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Old 10-23-13, 08:41 AM   #42
Posts: n/a

ok, took a look at your screenshots. first of all, are you using any mod that change your stock torpedos? 2nd, the different depth between the torpedos is caused by the launchers ability to raise/lower the barrel +/- 1 degree. the nose up/down caused by the programmed torpedo depth in the.sim of the torpedo, so is the different angle of some torpedos relatively to it`s curse. the reason is, that when firing the launcher, that is actually a cannon like the other gunturrets, the barrel aims towards the estimated target and shoots an invisble dummy shell. the torpedo is launched instead of the muzzle flash, this way i corrected the random targeting error of darkfish´s original spawner. so you have to think that way: the torpedo is a child of the parent node, the muzzle flash, and will always follow the vector of the parent, so it will run in the original firing direction +/-1 deg to the water level +tolerance. diving ones while be nose-up`s , as the torpedo will try to reach the running depth of his .sim; if there is a guidance enabled, it will also have a different horizontal orientation. this can best be seen using homing torpedos, they will turn towards the loudest soundsource but won`t reach it because curse and depth is dictatet by the muzzle flash the time the launcher fires. so what we can do is setting the elevation and tolerance both to "0", but i do not know if the launcher will properly fire(eg heavy whether, ship´s not steady-not time for targeting maybe?)
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