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Old 01-27-17, 05:48 PM   #783
Ocean Warrior
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Thanks for a detailed and constructive repply!

While a lot of people like to have systems with iron clad verification, they forget that a lot of what happens in our society is based on an assumption that the citizen will do the right thing until proven that they have done the wrong thing.
True, one is not guilty untill proven to be so. However you need instruments to detect the indicators of the crime being commited in order to investigate it.

Yes, if I were willing to risk committing a felony, I could manage to vote twice, but my voting twice in a federal election will not have much of an effect on the outcome as we have tens of millions of votes. Would any of you risk being charged with a Felony knowing that your crime won't affect the outcome of an election? I suspect few would.
It is true that individual double votes won't change the outcome, the problem that I see is that the system appears to be vulnerable to organised fraud. Ie an organised group of people registering to vote in multiple areas and then casting multiple votes.
While this may not end in a land slide victory, this may well tip the scales.

Lets try to affect the outcome of federal elections in my county.
That is where the criminal (entity) would min max, by fixing the votes that are tied. They would get the maximum effect out of the minimal effort. Depending on the predictive power of your model the actual fraud can be kept to minimum.

The other way to maximise the effects is to move the group of people between as many voting areas as possible (within the physical constraint ofc)

p.s. the reason why I discuss this is because from what I know, the accusations of voting fraud in Russia tend to come from the multiple voting or people not eligible to vote voting. As as pro-democracy person (strange as that may appear) I think that the voters should be concerned about how they vote and try to minimise the effects of the fraud.
While I have great respect for your experience as an organiser of the vote, I am concerned about you possibly not seeing the greater picture due to that same experience.
Grumpy as always.
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