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Old 07-04-17, 01:48 PM   #1529
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Default OK more stupid questions

Okokok good stupid questions-

One- most importantly-- a bit of background, I have finally after long last moved into the house I have been building for the last forever. However I only just got internet, but had the power turned on a month ago, so I had been playing a lot of DW during nights to pass the time. I got into the mission editor, had a little fun bamboozling up the missions. I noticed the Iowa-class BB and the Iowa-mod CG.

What I want to know is will they shoot their guns? I can't seem to figure it out. The CG mod will launch TASMs and Harpoons, and they seem to shoot CIWS at incoming missiles, but I have never seen them shoot their guns. Possible? Or just for decoration? Because I want to see some 16" gun kabooms!

Second... am I doing the tactics wrong when inserting a new ship? I can't seem to figure out how to make them attack *anybody who needs attacking* rather than just pick one ship... sometimes they don't even seem to want to attack the ship I pick as their attack target. Maybe I need to pick a different tactic like expanding box or transit search etc.?

Thanks! I had more questions but forgetting now, will remember soon.
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