Thread: [REL] patSH3r - Reborn
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Old 01-24-16, 12:46 PM   #151
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I have totally discard this feature (i guess you all know the ''No Fatigue'' mod) and i can't see what will be the difference (for the player) if the game is running a ,lets say perfect crew rotation system or the ''No Fatigue'' mod. In both cases , the player has not to bother himself with the crew 'actions'.

Am i missing something here ? may by ''good crew rotation'' system , people mean that player will have to make some specific actions himself?
Crew fatigue is an element of the game like engine damage, you can't run flank speed all the time because you blow the engines, and you can't run around in battlestations or in conditions that destroy your crew's stamina for a long time. This all introduces an important strategy element, you will f.e. not go after a ship that you can only slowly reach at flank speed, and you will maybe not be able to engage, or be more cautious if your crew is stressed after a big pursuit or a storm, or by two long months of patrol.

More than a crew rotation I think that what is needed is a good fatigue system combined with a battlestations mode (That's where Patsh3er would enter the equation).

To sum up, my ideal model of fatigue would be as follows:

1) You always generate a minimum of fatigue that progresses till your crew is exhausted after some time in patrol (This reflects the general stress of living in the uboat and being out at sea for some time).
2) There is a minimum of efficiency, i.e. an exhausted crew will anyway always be able to do their duties, but they will slow down considerably when totally.
3) At battlestations (quick icons for surface/submerged/aircraft attack) and during storms when surfaced there is a bigger and quicker increase in fatigue. The difference is that your crew can recover from this increased fatigue to the point where it should be according to the fatigue generated by the general patrol duration. They will slowly recover once the battlestations situation is finished and they can resume the normal watches (After one cycle of watches everyone has slept some hours and is recovered from the extra fatigue).

An example (Arbitrary numbers, the % are just examples)

-You are already a month at sea, and your crew's efficiency has dropped to 75% under the normal watch rotation (No battle engagements or specially long storms)
-You find a convoy, call battlestations and engage during 72 intense hours. The stress makes your crew lose efficiency to a 50%, which is the minimum.
-You disengage or lose the convoy, and resume normal navigation and crew shifts --> In 8 hours more the combat stress has dissapeared and the crew is now at 72% efficiency (It still has lost a 3% for the additional days at sea)
-After two months at sea, your crew's efficiency has dropped to 50%. It won't go any lower, but you should head back home. If you engage a ship or convoy during your return trip your crew ill not lose any more efficiency, but since they engage at a 50%, you have less chances of surviving.

I hope the example can be understood well
One day I will return to sea ...
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