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Old 04-09-19, 08:48 PM   #1
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Default Captain's Log December 1941 (with questions)

New Player

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Playing on HARD

1941 USS Plunger (Porpoise Class)

Reduced crew to 50 of the highest skilled Seamen I had available, moved some guys around. Drastically reduced my overall starting crew of 82?

After the first patrol mission I find the Japanese floatilla returning from Borneo near the Balabac Strait. It is night, the Plunger is undetected. Up close, some of the warships appear already damaged. Perhaps they took some offshore fire during the invasion?

Manually fire off all front four torpedoes, hitting the Takao Class Heavy Cruiser (15,870). Then I run deep and watch the Hydrophone. The fleet continues north, leaving the Cruiser behind for dead. I finish her with two aft shots and 1 more front tube on a multiple pass.

Later, two smaller freighters are discovered entering Sulu Sea, A Fast Merchant (9980) and Medium Split Freighter (4037). Firing 3 front tubes at Fast Merchant, hitting twice, one dud. The chase begins for her, but the Split Freighter has decided to just rest still, not run, not engage, just sit there.

Returning back for the Split Freighter, Plunger fires torpedoes at a zero speed ship. Did something go wrong here?

All said, the first mission lasted less than 2 weeks at sea before down to 4 remaining torps. Refit at Manila just before the city fell to occupation.

The next mission was also at Celebes, but here is where more things started getting weird. An engage option on a Greek Freighter in the Sulu Archipelago? Then I come upon two more ships, but I can't tell if they are friendly or not. This Celebes-Sulu area has plenty of friendly contacts at this time, but some ships I can't tell who they belong to? One ship I pulled up within 300m to see what flag she bore - it was blank, like a silvery sheet - no national affiliation. I surface and she opens fire?

So what's the deal with identifying ships? I have 'no contact' turned off, is this the reason or is it the mod? I'm new to the mods.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the story.
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