Sept 19, 2002 USA

A Century of Silent Service
Produced by Sonalysts with the cooperation of the Naval Submarine League

To celebrate 100 years of the U.S. Navy's Submarine Force, Sonalysts (Jane's 688(I), Fleet Command, Sub Command) has teamed up with the Naval Submarine League to create a unique 90 video documentary. A Century of Silent Service is hosted by President Jimmy Carter, himself a former submarine officer.

Chronicling the genesis of the US Silent Service from the first real submarine, the C.S.S. Hunley, and John Holland's early gasoline powered boats, the program features an abundance of archival footage and material. One noteworthy segment is that of the first skipper of the U.S.S. Holland, one Harry Caldwell. His feats are told by his son, Capt. Harry H. Caldwell (WWII). The Navy's second submarine, Plunger, took President Theodore Roosevelt for a three hour demonstration. Upon returning to land, Roosevelt praised the crew and instituted special pay for submariners.

For the first forty years the U.S. submarine program lacked direction and a clear mission. This changed with the advent of the fleet boat which coincided with World War II. Bigger, more powerful, and faster than most of the classes before it, the Gato class positioned the Silent Service for greatness. A Century of Silent Service examines the exploits of daring submarine captains and crews. Highlights include the remarkable accomplishments of commerce raiding, penetrating harbors, and rescuing pilots such as President George Bush (interviewed in the program).

As WWII ended it appeared the submarine had found its role in the U.S. Navy. That would soon change when one diminutive man with colossal vision would advance submarines into the atomic age. Capt. Hyman Rickover proposed building a nuclear reactor--itself very new technology--into a submarine. The result would produce a vessel that could remain submerged almost indefinitely and travel underwater at record speeds. Once again, a new class of submarine would be created in time for a new war, the Cold War.

Tape II introduces us to the nuclear attack submarine and its world shattering partner, the ballistic missile boat. With more emphasis on stealth and lethality than ever before, the U.S. Submarine Force took on the Soviet Union in an undeclared war of detection and avoidance. American subs were able to track and remain undetected for weeks. American submarines were a prime factor in the containment strategy that brought the U.S.S.R. to collapse.

Probably the best feature of this program is the splendid cast of veterans, experts, and commentators. As previously mentioned, Presidents Carter and Bush make appearances, along with Silent Service notables such as Capt. Ned Beach, Medal of Honor recipient RADM Eugene Fluckey, VADM James Calvert, ADM Bruce Demars (former director of the US Navy's nuclear power program), and others including enlisted men and wives. Hearing the story told by them conveys the depth of impressive achievements and duty bestowed upon a free country by a special group of sailors.


Air times: Saturday, September 21st at 8:00 pm and then again at 12:00 midnight, History Channel. Check local listings.
For more info or to order A Century of Silent Service, click here.