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Old 07-18-18, 08:59 PM   #10
Join Date: May 2018
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I should make videos .. the arcade version of the game should not be an option I am seeing bastanko as I am a hardcore simmer without all the bull**** all you Whiney ass simmers should learn concept's .. and when you do the game will become fun
I suppose you were referring to XenonSurf?. Because, in my newbie case, I started out immediately with full realism + Twos and RealNav.

Nonetheless, I simply figured some things are not working out before, as said in the OP. And when I did see a vid, I noticed one that actually had fired a torp without putting gyro on zero. (and it was a realism tutorial vid AFAIK) - I do have to dig it up again. Anyways, not important.

So far, I've been hitting stuff. And I intend to have that physical attack disc printed out. =)

If I can add if you are serious about hardcore manual targeting, start with AOB recognition. There are tons of resources to identify AOB.

Learn AOB on sight instead of using tools! If you can do that, you can eliminate s lot of errors right away. Conovaro has a lot of material for SH3 that works for 5. Basically it is pictures of a cargo ship at different angles. I have videos on AOB as well. Good luck!
Oh ok.
Because I was under the impression that eyeballing all the time was bad. I still kinda like using the RAOBF, just because of the how logical the tool is with all the little gadgets to figure the math out

I will check this Conovaro person or so.
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