Battle of the Atlantic: Ships Against Submarines!

Welcome to the Battle of the Atlantic event, which pits two teams of players against each other in asymmetrical ship and submarine combat!

How to get these prizes

Each stage is unlocked by completing two tasks: 1500 mission points for the USA and 1500 mission points for Germany.

Stages change every two days at 11:00 GMT: November 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th.

For those of you who complete 5 stages, you’ll be able to continue using the “Battle of the Atlantic” loading screen in the loading screen filter after the event ends!

  • You can track the progress of completing tasks by clicking on “Nickname → Achievements → Battle of the Atlantic.”
  • If you did not manage to complete a stage on time, until November 16th in the achievements window, you’ll be able to purchase stages using Golden Eagles and receive the corresponding prizes.



The attacking team uses the customized German Type VII Submarine, which is armed with 10 torpedoes in bow tubes, and 11 mines launched from stern torpedo tubes! In addition to this, two twin 20 mm cannons and one 37 mm cannon. Submarines are unreachable for depth charges and detection at great depths. On the surface, they’ll have great visibility range and can move faster, but here they’ll be highly vulnerable and easily detected by the enemy.

For a submarine to attack, it’ll need to be on the surface or at the depth of its periscope. Look for targets through binoculars or with the periscope and identify — keep your crosshairs on the ship, as this will allow you to calculate the lead for attack. You can also launch torpedoes, which is possible at a depth of up to 20 meters as well as contact mines down to a depth of 60 meters!

There are three types of views available for submarines. You can use the third-person camera at any depth, however it will not allow you to begin calculating torpedo fire. When you submerge to a depth of 7 meters, you’ll be able to raise the periscope and observe the surface through it. If a submarine is in motion and you have your periscope raised, it’ll be easier to spot due to foamy water forming. The periscope is not too high above the surface of the water, but is still safer than binoculars that can only be used on the surface. However, binoculars have the best zoom and highest vantage point, so choose wisely!

Remember to keep in mind the noise level emitted by your submarine! The higher the speed, the higher the noise level. A stationary submarine can only be detected when in close proximity, while a submarine at a depth below 60 meters cannot be detected at all!

Therefore when playing in your submarine, make sure to find the right balance between safety, speed and precision in attacks.

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