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Old 04-02-11, 10:59 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by SgtPotato View Post
I want to learn about intercepting the convoy with radio contact.

1) it is very important to start your ploting to intercept the contact ASAP after you will receive the radio contact
2) after i received the contact - the navigator will report me the: convoy speed, convoy course, the convoy scope-bearing (related to our position) and also the range between us and the convoy
3) plot these information on the map and you will obtain the convoy position on the map
4) draw with the proractor an angle from UBOAT-CONVOY-CONVOY COURSE
5) keep in your mind this parameter 3.33
6) if the range between us and convoy it is for example 600 km... make like this: multiplication factor= MF

MF = (range/100)*3.33... in our case MF = 600/100*3.33 = 20

7) We supouse the speed of the convoy it is 10 knots

MARK 1 = convoy speed*MF = 10*20 = 200 km

put MARK 1 at 200 km starting from the convoy position and going 200 km on the convoy course

8) Choose a speed that you want to travel to intercept the convoy... let say we choose 15 knots

uboat speed*MF = 15*20 = 300 km

9) take the compas and draw a distance of 300 starting from MARK 1 ... the circle will intersect the line between uboat and convoy... MARK 2

10) Take the proractor and draw an angle from MARK 1 - MARK 2 - CONVOY

11) Let say that angle is 40 degrees

12) take the proractor and make the same 40 degres angle from CONVOY - UBOAT - AND GO to intersect the convoy cource line
14) MARK 3 where the proractor line intersect the course convoy line... this is the point where you will intercept the convoy if you will run at 15 knots

15) measure the distance from your UBOAT and the MARK 3 - lets say it is 180 km (i choosed all numbers random... do not try to match those numbers)... so if we run 15 knots for 180 km wee need around 6 hours and 30 minutes

16) lets say your time it is 12 am

17) order to your uboat to go in the MARK 3 direction and order a speed of 15 knots... mean that after 6hours and 30 min you will be in the same point with the convoy... so this will be at 6 and 30 minutes pm

18) order a speed more than 15 knots.. lets say 16 .. or 16.5 knots... in this way you will be 1 hour or more before the convoy will be in that point... prepare you for an fast 90 attack and wait for the convoy... you can search with the hydro in mean time... if the convoy will not change course in mean time he is like an mouse in a trap

IO learned this methode from Kylania... here you have his explanation... with his explanation, my tutorial and this writting i thing everything is clear:

I'm not entirely happy with the intercept image, but since I made it at 5am I won't worry too much about it, but here's how I intercepted a convoy last night. This is with map contacts off, so no ghost to follow for me.

Here you see the first contact report, at 05:26 about a large convoy 614km away, moving towards me at 13kts. What you don't see is that at the time I started this plot it was already 05:45, so I should have taken that into account.

Next comes the big messy picture!

Step 1: I use the protractor to draw from my u-boat to the contact, then out along it's path of travel. When I did this, I made three mistakes. First was waiting so long to start it, second was not bringing the line out far enough and third was not getting the angle of travel perfect.

Step 2: I draw a line from the contact out along it's direction of travel according to it's speed. Since it's traveling at 13kts and was 600km+ away, I picked a multiplier of 20, meaning the line I drew was 260 (13 x 20) km long. If we were closer I might have picked a multiplier of .5 or 2 or something to plot a line 6.5 or 26km long, depending.

Step 3: I use the compass to draw a circle from the end point of the line I drew in step 2 which is equal to my speed (13.6) times the multiplier I used before, which would be a circle with a radius of 272 km.

Step 4: I find the point where the circle crosses the original bearing to the contact, the first protractor line I drew. I measure the angle from the end point of step 2 to the meeting point of bearing and circle then towards the contact. In this case you can kinda see it's 32 degrees.

Step 5: I now take that 32 degrees angle and measuring from the line towards the contact, to my u-boat, then towards the path of travel of the contact and draw out the 32 angle line till it crosses the travel line. This is where I made another mistake, since the original protractor I hadn't drawn out long enough, so I had to use a ruler to make it longer. That's the extra 170km line there.

Step 6: The point where the step 5 angle and the step 2 course lines meet is where I'll intercept. I'll place my waypoint at that point and head towards it at my current speed. It's Mark 1 in that image.

So now I'm chugging along towards the intercept point. I draw a 30km circle around the point to represent basically the hydrophone range around the spot where I should be able to hear the convoy.

What's this!? At 17:28 I get a hydrophone contact from my sonarman saying he hears something coming from the general direction of where the convoy should be. But as you can see I'm still some 80km or so away from the intercept point!

In order to cheat a little I draw out a 50 degree angle from the front of my boat to the left (360 - 310 contact bearing = 50 degrees port) and send my external camera to see what's there.

And there it is! The beautiful, battleship escorted giant convoy! Turns out it was only traveling at 9kts by the time I reached it (which is why I met it ahead and past it rather than right on) and also changed course a bit too I think. It's changes like that which can cause you to miss convoys a lot, especially at ranges of 600km+ like this one was.

So, took me 12 hours or so to intercept it, and I almost missed it, but I got close enough to be able to intercept and sink 4 ships from it!


12) How to intercept a Convoy in SH5 ==> Link

Last edited by stoianm; 04-02-11 at 11:55 AM.
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