Thread: [REL] Depth Charge noise mod
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Old 03-01-18, 03:42 PM   #22
schlechter pfennig
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Originally Posted by JuanLiquid View Post
Thank you for taking the time in explaining to me
I was thinking that the noise & disturbances had a giant radius where you could move 'freely' while they last, and the ASDIC was really hard to being used inside. Now I understand it acts like a small smoke screen, where you can see through it with the asdiic, but it's more difficult.
Good analogy, yes! Hopefully during that first minute even ASDIC can't see through it, but since the (apparent) surface area of that is only 100 m3 (10 meters by 10 meters) that will block mostly "line-of-sight'.

Even though this is a released mod, I probably will release updates as I get feedback. For instance, I've set the surface area effect to mimic a Bold, but Bolds were a small canister releasing a dense bubble cloud meant to mimic a U-boat, while this mod is meant to represent the disturbance caused by a 290 - 600 pound explosion, so increasing the surface area might be one tweak to do. Also increasing the noise variable (which is not explained anywhere, and is initially set at "0"; I suspect that the act of launching a Bold somehow sets that variable higher).

For instance, I might set the long-term effect at a higher noise level and higher surface area, and also increase the short-term effect to a higher area, and see if that results in a more "realistic" effect. Ideally, based upon my research, if the hunting escort is between the depth charges that have exploded and the U-boat they are hunting, the U-boat should be undetectable for quite some time after the explosions. Mimicking that effect without unduly skewing things in the U-boat's favor is a trail-and-error experimentation.
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