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Old 08-15-17, 01:02 PM   #1735
Navy Seal
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I was digging around in my CD collection looking for a particular album (which I still haven't found) and I came across an album recorded by the actress Goldie Hawn back in 1972. I had found it in an unsorted CD bin at the late, lamented Tower Records store on the Sunset Strip. Most albums by non-singer celebrities are very often train wrecks (see: anything by William Shatner), but Goldie actually was/is not a bad singer at all; here she is covering a Joni Mitchell song:

...and a Peter, Paul & Mary cover:

This clip is by French actress/singer Claudine Longet, former wife of Andy Williams:

I included Longet because, while re-listening to Goldie's album, I was reminded of Longet; Longet had been a very active performer until 1976/77, when she was tried for accidentally fatally shooting her then Olympic skier boyfriend in Aspen, Colorado; she was found guilty of negligent homicide and served 30 days in jail and paid a small fine. Remembering Longet in turn reminded me of a scene in the TV series, Gilmore Girls. In one episode, Rory, the daughter and her friend are listening to a Claudine Longet album. Lorelai, the mom, comes into the room and asks who they are listening to; Rory replies "Claudine Longet". Lorelei gasps and says, “The chick who shot the skier?” Rory replies, “Um, sure, why not?” Lorelai says, “Wow! Renaissance woman!”...

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