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Old 10-22-13, 01:58 AM   #37
Posts: n/a

@polyfiller: assigning the particle generator but not the parent node happened unintentionally and does not effekt anything. torpedo is launched as objekt particle, the parent effect is the torpedospawnfx.this effect replaces the muzzle flash, while darkfish used a cartridge effect. the gun still fires an invisible dummy shell with no damage at very high speed to have a stretched firing angle. the gun range of darkfish`s launcher cannot effect firing range, right, because the torpedo launching of his is independent from the gun. this is what i changed. my launcher actually fires a torpedo within the limitations you give it. you can adjust whether the torpedo will go staright below the surface, or you can have it dive within a specified angle(gun elevation) the range limitation to 1000m works, i have my fubukis fire their guns earlier than torpedos (however this does not always work, so i guess starting fire is depending on the weapon_cannon with the shortest range. i choose 1000m, since this is a reasonable distance to hit a moving target. further away, the launchers won`t fire, so range limitation works.the fubukis wont close in, right, because they are destroyers and the game is designed to have dd`s attack subs-this is when they will show their full offensive potential. and remember this is actually still a gun. changing the ai´s visual sensor range might help, havent tried this yet. but a good approach is to use very fast torpedos, this increased the sinkining rapidly. there is no effect in the placing of the weapon further to the bow or stern. hope ill have your files soon. best regards
ps what do you mean with "leading the target"?

Last edited by jhapprich; 10-22-13 at 02:32 AM.
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