Thread: Radar Always on
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Old 10-16-18, 03:12 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Red Devil View Post
I have radar off, usually when near home, but still get radar, contact - long distance. I was just approaching Midway and radar was off; them started getting a flood of radar contacts. Very annoying. And cannot turn off aircraft radar? No mods, colour maps, torpex torps - nothing else
Usually players have the concern of "Why doesn't my radar set turn on?" Which is due to the Stock game doesn't "hide" the radar unit when it isn't available.....usually about mid 1942. You can try to use the radar set before this date, but nothing works.

AND, players have the idea that there is only one "type" of radar on the sub, which is not the case.....and probably what you are finding out.

The SJ "Surface Search Radar" is what is shown on the two different radar sets (the A-scope; PPI units). They both show the same thing, just in different ways. It's this "type" that you can turn off when it's available.

The SD "Air Search Radar" is what you're running into that's providing the reports of radar found targets as you approach a base. This "type" does not turn off; it's been with you from the start of the game; has no effect on the A-scope, or PPI units, but a detected target is shown on the Navigation Map; and it's what is alerting you of air it or not.

The FOTRS Ultimate mod is the only mod that addresses this issue of being able to "turn off" the SD Radar. By turning "off" both the SJ and SD radars, you will only be alerted of ships/planes when your crew actually see them from direct observation, or by Sonar detection for the surface ships.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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