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Old 02-08-07, 11:06 AM   #636
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Ok i need some help here guys, Your thoughts and ideas please. We have been testing GWX Multiplayer missions since GWX was released. all have been ok so far..Except for the last 2 days....What happens is this. After the V&W Destroyer as made its attack run and dropped its depth charges it ends up in a vertical position ie the stern and half of its body underwater it seems to try and correct this until eventually the whole dd is in a vertical position and completely submerged. The person who is Hosting the game cannot see this...For i have both hosted and also joined my friends server.He has seen the Destroyer do this as well...In this mission there is also 2 corvettes,,,They do NOT end up like the destroyer...Now before you ask, BOTH our files are the same..This only Happens AFTER the DD has dropped his depth charges NEVER before....It also only happens with the V&W Destroyer and not any other class of DD,, Well not upto present anyway....Another thing that we have noticed is that for non host players in this mission the stealth meter DOES NOT change from Green to Brown or red when This DD attacks and there is no pinging sound....Is the DD file corrupt for Multiplay? We dont think its lag...Await your replies...Please help if you can. PS checked file d/loads with md5 checker. AOK.
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