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Old 03-27-16, 07:07 AM   #10
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1. If i understood correctly, the new fix - among other things - won't allow the game's engine to repeat a term of bad (foggy) weather, soon after (1 or 2 days) a term of the same kind of weather has already been terminated. I guess this is what you mean in point (3). Am i correct?
Point (3) means that there can be a repeat of the same bad weather overwriting corrected (fixed) weather. The original code is complex, and it is not clear why the bad weather becomes rewritten. But in any case, this event incurs infrequently. My new code means that the new, calm weather will be rewritten up to four times before it gives up the attempt. In practise, this is sufficient - sooner or later (and this creates a random element) the original code abandons the attempt to overwrite the new, fixed weather.
2. Is it possible to introduce a slight possibility that the foggy weather may last for a period of say, 12 days? I'm asking this out of sheer curiosity.
The short answer is yes, I can change the four attempts to rewrite bad weather to two attempts. Or even one attempt, whatever is needed.
But why would anyone want foggy-storms for 12 days? I have never heard of such an event outside the Indian Ocean during the Monsoon season. There is nothing unusual about storms in the Atlantic, especially in winter and spring, but storms with zero visibility for 12 days? Never heard of it.

I do happen to know that, during refuelling operations at a U-tanker (milk-cow) in 1943, several U-boats were stranded for up to a week owing to heavy seas preventing refuelling. But this was so rare that the event was remarked upon by all those who were involved.

Equally, fogs around Newfoundland are commonplace at certain times of year. But fogs AND high winds? Nope.

I am sure, you know that in game moderate wind (0-5 m/s) happens only during a sunny weather. Why only during a sunny weather? The minimum wind in cloudy weather - 6 m/s and only near ports. Why, for example, there is no fog(or overcast) and 0(2, 3..5)m/s? It is possible to correct it?
My new patch does allow low winds in all weathers. However existing code soon raises the winds during poor visibility. The devs seem to have had the idea that strong winds bring lots of spray, and that this reduces visibility. So we see in SH3 first winds rising, then deterioration in visibillity. Or perhaps they thoght that strong winds bring storms from afar.

I would like to ask you something, Stiebler : do you think that my idea is possible ? See here :
This idea is not possible without removing ALL the devs' existing weather code, with unknown consequences.
Their code is very complex, and takes into account proximity to the north and south poles, proximity to the equator, and a slow surge from weak winds to strong winds, to foggy-storms, and back again over a period of days. The rate of change for the weather increases, the closer you are to the equator.

Thanks for the reminder of my old post, I had forgotten it.

No new release of NYGM at this time, since there are still too few new mods to incorporate.

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