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Old 03-20-18, 03:20 PM   #1
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Default Missions ongoing

Hey guys, I noticed this. When i exit the game during a patrol I notice there are missions ongoing but nothing on my map.

Example: Its Nov of '39. I had two choices in the subpen. Eastern approach or north approach. I choose north approach.

During the patrol on the nav map I see the scapa flow mission pop up. I cant choose it, but I play it anyway. I go in sink some ships and get out. It doesnt seem like anything registers that I did anything here, but i got some tonnage out of it.

Then I play my patrol and now im in patrol 3.

On the map "breaking the fortress is done" and no longer on the nav map, but when I exit the game, it shows North, East and south west approaches on going as well as operation wesserbung. but these are not on my nav map. I believe i am not at those dates, but why would they be "ongoing" is this just a glitch?

and what about Scapa? shouldnt I have been able to select this mission?
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