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Old 10-31-08, 12:11 PM   #12
Graf Paper
Ace of the Deep
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I'll tell you what I know...and it ain't much.

cfg stands for configuration. These files are used to set various "plug-in" values for elements in the game, such as how renown is accumulated or the maximum speed of a vessel.

cfg files in SH3 work much like lua scripts in other games. Altering or adding entries and values changes the behavior and attributes applied to the game elements.

eqp (equipment) files deal more directly with the allowed weapons and devices of a submarine or ship by date.

Both cfg and eqp files can be edited with a plain text editor, such as Notepad. Using Microsoft Word or other similar office applications is not recommended because of the embedded formatting used by those word processors.

Other files that control attributes... val, zon, sim, dat, cam, dsd...have values that can be edited using S3D, Silent 3ditor, skwas' very excellent tool that makes modding SH3 fairly simple compared to the days when a lot of SH3 mods were done with a hex editor.

val (value) files control attributes and behaviors of vessels and objects as seen from within the game, like how buoyant your uboat is or the size and length of a ships's wake.

zon (zone) files deal with the specific parts of a ship or submarine, such as how many hit points the conning tower has or when a compartment is considered flooded.

sim (simulation) files concern specific behaviors of a vessel or object as seen from within the game, such as how far your deck gun can turn and how quickly it can be raised/lowered.

dat (data) files relate to the 3D models like the positioning, texture, and lighting effects used on the various parts that make up a submarine.

cam (camera) files set the various points of view for the player, such as where you are standing when you move to the u-boat's bridge.

dsd (direct sound data) sets all the various associated sound effects associated with a vessel or object within the game, like when the noise of your u-boat's diesels kicks in after sufacing and which sound file is played for that diesel noise.

I hope this info helps but I cannot promise you it is complete or 100% accurate. Like I said, it's what I know at this time.

If there's a more experienced modder that has better information on this, please do tell.
Still sailing the high seas, hunting convoys with those who join me.
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