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Old 05-07-12, 09:19 AM   #1680
frau kaleun
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Hey I just had a thought... you know all those enemy camp commanders that are still tagged as essential and unkillable even after the war is over? Lots of complaints about it and more than one mod to "fix" it so you can kill them, which I have been using for just that purpose.

But maybe the named commanders were left essential because they're supposed to still be there for some DLC expansion involving more fighting between the Stormcloaks and the Legion? You know, leave the named commanders in place and then just spawn more generic soldiers when and where needed, because both sides still need to be "in place" for whatever happens in the expansion. What if it's all leading up to something involving an eventual alliance between the two sides, say, in the wake of some bigger issue like the Dominion suddenly decides the time is right to strike...

I dunno. But it would be an interesting way to resolve the problem of "what will the Lore say about who won the war." No matter which side you took in the original game, after that part is over, something else happens and Skyrim and the Empire reunite in some fashion to deal with it, Ulfric/Tullius (whichever one survived the CW questline) is killed, then the history books say there was a war for independence but the two sides joined up to fight a bigger threat and the aftermath makes the CW look like small potatoes so it becomes little more than a footnote.
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