibility.

Have I made my point yet?


waste gate
01-26-07, 01:17 AM
1996 - As Americans become more concerned with the growing missing and abducted children problem, and law enforcement groups urge the fingerprinting of children for investigative purposes in the event of a child becoming missing.

I believe this is but an excuse. I have not heard of any child being reunited with their family based on fingerprint identification. Have you? Currently there is a very high profile case of child abduction case in Missouri, USA. The two, yes two, abducted children were liberated based on the tip of a viligant teenager.

My concern is that there is no control, other than the government's, over the use of the fingerprints. NAZI Germany used tattoos to mark their victims. This is no more than a tattoo which cannot be removed. Often the best intentions have been subverted into something evil and I believe our children are at greater risk from the government (fingerprints are yours forever) than from anyone who would do them evil.

01-26-07, 01:23 AM
Suppose my next door neighbor has it out for me. He could sabotage the breaks on my car. I shouldn’t take my car to work. I will take the bus. But what if terrorists attack the public transit system? I better walk. But…… what if while walking to work some one who has had too much to drink passes out and runs me over on the sidewalk?:o

Hell! I should just stay home.

But what if a meteorite------------------------------------:dead: :dead: :dead:

01-26-07, 09:22 AM
1996 - As Americans become more concerned with the growing missing and abducted children problem, and law enforcement groups urge the fingerprinting of children for investigative purposes in the event of a child becoming missing.

That's a different thing than what these guys are talking about. In the US fingerprint cards are given to the parents who only turn them over to LE if the child goes missing.

01-26-07, 10:58 AM
Maybe we are backwards over here across the pond, but all the security cams scares me more and do little to deter crime. I watched a little thing on the UK and its security cams a bit back and places where they were installed crime actually went up, and where they decided not to install, crime went down. If you watch it, it is like the criminals get a bigger thrill out of defeating the cams!

Also, 90% of all cam time by their operaters were spent watching womens boobs. The other 10% was spent busting loiterers for no good reason. And, what makes this funny, several real crimes like car thefts happened in these areas at the 'exact' same time.


PS. The FBI already has my prints so to me this is a lost cause. It is a req to give prints for a CPP permit since if you don't, you won't be approved!

01-26-07, 05:53 PM
If you watch it, it is like the criminals get a bigger thrill out of defeating the cams!

In the case of 7 to 15 years old they just don't care if they are caught on camera for one simple reason the law is so weak and they know it. They just get away with it most of the time and the police just will not bother arresting them as they know it's a mountain of paper work before going to the courts resulting in no justice.

01-26-07, 06:53 PM
As a parent I am against fingerprinting of children especially primary school age.

I feel it serves no purpose and that the reasons given are excuses that fit in with the UK governments desire to keep tabs on its citizens.

My view is that criminals or those suspected of committing a crime with the evidence to back up those suspicions are fingerprinted.

I feel that once you fingerprint someone even if they haven't committed a crime it is in a way labelling them as 'potential criminal'

I read on a site called Leave Our Kids Alone that a fingerprint system was put in place as it avioded library cards being lost. I mean for a small primary school how hard is it to print another library card.

Also if more and more people are fingerprinted I see the potential for misscarriges of justice.

Also edjcox's argument which seems to be if you are an honest person you have nothing to be afraid of is bull since mistakes are made and an innocent person could get sent down with a record and then face years having to clear their name.

If I ever found out that my child had been fingerprinted without my permission and without a very good reason I would be in touch with a lawyer very quickly.

01-27-07, 05:53 PM
My wife and I have 4 Daughters and 1 Son. They are in the "BIG BROTHER ID BANK". I myself have been finger printed so many times the ink stains will never fade. Almost ever 3 letter and 4 letter organization has a copy of my prints. As well as a few I'd rather not mention.
I believe the time has come to keep tabs on the populace.
In a day where whacko child molesters roam free, and gangs run prisons as well as most schools, Politicians are corrupt pimps(as opposed to regular pimps),Terrorist abound, and the judicial system is strangled by POLITICAL CORRECTNESS...

Something needs to be done to bring accountability to bear on this runaway free for all lifestyle that is leading us down the path of destruction...

This add paid for by the elect U-533 for Worldleader campaign. All rights reserved until I become Worldleader. After that the gloves come off.

01-30-07, 07:56 AM
And soon keeping tabs will becoming keeping control, and then whoops you find yourself in some nightmarish scenario where people disappear for thinking differently.

01-30-07, 08:24 AM
Im afraid i really do think that all the fears of people becoming mere pawns, n situations such as what xabbarus describe with people disappearing, are down to hollywood. Movies such as V for Vengeance have done nothing but promote this fear, and to all those conspiracy theorists out there movies such as this are gospel! (come on guys, if it was accurate you really think it'd be allowed to be released?!)

I think that a lot is being made of the potential for all these nasty things, but i think the likelihood is low. my thoughts on it anyways.