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Old 09-03-11, 03:59 PM   #12
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Hmm, it looks like the BTH isn't drawing properly under windows... Might be my version of SDL (1.2.11).

Phew! That was a bit of a pain.

OK so basically here's what I had to do:

- Commented out the options parsing section, so only defaults are available if you compile with MSVC (until the getops() while loop is rewritten with something portable).

- In files.cpp defined DATADIR to be char* DATADIR = "data" This will make the game look in its binary path for the datafiles it needs.

- Changed fabs to abs in radar.cpp since the arguments are all signed ints (MSVC gets pissy about this because it can't determine from the argument types whether you want a double or float version of fabs).

- Got rid of all the weird double includes (i.e. #include "SDL/SDL.h" followed by #include <SDL/SDL.h>)

- Removed SDL/ from the beginning of all SDL-related includes.

- Defined snprintf as _snprintf for MSVC compiles

- Defined strcasestr as strstr for MSVC compiles (This is technically inaccurate as the two functions have slightly different behavior)

- Defined strncasecmp as _strnicmp for MSVC compiles (the former does not exist under MSVC as it's nonstandard C).

- Grabbed and compiled all the dependencies in addition to SDL (this part was a pain because the new versions of MSVC require you to specify your lib/include directories for each project individually).

In addition to SDL, openSSN needs the following deps:
- SDL_image
- SDL_gfx
- SDL_mixer
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