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Old 04-03-08, 02:32 PM   #8
Navy Dude
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Hi Peabody,

Yesterday i tried your mission.
Here are some things i noticed (don't take this as criticisme please, i mean well because i know how hard it is to make a good mission, not to mention how much work).
-In Pearl there are some wrecks, i think they are "part" of Pearl harbor and not possible to remove but they are a bit disturbing because the actual attack which destroys and sink these ships is yet to happen.
-The first battleship (Nevada-class) on the right is stuck in the sand and makes some "crash noizes".
-The first objective which is to the left in the harbor remains yellow and unaccomplished once you get the message to leave Pearl as soon as possible, isn't it supposed to get gray then?
-I reached the new position on the chart to attack the task force and was able to sink one Shokaku fleet carrier and one Ise battleship (and not get any damage by destroyers ) but the second objective remains unaccomplished too so i wonder what tonnage i should sink to be succesfull?
-The task force 7 which is mentioned in the radio message and which should back me up remained a mistery for me cause i never saw it...
So i returned to Pearl to witness what incredible damage the japanese task force caused but to my surprise there was only one building on fire and no ships were harmed except for the wrecks which already were there when i left. (in that case America would not have taken part in WWII i think ).
Maybe you can fix this?

So all together it was an interesting mission, i liked the idea of the mission but maybe it needs some finetuning?
Anyway: thanks for the mission peabody and "keep up the good work" like they always said in SH3.


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