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Old 02-24-07, 11:57 AM   #17
Ace of the Deep
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Default New Harpoon3 Scenario

The 126th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Steel Broom

In response to requests from KlubMarcus and Sharker2003, this scenario has been written with plenty of contacts to give it that additional realistic feeling of maritime situational awareness. Keep up the excellent feedback and the designers will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.

New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #6 STEEL BROOM

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.


UBAN forces are nearly defeated, but their ruling council has called for the Hand of Allah to strike down the Dragon in a great ball of fire. There are indications that UBAN has built several nuclear weapons, possibly using technology purchased from the NSC, and is now preparing to use them. The weapons are being held in bunkers deep inside Iran and the former Iraq. Your mission is to launch pre-emptive nuclear strikes on these sites. It is important that you time the strikes so that all three targets are destroyed as close to simultaneously as possible or the nukes may be moved to safety elsewhere. Or worse, they might be launched...

Secret - Flash Message - 0105Z951104

Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour

To: CentCom HQ - Diego Garcia
Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
CVBG 44.1 Flag Eisenhower
PhibGru 64 Flag Boxer
Subj: UBAN Nuclear capability

1. SitRep

UBAN forces are believed to be preparing to use nuclear weapons from three sites - two in Iran and one in the former Iraq. These sites must be destroyed immediately. It has been decided that the only way to be certain of the neutralization of these weapons of mass destruction is to launch a pre-emptive strike with special weapons. Launch authentication codes follow.

2. Orders

Initiate SIOP contingency warplan Operation Steel Broom. Attack and destroy all three UBAN nuclear sites at Balad, Kas Han, and Jandaq. Near simultaneous destruction is the preferred means of achieving success.

PhibRon Box is to remain on station and support amphibious landing.

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

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