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Old 10-06-18, 10:20 PM   #44
Christopher Snow
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Originally Posted by Bleiente View Post
Ah - I'm starting to understand - you want to customize your immediate environment to the simulation.

Then you might be interested in this:

Cool, yes, but overkill, IMO. I'm always looking more toward "multi-discipline" PC platforms, and those too that are affordable and accessible for the masses. I've seen the railroad specific and airliner specific home built in's described there.

For me, a big, vertical flatscreen in front of me is enough. I COULD, if I were so inclined, replace a portion of the flat desk in front of me with an upward facing screen...probably covered with use as a plotting board: The sort you can write on with a grease pencil if need be, but that too seems like overkill IF I can use similar (graphic) tools on the screen plot itself, and I suspect I can by now. That would be enough.

I don't need to grab onto the periscope handles provided I can imagine using them to pivot the scope through a 360 sweep. And from what I remember of SH3/(and limited intro to) SH4, that's good enough.

Voice command would be cool IF you could tailor it to real naval commands, but at the level I last used it, that wasn't possible. I think I last used "Game Commander 2," which let you save three voice commands for each game command (for sample comparison purposes).

You could say, for example: "Come left ten degrees" and in a typical subsim you could "assign" that to the command "come left ten degrees." Might work...might not.

Similarly then for five, and then single degrees. What you COULDN'T do (then at least) was say: "Come left to a heading of 335." As a commander, you would have to do the math yourself in increments. If you were previously at 355 you could say "come left ten"...and then repeat it (to come left a total of twenty)...but you might have to adjust it +/- 1 after that to "trim it up" too.

As a WWII commander, I like the idea of issuing commands by voice, true, and specifically so I don't have to fiddle with mouse and keyboard...and command station.

But that's maybe something for SH6. [?]

Last edited by Christopher Snow; 10-20-18 at 12:14 AM.
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