Thread: Days in base
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Old 02-20-12, 05:07 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

The problem seems to be, as four months go by the ingame start time accumulates days for some reason, the startDate/EndDate is out sync causing a crash, I think, lol.

[Section 1]
FileName=Data/Campaigns/Campaign/PatrolObjectives/Heligoland Bight/Heligoland Bight.mis
StartDate=19390901 <>----------
EndDate=19390928 <>----------

I'm not sure of what you're talking about.

The start and end dates you chose are only for one month: from September 1st to 28th. That means that your boat could get this mission assigned only in that time frame, not later. If you want to extend the chance of getting this mission assigned to four months, you should change the end date to December 1939, or 19391231 (or even later, if you so wish).

But, if that was the problem, I don't think you would get crashes, but only that you would never get this mission assigned after the first month of war.
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