Thread: P3 wth!
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Old 09-29-17, 05:13 PM   #24
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No problem FPS I'll explain it the way I read it.

32555 Direct Move:
It launches the torpedo directly at the target's location or turns the torpedo directly to the bearing you set and then performs it's set pattern.

Example, using the setting of Snake 11000, the torpedo will make a right turn (30 degress) from where it enters the water and perform a "narrow" snake pattern after it's RTE setting.

You could use that setting if for example flying course 270 and target is on your right heading right. Say target is at 000 from you at launch, you launch when you are directly below target, the torpedo should make a 30 degree right turn then start it's snake patter after running the set RTE. So this would give the torpedo a setting to hopefully intercept the target instead of running to where the target "is" when you launch.
But remember this. If the torpedo doesn't land directly below the target (from described above) and lands further down your course, when it does it's 30 degree turn it will most like miss because the target is now possibly 60 degrees on the right. Hope that made sense.. Easier to draw it out lol

Now, if you use the 32555 setting, the torpedo (instead of making it's 30 degree turn), it will turn directly to the selected target OR turn and run down the bearing you set and start it's snake pattern. So if you shot directly behind the target and say the target was going directly away from you (or straight at you), the torpedo would run straight at it using it's snake pattern. As well, instead of guessing your shot will intercept the target in those 30 degrees from the 11000 settings, you can say hey, let me shoot this torpedo at that guy and make it run course 045.. For example; your flying 000, the target is directly N of you heading 090. Let's make that torpedo try and intercept them at 045. Might work great if the target is going faster and you shoot further away.

So the 32555 setting is desirable in certain situations. All these settings allow you to shoot from all locations instead of just needing to be flying straight at a target or shooting behind you etc. You can make the torpedo initially turn right or left 30 degrees to intercept target or shoot it directly at the target OR bearing

I just noticed after the updates that the 32555 setting is messed up and when you use it the torpedo doesn't perform a snake or a circle like before, it just runs in a straight line and it never searches. I had them run right by the target and keep on going.
It does make it's direct move (the name of this setting) but the other half of the function doesn't work now.
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