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Old 08-07-13, 07:19 PM   #2711
Navy Seal
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Following the report by TDW, about the new radio patch, I have reworked RadioRooms's zone settings and rearranged the damage boxes of a couple of ships. Download link below:

Ship Radio Damage Patch Test 1

What I have done:

- RadioRoom zone settings:

based on the formulas that a while ago TDW has posted in this thread, I have created a spreadsheet for previewing the effect of different Armor Level and HitPoint settings on the damage made by U-boat's ordnance on different ship types. This is what we had so far:

Game settings on the right (RadioRoom settings marked in yellow), espected results on the left:

  • zone armor: the armor level of the radio room, as determined by ships' main armor levels and by radio room's armor level setting.
  • piercing chance: percent chance that a shell will pierce radio room's armor, on a direct impact (color code: green - the shell has a 100% probability to penetrate the armor; red - the shell won't penetrate; orange - there is a random chance to penetrate the radio room).
  • blast effectiveness: the capability of a shell to cause damage to the radio room at different ranges from the impact point (color code: green - as far as the shell hits a point which is within its blast radius from the radioroom, the radio room will get damage; red - no matter how close the impact point is to the radio room, the shell is unable to damage it; orange - distance of the radio room from the impact point is critical [no damage done at the furtest damage radius]).
  • - number of round needed: max/min estimated number of shells hitting the radio room (or a point close enough to the radio room for it to take damage from blast explosion) required for radio equipment to be disabled. Double these numbers for getting an estimations of rounds required for the zone to be destroyed permanently.

As you can see, with previous settings (Armor Level: -1, HitPoints: 30) the only possible damage was from direct impact, with various piercing chances depending on the shell used (AP 88mm shell more advantageous) and on the armor level of the target ship; battleships and some destroyers invulnerable, no matter the ordnance used against them. In theory, disabling the radio equipment of the vunerable ships would have taken 1-2 88mm shells, but since their radio room was surrounded by other zones, a direct impact was impossible and their radio room practically indestructible.

The new settings now (Armor Level: -0.25, HitPoints: 50):

As you can see, for most ships a direct impact has a 100% chace of penetrating radio room's armor, no matter the ordnance used. The one exception are battleships which would require AP 88mm shells with only a 27% chance of success. For other ships the best ordnance selection is 88mm HE, due to their ability to cause blast damage on most ships. Another advantage of HE over AP shells, is that a smaller number of them is going to be required (1-3 vs. 2-4).
The only minus I can see, is that in my opinion 20mm shells are a bit too overpowered now, but addressing this flaw would require editing some other parameters which are not the focus of this mod.

If someone else wants to play with diffrent parameters, I can upload my spreadsheet here.

- Damage boxes

For testing purposes, I have worked on only two ships at the moment: the Appalachian, and the NLL that TDW had been playing with the last night.

I have made just minor changes to their radio room boxes, but I have made space around them, scaling down and/or moving other surrounding boxes. Now nothing is on the way between our muzzles and the radio rooms, so direct hits should be finally possible.

Moreover, I have added to both ships all the missing radio antennas. The Appalachian has now 2 transmitting radio antennas (one on each side of the horizontal element below the huge radar antenna), and 8 receiving antennas (i.e. one for each of the wires connecting the radar mast with the fore and the aft masts). As for the NLL, she got 1 transmit antenna (the horizontal element on the aft mast, just below the flag pole) and 2 receiving antennas (1 for each of the two halves composing the wire which connects the two masts). Getting rid of them in 1-2 shots is obviously impossible, but you can aim to the masts which they are linked to in order to remove them permanently

I am waiting for feed back, before applying the above changes to other ships

Last edited by gap; 10-06-13 at 12:07 PM.
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