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Old 08-07-08, 01:27 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Typical Russian
The player receives the same result as in history. It shows, that the ships and game system are capable to give realistic result. Without knowledge of an epoch, tactics and the ships will play difficultly. If you wish to feel the participant of the true war this will be game for you. And if you wish even times to feel the most invincible, magnificent, remarkable and so on with this there will be problems. Have got used to fast result, wish to win only? I understand it, but I do not support.

Yours faithfully
Totem Games
I can appreciate historical accuracy. The demo may have proved more interesting with a battle that didn't historically take hours of just two ships firing at each other with little effectiveness. Ok so some people may enjoy that I guess. I'm just saying, that particular battle is not very interesting to play turn by turn.

I may be interested to play if it were in real time with the ability to pause and go forward in time. To play that battle turn by turn was just repetitive and time consuming. When I played, all I did was follow the AI ship and fire at it. While that was happening the ship just kept running away as if it didn't want to fight. Not retreating mind you. It was moving in large circles as I followed and fired. I'm not a historian and not very knowledgeable of the tactics of that battle. However, I'd like to think it wasn't as silly as it played out for me in this demo.

I don't want to feel invincible. In fact, I wanted the AI to fight back. I was playing as the monitor by the way. The conflict may have been different if I played as Virginia, but I didn't stick around after that to try it.

In fact, I wonder why the game is turn based. Real time would be exciting to me. If there is option to play this game in real time I'm sorry but I did not know. I guess I'm going to have to read a preview because I only really know of this game what I played in the demo. The campaign may be fun.

That demo was boring. The game itself may be good, but I believe that demo did not show the game off very well. That demo has led me to think that the game itself may be just as boring.

But that's all just one persons opinion...
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