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Old 06-24-10, 04:31 AM   #30
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Pilot log July 11th

Damn Jerry's, right when I was having my Tea the scramble was sound off...look at that overcast how the hell am I suppose to see those jerry bastards in there? today I was assigned to be a Wingmen...the fellow who was my flight leader had a very funny accent, but no time to figure out which god awfull county he is from as the Jerry was inbound.

Bloody hell, right after take off I lost my flight leader in the clouds. I just followed our flightpath and when we where above the clouds around 14.000 ft I finally spot my Flight leader at my 3 o'clock.

Cock, why can't I keep up with my leader? something wrong with my Hurri....probally that newly assigned mechanic screwed something up big time. I told my flight leader through the radio if he might have put the supercharges on 2...''YES, I SAID THAT 10 MINUTES AGO!'' he did? I think he did....guess my head was in the clouds and didn't hear it.
Tight up bastard thought my flight leader, like them Jerry's with their fancy formation flights...and all that yelling they do when they want to make something clear.

Right, spotted some contacts and confirmed they where the jerry.
109's tally ho!
I just sticked behind my flight leader to keep his 6 o'clock clear when he engaged the 109's....good shot the fellow he managed to smoke one after a nice burst on that jerry's six, he can forget his Sauerkraut mit bratwurst for today it's a cold channel bath for him.
2 more 109's in our sight, one flying a bit higher then the Flight leader told me to go after the one flying low and he would go after the one that's flying higher.

shortly after he confirmed his second kill, and anounced he'll be returning to base as he is without ammo.
Just my luck, I'm stuck with this Acrobat Franz, Hanz or whatever his name might be. Think he red to many books about their krautcircus during WWI it aint going to work with these aircraft champ as I'll be sticking on your 6 no matter what even if you take me to Paris.

Got'em! how about that his 109 starting to pour out black smoke and his engine didn't sound that good from what I could hear. Since I was out of ammo and starting to get short on fuel it was time to get back to base.
Right first to figure out where I was....when Blue leader came throught the radio ''It's going to be French whine if you don't turn back now''
Ha ha ha the bloody joker, told him that I would bring a French Baguette and shuff it up his arse when I'm back.

Landed safely, with a couple of gallons left in the tank...must do something about my long trips.
When I climbed out of my cockpit I saw Blue''the Joker''Leader having a steaming hot cup of tea next to his Hurri...he was kind enough to anounce that mine turned cold..
Damn you Jerry's!
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