Thread: FSX
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Old 12-25-06, 01:07 AM   #6
Cpt. Stewker
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I've recently picked up FSX. A buddy of mine bought the Deluxe version when it first came out but he ended up not really getting into, so he sold it to me on the cheap.

I've only played it a little bit and I like it so far from what I have experienced. I took a flight around my home town, flew from Daytona, Florida to Miami, Florida. It was a great flight.

I could have set the weather to real time but it woulda been ****ty, as it's been pouring here the last couple days off and on. So I set it to what I thought would be some great flying conditions, mostly blue bird but with some great clouds in the sky. If you can push the graphics on this puppy it really is something to look at. I've got FS9 and there is a diffenent improvement in a lot of areas graphically. Especially if you fly light aircraft and not jets. From a jet at 35,000 feet things aren't as noticable, but in a Cessena at 10,000 it looks a lot better compared to FS9 in the same situation. I traveled parallel to the coast on the way down, basically right along the beach the whole way. Seeing boats on the water was pretty cool.

So basically from what I have experienced, I can recommend this:
-If you are confident you can run FSX well with higher settings, get it. You won't regret it. It improves in every catagory over it's predecessor.
-If you are not confident you can run it well. Stick with FS9 until you upgrade. It is still a great piece of software and has an established community.

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